I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability Chapter 224

[Hey~ Then I will only harm you from now on~]

"Go! Be more serious and you will die! Pay attention to the occasion!"

After hearing someone say such shy words without any seriousness at first, Tear Zi also quickly yelled and pulled the topic back.

This guy is really annoying to death!It's nothing more than to say this in private. Now the chairman of the board is watching it with his own eyes!

[Don’t worry~ Nothing will happen~ Right, Mr. Chairman~]

"Hehe~ Of course, but I hope you can promise me a request~"


Sure enough, it couldn't be a free gift.

Looking at the face in front of me, which was the same as my own, tearful eyes were full of entanglement.

What can be requested by the chairman himself, and still be done by tears. Obviously, it can't be achieved by that simple. Can tears really do it...

[Well~ what is the chairman, please tell me~]

But what surprised Leizi was that there was no accident at all, but she responded with a smile.

...It seems that he is really much more mature than she thought. He is usually a kid-like guy, his behavior and personality are very casual, but he is quite clear.

"Nothing~ I just want you to help me kill the Demon God~"

[Sorry~ I can't do it~]


So fast!And what is the devil!

Hearing Tears' rejection in less than a second, Tears couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

These two people seemed to have telepathy, and they started to talk about words that were completely incomprehensible, so that Leizi, a real ordinary female middle school student, didn't understand at all, and could only stay in place...

"I know~so it's not you now~ but as long as there is a chance in the future, we can join hands together~ don't you think that group of demons have been in a high position for too long~"


Hearing Yaleista's voice as if to persuade him to "join in" with the tone of "good brother", I suddenly felt a little wondering what to think. Of course, in Yaleista's view, he was He has already begun to be "heartbeat", "obviously" he also knows the existence of the devil, and has been dissatisfied with them for a long time!

If you want to do it, you must do it!It's hard to get such a good opportunity, it's just for them!

But... tears really don't want to be mixed in at all!

Although Yanniang really has that ability and can really pull the Demon God off the horse, he is really persuaded!

He didn't know where this power came out of him, so he wanted to get those powers that were not in the same dimension at all... Damn!He has a lemon!

"Don't worry, as long as you can successfully fix one for me, I will let you restore the man's body~"


by!Began to bully and lure!

No wonder she has to use a body like the tears!

"I have seen all of you who have socialized with you. They are all cute girls, right~ Hehe, it seems that you have a hobby for young and beautiful women. If you need it, I will help you properly. How are some things~"



Why does this Ya Niang seem a little strange?

"Are you looking at me all the time... Oh~ so that's it~ Since I haven't moved for a long time, I have forgotten that I am also a woman~ OK, if you are interested, I can come out and give you a deduction now As a bargaining chip, if you resume lv6, I can post with you, double toulong is also OK, if it succeeds, how can I send you both hou and qian noodles~"


"Deal a ghost! Wait for me! What are you talking about! It's reasonable...Chairman! Please take care of yourself!"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter~ I used to write official neng novels~ I am still a popular serial novelist~ This little thing can't trouble me~"

"Please don't raise your thumbs upside down! Bad! Really the worst! Both of you!"

"It's okay, I can wait~ The body can be changed first, it's okay, just treat it as a deposit, it's okay if it doesn't refund~"

[Don't worry, I will make it]

"Enough of you two!!!"

Author's message:

(The first chapter of the second volume~ Please support us~ The blade monthly ticket is recommended for rewards, and you can have another wave~ More popularity, always give me motivation to update~

In addition, it’s impossible for tears to turn back into a man of course~ But...what do you think of futa (funny)? Just kidding, don’t be so serious~)

Chapter 153

"...In other words, one of you is classmate Zuotian, and the other is Mr. Lei. Now, the two personalities have been separated by special means, right?"

"Hmm~" x 2




"...It always feels so esoteric, I really don't understand it, it's two Saten classmates, two Misaka-senpai, etc. They are about to be confused!"

Seeing the two black and long straight girls sitting together in front of them, they look exactly the same from the outside, and the girls with short brown hair sitting in the corner who have been typing on the keyboard, Chuchun couldn't help sighing again weakly. Tone.

Before today, she still felt that she was living in an ordinary people's world, but she did not expect that as of today, there would suddenly be so many strange phenomena.

If Misaka-senpai is also placed here now, doesn't it look like looking in a mirror?

The somewhat depressed Chuchun couldn't help but start thinking about it.

However, she probably understood that these two were actually of different interest.

One is twins, this is also quite common, but Misaka-senpai has never heard of it.

And the other...it should be the "black technology" of Xueyuan City, I haven't heard of it, but Mr. Lei, she has seen it with her own eyes... and her skirt was lifted.

"...Um...Which one is Zuotian classmate and which one is Lei Jun?"

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