I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability Chapter 229

Obviously it's only ten days' time, but it has been like a whole year. People who could not be touched before are now within reach...

"What... why?! Don't touch me casually!"

……Okay~ Reality is reality after all, where is it so easy to touch~

The moment he touched it, the tears scared the whole person to tremble, and then took a step back, tightly covering his body, watching the tears full of vigilance... no need for this Right?

Tears smiled bitterly, and put his hand back.

Sure enough, the previous "favorites" were all fakes, and such scenes only appeared when forced. In fact, Tears themselves are very restrained girls, and they are much more conservative in dressing, except for uniforms. wear a skirt.

As before, even if it was connected to one another when sleeping, taking a bath and going to the toilet, it was gone, and it would never happen again.

"I know, I know~ ah~ now it seems that there is no good way to do it~ I should have known that I should be with the cute tears~ I can take a bath together or something... By the way, I can also take a bath now What~ I’m sorry, I have to go back to my room to rest~ Goodbye~"

"Wait for me!"

When I heard the front, Tears still sighed a little.

After all, tears have been with her during this period of time, so although I have been complaining about it, after getting used to it, I always feel at ease.

Now that the tears were not by her side all of a sudden, she might still feel a little uneasy, obviously she still had a lot of things to rely on him, but now suddenly...

Suddenly it exploded!

This bastard!Finally, she was about to forget about it, but now he still mentions it on purpose!

"Why~ I can't stop sleeping in the future~"


Damn it!This guy is really annoying!

Seeing tears now smiling and looking, tears are about to explode.

In the past, she was able to watch by the side anyway, and she was always warning tears not to do bad things. As long as tears think about it, she will be stared at, and don't think about doing anything to other girls.

But now, let alone other girls, tears can do whatever they want with this body!

But for the tears, she has no way to refute it. After all, this is someone's body, not her body anymore, even if he is going to do it in private, she doesn't know at all!

"Sleep is very necessary. Meiyin is helping me at this time, but in fact Meiyin thinks that Teacher Lei should do something we love and hear, which makes people feel a little moving. May I have Meiyin experience it?"


"Go away! Don't make a fool of me!"

She quickly covered Mei Yin's mouth, tears glaring fiercely, her eyes full of anger... but there was also a little helplessness.

Alas, there is no way, this matter is also doomed, since it has reached this level, there is no way, anyway, I have seen and seen it before, touched it, and since it’s done, then just can……

"Here will install another door at that time, I will come to see the situation at any time! If one day I find out that you are doing a bad little action, you can wait to die!"


Seeing the cold tone of tears, tears couldn't help but shed a drop of cold sweat.

She was referring to the doorway to the bedside of his room just now, and a door was installed directly... and depending on the situation, it should be a one-way door. She can only come over, and he is not allowed to pass.

Such behavior has obviously violated the legitimate rights and interests of an ordinary adult man. Even if the child is only 13 years old, it is enough to constitute a serious tort.


...But the tears still bowed his head.

After all, there are tears in front of him. He doesn't dare to provoke her. If he is really angry, it will be more difficult to coax at that time. He doesn't want to be disgusted by his favorite character in the super artillery to an irreparable level. Now that I have already had a good impression, after accumulating for a period of time, I must be able to rise higher, don’t rush slowly, there will always be a chance~

"It's best to understand, otherwise I'll..."

"That's it~"

"...Anyway, I just don't allow you to cross the line too much! Get it!"

Originally wanted to threaten a bit, but Tear Zi found that he had nothing to threaten at all.

Is it necessary to publish all those ulterior secrets?

Forget it, just listening is scary enough, and she also feels that she has no weapons in her hands that can threaten the bastard Tears.

...Except for "acting like a baby".

Although this kind of statement made her feel a little uncomfortable, she can be sure that this trick is really a hundred spirits~!


And after hearing what Leizi said, Tear really hesitated, and then sighed dumbfoundedly... and let Tearzi breathe a sigh of relief.

He... even if he does it in private, she can no longer control him now, but she must not cross the boundary!

"But then again~ During the recent period, we can really go out and enjoy the world of two people~ It happens to be summer vacation, and there is nothing to do. Can we have a date~"


But the words of tears made tears fall into silence again.

His face was a little red, and he turned around a little embarrassed.


Usually naturally refers to the kind between men and women in love.

Although Tears are still in her daughter's body, she is still a man in her heart, so if she really goes out with him alone, it can indeed be considered a date.

If it were an ordinary date, it would not have attracted so much attention. After all, she was originally "average" and would not attract the attention of others. Although the guy Tear once boasted of her appearance Not bad, but in fact it should be that way, it should be very ordinary.

If such a pair of men and women walk on those lively streets, they should indeed not attract any attention, and they look like "twins" now, they may be more eye-catching, but probably No one thinks they are walking together as if they are dating.

But the problem is not here!

The question is whether she wants to accept the invitation of tears!

First of all, there is no doubt that tears are a bitter wolf.

As long as it is cute girls, he can't help but look at them a few more times, and from time to time, he will wipe out those girls.

Secondly, Tears are a bastard, there is no doubt about this.

As long as it is something that interests him, he will happily mix it up, even if others feel painful, he will still enjoy it.

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