I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability Chapter 239

Early the next morning.

"Student Zuotian! Mr. Lei! I already know everything! What's useful, please let me know!"

"Good job, early spring!"


Really called here.

Looking at the excited girl with a wreath on her head, she only felt her head exploding in tears.

I know that embarrassing things may happen, but the tears are still a little unspeakable.

Yesterday, although I asked Daqu's thoughts, he did not tell Daqu about his own thoughts.

So it's not too embarrassing.

But if they keep on doing it like this, I'm afraid it will make it more troublesome, and the dormitory will probably still be pissed off...Huh?

"Huh? Tears, where have you been?"

"Mr. Lei?"

But at this time, Tear's figure suddenly disappeared, making Chuchun and Tear child who were still watching him just now couldn't help being a little stunned... But they quickly reacted, and then looked stupidly in front of them. Two familiar figures of...Uh!Why are they here?!

"Saotian and Chuchun?"

"Why are you here?"

At this time, a girl with a double ponytail and a girl with short hair both looked curiously and looked towards Leizi and Chuchun, obviously surprised why they were here.

... No wonder Tears (jun) ran so fast just now, if they continue like this, they will be spotted immediately!

"Misaka-senpai, and Shirai-san, are you here by chance?"

"Oh~ Call me Misaka-senpai, so I still have tears~"

The girl with short hair smiled and looked at Leizi. Even if she knew that her identity was different, she still didn't change her words, but continued to call her name.

"Yeah~ but what are you guys?"

Tears were also very happy, but it was obviously not such a coincidence that they suddenly appeared in this place at this time, and the whereabouts of the two actually seemed a little bit "suspicious".

"I was a little curious to see our housekeeper coming over."

Heizi explained that they were just here to pass the time. It was rare to see the housekeeper on the road, so I was a little curious.

"Really, it's just an old maiden no one wants, that is, a job like a housekeeper in a female dormitory. With this kind of personality, it is the age when no one wants it. I don't know. What kind of man would be willing to marry such an old woman."

Really, this kind of cold-blooded woman really doesn't know that her cold face will scare children?It really makes people feel very painful.In the past few days, she has to be twisted her neck every night. I really don’t know what this woman grew up eating. She is so strong that she is a silverback gorilla!

"It doesn't need to be said to be like this~ And the housekeeper lady already has an object~"

"No, classmate Saten, that demon is more terrifying than you think. This kind of woman will definitely... Huh? Someone... Huh?!!!"

"It's too loud!" x 2

Hearing Heizi yelled directly out loud, Leizi and Chuchun immediately covered her mouth with excitement, and then dragged them away quickly. It was this kind of occasion. Take a look at the atmosphere!


"Really... I didn't expect it! The housekeeper would actually have a man she likes, and she would show such a gentle smile to the children in a place like this! I'm a sunspot, it really deserves death. Ah! Save a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart!"

"Shhh! I said it quietly!" x2

After hearing that someone had started the show again, Chuchun and Leizi hurriedly put their fingers in front of their mouths again, and asked her to whisper.

And Mikoto, who was standing on the side, blushed a little at this time, looking shyly at the dormitory who was smiling and talking to a man in the distance...Huh?

But at this moment, the dormitory suddenly walked out and noticed the four of them directly...Uh!dying!

Heizi and Mikoto immediately shrank their necks and stood up subconsciously, with cold sweat... After all, the psychological shadow was too heavy.

"...You know, well, there is no need for the children to stay here anymore, let's go back early."

"..." x 2

But what was unexpected by Kuroko and Mikoto was that the wardens didn’t care at all. On the contrary, they seemed to look away and lose their strength...

"That...Miss housekeeper, don't you like that...then..."

"No, it's over."

"..." x 4

Author's message:

Today is so difficult to code...but we are about to enter the main line of super artillery, besides, the dormitory is not completely daily here. Let me explain a little bit.

Chapter 161 The One Who Wants the Bite

"...In other words, Teacher Dayu already has a favorite, and the target is Miss Moye, right?"

"Well, that's right, I'm sorry, I asked for this kind of information without authorization, but from the side, it really feels like this."

Seeing the mature woman who sighed softly after a long pause in front of her, she had some tears and didn't know what to say to her.

But for her sake, she said as much as she could.

Some things are not easy to change, no matter what the situation is the same, there is no way to tears, even if he is now the Hanged Girl, I am afraid it is the same...Oh, that will not be true, if it is really the Hanged Girl At that level of madness, I am afraid that it will forcefully change the minds of others.

But even if it is a very clever character in the original, tears will not feel any difference.

Some people would say that it’s just a trick, just do what you want. Anyway, the house supervisor is obviously more "important" now, so don't care about the feelings of the boring head teacher, just make some bad ideas and get it done right away.

It is true that there is a way for Tear to make Da Yu forget the dean and then fall in love with the ward, and there is probably more than one.

But it's nothing more than cooking rice with raw rice, or it made Da Yu's impression of the dean worse. Anyway, Da Yu hasn't confessed, and it's nothing to get involved. The dean probably didn't. What a special idea.

… It’s just this kind of behavior that seems too selfish. Tears feel that I am a selfish person, but it will also harm others. If it is said that two people who should have been consummated because he wants to help others succeed If he is gone, he has become a passerby directly, and there is still something to be hurt.

So he told the wardens about this matter.

How to choose is up to her.

"That's the case...By the way, you seem to know that I am a dormitory, I remember that I didn't say it, right?"

I sigh and sigh, but the dormitory is a dormitory after all, and the more he is hit, the more he can calm down and think of some blind spots.

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