I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, One of Absolute Ability Chapter 246


"This ice cream is really delicious (nano)~"


"This is the first time I wear a kimono~It's so cute (nano)~"


"I am so happy today~ Thank you everyone (nano)"

She had changed into a white yukata and thanked the friends around her with a bright smile on her face.

Obviously today is only the first day when she came to this place, she has already experienced so many interesting things~

This time it happened to be holding a firework convention, and it was the first time she saw something like a firework convention. It was so interesting~

"It's okay~ Everyone is very happy today~"

Wearing a blue yukata, the tears with a single ponytail also showed a smile.

Today, she is indeed more dazzling than usual. Two strands of hair are tied on both sides, and a high ponytail is tied up in the back. She looks very cute, but it’s a pity that someone is not here now, so there is no Get the praise she wants most.

I really enjoyed it today.

I met a new roommate in the early spring, then this girl is one of her best friend "alternate" members~ and in fact, this child is indeed quite good~

Games, eating, taking pictures, eating, participating in the fireworks display, eating...Although eating takes up most of the time, the girl’s mouth is indistinguishable from the outside, she is unexpectedly greedy, but it is undeniable Yes, I really feel very happy today~

It's a pity that the idiot tears has turned off his phone again, and I don't know where he is now.

...But this is also normal. After all, Shirai-san and Misaka-senpai are here. If you want to conceal this matter in tears, you still have to keep going, but she doesn't quite understand why she can't let them know. Obviously, after knowing it in the early spring, it will not have much impact, right?

It's a pity that Tears never tell her about this kind of thing, every time she sells it, she knows almost the same as others.

But fortunately, seeing the cute child of Chunshang classmate, the guy who tears must have an unhappy smile on the corner of his mouth again. Really, it is useless at all. Just imagine it, it makes people feel very Not feeling well!

"Well~ this firework festival is very interesting~"

Early spring is also quite excited.

Obviously, I couldn't even wear the bathrobe just now, so I called and cried and asked tears to help her and Chungami classmates wear them, but now they are still jumping around, not caring about the complicated dressing at all.

"Well, it's a pity that Gu Fa-senpai didn't come."

"After all, we must continue to investigate things about'messy and openness'. It's not a bad thing to focus on work. It's just that my elder sister, she obviously wears a yukata, so why should she wear such untimely shorts inside? It's so stupid."

"I want to... you want to take care of it! I like it! And I can't see it anyway, right?!"

After hearing Kuroko's lesson, Mikoto's originally grinning little face also showed embarrassment, and subconsciously covered her yukata robe that had completely wrapped her body, and renewed the frog mask on her face. Put it on.

She also had a great time today. She went shopping everywhere, ate a lot of things, and played a lot of games. It has been a long time since she has had such a fun as now~

It's just that she was still a little embarrassed after being disturbed by Sunsoo.

She also knew that there seemed to be no one else who would wear shorts or something under the yukata, which sounded a bit strange indeed.

But without safety pants, I always feel a little bit unsafe, chilly, and feel insecure.

"Pay attention to the places that others can't notice, it is also a condition that women must have, and the safety pants will have folds, really, they don't look like a lady at all."

Of course, Mikoto's theory is completely unworkable for Sunspot.

If Heizi hadn’t been obsessed with Mikoto, the two of them would be totally people from two worlds. Their interests, preferences, personalities, etc., would not have a place to match them. And don’t look at Heizi like this, if you replace it with Others, even if they had Mikoto's character and ability, Kuroko would still dismiss it.

It's just that the person in front of her is her elder sister, that's why she is so infatuated...Of course, this infatuation makes Mikoto a headache.

"Huh? This car is... it seems to be an advanced situation rescue team car, right?"

But at this time, Heizi still noticed that there was a big and conspicuous car parked beside him.

After seeing the mark, Heizi felt a little familiar, and felt that he had just seen it where he was today, and then remembered after a while, it turned out that it was the mark of the organization of the woman who was speaking at today's meeting.

After hearing that inspiring speech today, Heizi was also very satisfied.

There is no nonsense, and it hit the key. Although the meeting ended soon, it really hit the key point and emphasized the danger. She is indeed a very capable woman.

"Ah, really, because of the recent messy opening event, right?"

"Huh?!'Unorganized and open'?! So the recent'urban legend' is true?!"

Tears, who had just mentioned this matter today, couldn't help but cried out with excitement, his eyes still full of interest.

There are so many "urban legends" recently~

Fantasy Mita, stripper, fantasy killer, and the same person that I saw in three places in one day... This is probably the Misaka sisters, after all, there are 20,000, and they will walk around from time to time. To be honest, it hasn't been discovered so far. It is the most surprising thing that caused a large-scale panic.

... But maybe the upper level has done something, after all, it is impossible for this kind of thing to leak everywhere, it is probably to erase the memory of people who may know it.

Leizi is not a little girl who doesn’t know anything anymore. Now she has seen Yalesta twice. In any case, she can be said to be quite bold in terms of courage, and she also knows a lot of what should have been. Evil has a dark plan, so her mind is definitely not the little girl who didn't know anything before.

It’s just... this incident, it seems a bit weird, the tears are not dealing with this matter... Really~ She thinks too much~ Obviously that fool is just a lazy who doesn’t want to do anything. Why do you want him to be so great?Do you really think of him as a hero who will come whenever there is danger?

"Don't be so excited. If it happens in a crowded place like this, it will be terrible."

Chuchun told Laizi with a little seriousness and a little reprimand. Seeing that she seemed to be totally irresponsible, but still cheerful, she was also a little angry, really, obviously this is not something worth joking about. .

What should I do if it does happen?

Author's message:

The plot must be a part of the jump, anyway, the tears are not here, I can’t write all the details, but there will be a different plot soon, everyone will support it~

Chapter 165 Earthquake!

"Ahaha~ I know~"

After hearing Chuchun's complaint, Leizi also scratched her soft hair in a bit embarrassing manner. Although it had been tied up, the degree of smoothness was far beyond imagination.

...I always feel as if it is really getting better and better. Will it become like this just after gaining the ability?


But at this time, Leizi let out some unexpected exclamations.

Maybe it was because she hadn’t been fastened before, so her hand slid down a bit, and she slid down a long distance directly, removing her hairpin, and then directly returning to the usual black length. Straight and loose hairstyle.

"Ah, it's falling again. It's been like this several times recently, and the hair is too smooth."

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