I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability Chapter 248

Seeing that Jin Yi suddenly started not speaking, and bowed his head and walked away, Chuchun was the first to react, and then a little confused.

"What's wrong, I suddenly stopped talking?"

It’s the same with tears. He was smiling happily, how could he suddenly...eh?This feeling... kind of strange.


"Huh? What happened to Chunshang classmate?"

Mikoto was also a little confused when she saw that Jin Yi suddenly started walking slowly and silently to the distance. Originally, she should continue to enjoy the beautiful scenery here. Even just chatting is good. , Why suddenly started to leave silently?It seems that even Leizi and Chuchun students are a little surprised, nothing will happen...

"It must have been deliberately separated in order to let the two of us be alone~ Chungami is really an unexpected and knowledgeable girl~ My sister! Come on! While looking at the beautiful scenery, let’s have a loving lingering relationship with Kuroko !"

"Get out of here!"

Toot toot!

"Look! The calls are coming! Pick them up quickly!"

Desperately pushing away the troublesome body in front of her, which had begun to twist, Mikoto immediately yelled at her nervously.

This guy doesn't look at the situation, this obviously won't be like this!

"Really, it's rare to have such a good atmosphere, every time it's wasted...Hey, Gufa-senpai, what's wrong?"

Heizi, who was disturbed by the "good things", is obviously full of complaints. It is obviously such a good opportunity. As long as there is a little chance, she will be able to directly deal with her sister.... Hehehehe...

But I didn't expect that at this moment, there was a phone call, and it was from Gufa-senpai... Well, I really didn't have any vision.

"I have just investigated the reasons for the'messy and openness'!"

"Oh, you can find it if you find it. Although the job is important, the Gufa Senior Sister is also a human, and she also needs her own rest space."

Heizi reluctantly complained to the phone.

It’s a bit too wasteful to call her suddenly just because of such a "little thing". Finally, she is resting now, and the result is that "advanced rescue organization" and solid law. Sister, let people not rest?

Of course, if there are really troubles, she will definitely still have to work, it's just like this...

"No! Now is not the time to say so free!"

"..." x 2

After hearing this roar with a little anger, let alone Heizi, even Mikoto who was on the side heard Gufa's words directly and couldn't help frowning.

...... Listening to this tone, it seems to be quite serious, it can't be a simple incident.




"...In other words, someone may be deliberately causing the incident, right?"

"Well, it's really like this... Huh?! Shirai-san! Shirai-san!"

Hurrying voices kept ringing from the phone, but now Kuroko and Mikoto have no free way to answer the opposite side of the phone!

There was a violent earthquake around here again!

And it's still strong enough to exceed the normal level of a strong earthquake!

What a joke!This kind of earthquake is definitely not an ordinary situation!



Needless to say, Mikoto grabbed Heizi's body directly and obediently this time, and Heizi did not have time to think about the soft touch this time, but quickly teleported away immediately!

I just heard the Gufa senior sister explain that this incident did not happen naturally, but was caused by man!

In other words, it will definitely happen again in the future!

And all these problems are really very bad, and if the other party does not use it randomly, but specifically targets them, it is really very bad!

After moving for a moment, the two immediately arrived at the place where the tears were. They are both powerful people, so even if a stronger earthquake really happens, there will be no big things. It shouldn't matter if you have such a good skill, but the problem is that Chuchun and Chunshang students seem to be too weak, who knows if something has happened!

"Tears! Early spring classmates! Spring classmates! Are you all right...Uh!"

"Please be careful... uh!"

Two sounds of astonishment came from the mouths of the two at the same time. Heizi and Mikoto looked at the scene in front of them dumbly...

Jin Yi was squatting on the spot with her head in her arms, looking like she was a bit painful and confused, while Chu Chun desperately covered her little head, not caring about her situation at all, and stupidly made herself more petite. The body is blocking it... and besides, there is also a pink mecha who does not know when it appeared here, as if to get close to them to help them block the telegraph pole that was smashed down from above...

... But all this is no longer necessary.

"It's okay! Early spring! Spring classmates!"

A long, dark girl was nervously calling to her two friends, while stretching out her hands to forcibly support the fallen telephone pole!

Although it seems to be a little strenuous, the girl's mouth is also slightly open and panting, but it is indeed blocked!


At this time, it's not over yet!

The black long straight girl roared, she applied force directly with her hand, then lifted the entire telephone pole, and then smashed it into the distance!

Rolled a full five or six meters away!

... Is she really human?

Although I haven’t known her for a day or two, everyone present including Kuroko, Mikoto, and Chuchun couldn’t help but look stupidly at this weak-looking girl...No, where is this? Delicate?

"...Did you do it? This earthquake?"

Author's message:

Of course, this is not the only thing to change. The next chapter is the highlight~ Tears are not always mixed.

Chapter 166 This woman has a problem!

"Huh? It...who are you!"

After seeing Leizi staring at the pink robot with a serious face, Mikoto, who was initially stunned, also reacted, and then hurried over, staring at it with a serious face!

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