I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability Chapter 252

"...Hehe~ also~ Tearzi likes interesting things~"

After recalling the scene at that time, Mikoto couldn't help but laugh.

Indeed, at that time, Tear Zi seemed to look at Chunshang from time to time, but he took a 10,000 step back and said that even if Chunshang was really suspicious, it was impossible for Tie Zi to know what was wrong. After all, she was not. It is impossible for a special professional researcher to discover anything.

"Yes, that character is really like someone, who likes to cause trouble~"

"That's what I said~ Tear guy is the same trouble~ Even worse~"

"Sorry, elder sister, I just missed one. It should be the same as two people. You and Saten-kun like to cause trouble~"

"Hey! You have to count me in this way!"

After hearing what Kuroko said, Mikoto was also a little bit dumbfounded.

But speaking of it, I didn’t see tears today. I always feel like I miss him a little bit. She still likes that interesting personality~

Of course, just as a girl, although he said that he is a boy thought, Mikoto can’t imagine the two personalities of a girl. How can there be a man’s thought, at most it is slightly more neutral That's it, it's like her... ahem!She is not neutral!She is a normal girl!

"You were originally a troublesome culprit, but there is one other thing that really surprised Kuroko, it's about classmate Zuotian."

"...Well, how does her power feel like it has become stronger."

You know, telegraph poles can't be removed so easily, let alone lift them so far and throw them away.

The current strength of Leizi is probably comparable to those of lv3's physically enhanced abilities, but her ability is clearly the inexplicable "fluid manipulation".

"...Since the last time I used'Fantasy Mitac', Saten-san's physique and ability have been constantly improving. Have you changed? Sister-sama?"

"No, it's still the same as before. I feel that it has reached a certain bottleneck."

Of course, if the time is longer, there should still be improvement, but that is just normal growth, and it is no longer comparable to the obviously exaggerated growth rate of Laizi.

"...Why is it only for Saten-classmate...it was not Saten-classmate who caused it..."


Author's message:

Do things, do things~

Chapter 168 I'm Not a Broken Dog (Super High Energy! Please Subscribe!)

"Sleep really sweet~"

Looking at the quiet figure on the bed, Tears showed a gentle smile.

From the fireworks show just now to the nearest hospital, to their dormitory in the early spring, the whole journey took about 20 minutes. After all, there was nothing to do. After a little check, it would be fine. near.

After returning to the dormitory, Chunshang classmates fell asleep quickly, and then showed a very peaceful sleeping face, very simple, very cute, really like an angel~

"I'm sorry to ask you to accompany you back here~ Obviously there are still people to take care of at home~"

Chuchun was a little apologetic to Laizi, originally there should be someone in her family who is "hungry", but because she is really worried about her classmates, and she is afraid that she might be out alone. I can't solve the problem after I get out of the way, so I want to rely on the student Saten who usually likes to make trouble, but is very reliable at the critical moment.

"Don't care~ I asked to stay here on my own initiative, and it's not your fault~ And your roommate is also my best friend alternate~ How can you keep such an important girl like this? Take care of it alone~"

"... But is there really no problem with Miss Mei Yin?"

"It's okay, Meiyin seems to have become obsessed with ordering takeaways recently. Now there are two meals for three meals a day, and they are directly called to eat... That girl, I'll go back and fix her well~"

Fortunately, when I talked about that girl, the corner of Leizi's mouth couldn't help but twitch a lot.

Although there is no shortage of money now, and the tears are directly handed over to her to keep the money... What is it like "wife, save it for marriage"... Since this is the case, why do you want to save her? Here, idiot...huh~

But even in this way, seeing Meiyin like to order takeaways all day long, tears of course felt very upset.

Just like to waste money, and doesn’t the food she cooks tastes good?I have been hanging around all day, saying that my stomach hurts here, my hands cramps there, and so on. They have completely turned into a "parasite".

I really want to let the guy Tear take a good look at what the child has fallen into at the speed of light in the two days he was absent.

If her Misaka sisters are also like this, she really understands how good Yuriko-san's temper is, and even if she has enough money, she will probably be mad at her mentally.

But this should be a special case. Leizi thinks that I have seen the other two Misaka sisters before, so there are some comparisons, but this one is obviously more weird, and I don’t know where I learned so much. Sao operation.

"Ahaha~ But today I really received a lot of care from Saten classmate~"

Chuchun also showed a smirking smile on her face. She had also seen Meiyin, so she naturally knew Meiyin's character.

For the girl who looks the same as Misaka-senpai, Chuchun is still very interested in it, and she has given her something to eat...Like Chungami, as long as she feeds her something, she will be very polite. After eating it, he said something "very polite".

But since it’s so cute, I don’t mind in early spring~

Of course, this matter is not at odds with the matter being taken care of by Zuotian.

Today I was really taken care of by Saten-classmates. I helped them move together, put on yukatas, led the way to find a secret observation spot, blocked the huge telephone pole, and went with them at the end. I went to the hospital and returned to the dormitory, and I will stay here today to prevent accidents of the students in Chunshang.

"Roar~ Is it just today~"


After hearing the words of the tears, Chuchun couldn't help but puffed up her small mouth, pouting a little uncomfortably.

Although it helped her a lot, Saten-student's statement like this is really too much!Isn't it just saying that she has been taking care of her all the time!Obviously she is a little older than classmate Zuotian!

"Speaking of it, it's really surprising, Chunshang classmate, can't remember anything about the events of the earthquake...

But at this time, Tear Zi also looked at Yu Yi and narrowed his eyes slightly...Every time an earthquake, I feel dizzy and can't remember anything. Doesn't this clearly indicate the impact of the earthquake What happened to her?

Is it really...no, it's not possible to judge right now, in short, let's protect Chunshang first.Although the possibility of someone coming to steal her is basically zero, it is not absolutely zero, and it cannot be said that there will be no more "messy and open" incidents.

"...Well, according to the doctor, it was a mild blow."

Although he said that, Chuchun's face showed some worry.

It's just because there was no trauma, but I fainted, which made me worry more.

Obviously it is such an important matter, but there is no sign at all. Even the doctor can't check it out. It makes people feel so worried.

"...Huh? This is..."

But at this time, the figure who had been sleeping suddenly woke up, and on the cute little face that had not fully opened up, some sleepiness had not yet cleared away.

"In our dormitory~ You are awake, Chunshang classmate~"

"It's all right~"

Seeing that Jin Yi finally woke up, both Leizi and Chuchun breathed a sigh of relief. They looked like they just woke up from sleep. This is the best way.

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