I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability Chapter 286

"...Cough cough! Speaking of which, why are you here with tears? Don't say it's a coincidence, I don't believe there will be such a coincidence."

Originally there was nothing to say, but Mikoto, who was forced into this situation, also anxiously turned her attention to tears.

Originally inexplicable, how could he suddenly come here?

He doesn't seem to like to eat hamburgers or something like that?Why did someone suddenly come to this place alone?

After hearing Mikoto's words like this, Leizi and the others turned their gazes back, and then looked at Tears with some curiosity.

Especially tears and early spring.

They know that there is a "lazy guy" waiting in Tear’s home, and Tear knows better that Meiyin herself never knows how to cook... Even if she buys vegetables, she will not do it, let alone go out. I bought groceries.

In this case, Tear and Tear have already negotiated. If all three are there, Tear will do it, but if Tear is not there, Tear will be called takeaway.

But today, tears can obviously go home, and now it’s just the meal, but he ran out alone...it doesn’t look like he would have a temper with Mei Yin?

"...There are many coincidences in the world~ You don't think this is a coincidence, but maybe there is such a coincidence~"

Tears did not answer Mikoto directly, but said something vague.

He doesn't like lying, but it is definitely impossible to tell him the truth, so he can only say something that sounds very suspenseful.

But in fact, this kind of thing does exist by coincidence.

In the original work, it was supposed that the bad priest would go to see God Ji after he found the leader, but before that, the leader had already met Ji God by chance.

...Maybe this is the so-called fate, this kind of thing, even the hanged man may not be able to predict it.

It's like Tear came to see Ji Shen this time, it wasn't a coincidence, but... it was a real coincidence that he met Leizi and them.

"...It's inexplicable, what's the point."

Mikoto gave a bit of uncomfortable tears. His imaginary attitude was obviously "pretending to be forced", which made people a little uncomfortable, but it was always a little inexplicable.

This is what makes tears "annoying". It is indeed often annoying, but it can't be refuted.

"This is a lesson from an experienced person~ You may encounter various difficult things in the future, and this may also make you easier~ If you can relax a little bit, you should be able to accept it. ~"


"...What are you talking about? Today is always weird. You should explain this one first."

Mikoto’s brows were about to be twisted together when she heard the tears saying something that she didn’t understand. Of course, apart from the tears, no one could hear what he was talking about. Even in the early spring, it felt vaguely. By the time he was talking about Sister Misaka...Of course, she didn't know the relationship between Mikoto and Miko, so she just guessed it a little.

But Leizi is really worried.

She was really afraid of tears coming out suddenly, Mikoto, you have a clone or something... Although she knows that tears can’t say such stupid things, and she won’t tell others to know, but she really can’t tell the tears of this person. Sometimes I like to do stupid things to scare others.

"Well, in fact, I just met just now. It hasn't been long since, Ji Shen, are you a high school student?"

"...I should be called Senior Ji Shen...Well, I am a high school student and a student at Wuqiu Women's College."

After listening to tears' questioning, Ji Shen couldn't help but mumbled "in a low voice", and then nodded.

But after hearing her words, the other four girls couldn't help their eyes widening.

You know, Wuqiu Women's College is one of the top five super prestigious schools that are on the same level as Tokiwadai. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the top university in the world, but this girl who was lying on the table because of eating and supporting her stomach and giving up herself. ...How do you look like a "genius".

However, Heizi stayed a little bit more godly.

Originally, Wuqiu Women's College was specifically recruiting some special talents. To be precise, they should be "geeks." Those with ordinary abilities, even those with great abilities, might not be accepted.

So what kind of ability is this "Miko" lady in front of me?

"That super prestigious school?! So are you also a big lady?!"

Of course, for a certain senior eldest lady, this situation is of course very exciting.

In the early spring, both eyes flashed, and his eyes were full of excitement, he stood up and looked straight at the god Ji, who was the furthest away from her!

His face is beautiful, his skin is tender and slippery, his black hair is beautiful, his temperament is cold, and the holy witch costume on his body makes it feel like a daughter of a shrine.

You know, shrines and things are rare in the school city, but there are still many outside, and they are basically only rich people can be, not to mention Jijin looks so special, for the early spring It is really a good opportunity!


"Where can there be a lady who doesn't even have 100 yuan."


After hearing the words of Chuchun, the girl who was a little bit happy and nodded hesitantly also suddenly let out some sad sobbing, and looked at the tears of sudden spitting with aggrieved expression...Although she is indeed not a big lady, But being regarded as a eldest lady, she was a little bit happy in her heart... but she didn't expect to be shocked so quickly.

"Really, because it's the eldest lady, there won't be a 100 yuan coin! Lei Jun is really a person who doesn't understand girls' hearts!"


After hearing Tear’s words, Chuchun quickly retorted Ji Shen directly, but Tear didn’t feel anything on her own, but Mikoto, who was opposite, was a little restless... After all, let’s not say it was a 100 yuan coin. There are a lot of game coins in the game hall... Usually it doesn’t feel like being talked about by tears and Kuroko, but now Chuchun students suddenly start to talk about it. Although she lay down the gun for no reason, Mikoto still felt a little hot on her face Hot.

"Really? You think too well, after all, she still has no money to go home."

"Really! I've said nothing about this kind of disappointment! 100 yuan or something, everyone has it...Ah! I didn't mean Miss Ji Shen didn't have it! I mean...Woo..."

Chuchun hurriedly explained that he had missed his words again, but because he was nervous, he didn't know what to say. He could only make a cute whimper and wave his hands with tears.

"...For 100 yuan coins, I have 5 coins."

"..." x 5

Seeing the five coins that Ji Shen took out of his pocket, everyone was a little confused, and took them out like this...Always felt a bit "stunned", this person really is a natural stupid.

"So, can you lend me 100 yuan?"

Of course, she still did not forget her original intention, nor did she feel shy.

Although it was a shame to ask a girl who was several years younger than herself to borrow money, Ji Shen couldn’t do anything. She didn’t know how to make money, so she could only rely on reaching out to ask others for money. life.

Of course, in fact, it is not as miserable as it sounds, she is still very relaxed, usually if she thinks about it, someone will give her money.

"Well, good, me..."

"Wait a minute~"

"Huh?" x 5

Ji Shen, who had already seen that the money was about to arrive, but was suddenly taken away by someone, couldn't help but frown, but was not angry. Instead, she looked at the tears in her eyes, somewhat aggrieved. It feels... why?Do you want to grab 100 yuan?

"What are you doing, tears, hurry up and give it to others."

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