I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, One of Absolute Ability Chapter 292

"Don't worry~ Claire, everyone knows it, but I saw it suddenly, I felt a little surprised~"

Leizi immediately smiled brightly at the girl with red double ponytails, and her tone was not the same as usual.

"...What, don't scare me!"

However, to Claire, this tone not only did not make her doubt, but immediately believed it!

There is no way, after all, at that time, tears and tears were not separated yet!

"Ahaha~ It's just a joke~ But these are my very reliable friends, please bring them all together~"

"...So many people? Don’t? It’s very dangerous. That Oreos has become like this now. Who knows if he will make heavy moves. I can feel at ease when you go, but they Really can……"

"..." x4

Claire looked at the other three people with obvious suspicion, frowning slightly, apparently disgusting.

Such an important task, of course, is to ensure that there is nothing wrong with it. Even if it is really necessary to fight, you must send absolute elites to it, right?

... She saw all these three girls last time.

What kind of performance?

There was one who stayed in the house the whole time, and the other one didn’t see anyone during the whole process. The last one was rescued while following another woman, and the other party was almost sighed by the Dragon King. It was hit, but fortunately, it was rescued with the help of tears in the end.

...How could she dare to believe them with such a performance!Isn't it just looking for death to take them to such a dangerous place?!

"Uh...cough cough! In fact, everyone is quite a reliable member~ Early Spring can help us find the destination, investigate the structure inside, and investigate everything clearly. Shirai-san is a space mobility person. , Can bring people to appear in other places instantly, and Misaka-senpai is one of the seven superpowers in our academy city, the third-ranked'Super Electromagnetic Cannon'~! Very good~!"


No, what the hell, what the hell do you, an lv6 absolute capable person, say here?

Claire couldn't help but cast a tear in secret, and then silently complained in her heart.

But she also looked at the three people around with her eyes again.

I have to say that listening to the introduction really made her a little excited, it seems that she is indeed a good talent, especially the "space movement"!If you use it well, with her ability, you can instantly achieve super powerful lethality!

"...Since this is the case, take them there, but be careful. Although you are great, please pay attention to it. Anyway, he is also a member of the church that we used to have evil. , It is indeed quite outstanding."

...Necessary evil...

After hearing this name, it makes people feel a little uncomfortable, it feels like they have done some bad underground organization...

"That's right~ Indix is ​​okay recently?"

But at this time, Claire suddenly showed a bright smile, and a very happy look appeared on her face. It was different from her somewhat arrogant appearance just now, and she looked much gentler.

"...Well, it's good~ Sister Dongma has been taking care of her all the time. Speaking of which, she sometimes mentions you~"

"Don't! That woman is annoying to death! I don't miss her at all!"

After hearing Dongma's name, Claire immediately showed a "disgusting" look on his face, making the four of them unable to help crying or laughing, but Mikoto nodded secretly.

This sentence really makes sense. After all, she also hates that woman who hugs her at every turn... Although she and Heizi are two types of people who are essentially different, they still feel quite similar. Feel uncomfortable!

"Haha~ But having said that, I still don’t remember the previous tasks very clearly, I have forgotten a little bit, can you tell me more~"

Tears folded his hands together, owed a little, and closed his right eye, pretending to be cute and begging to Claire.

"...Um... well, let's talk about it, although this shouldn't be known by too many people."

But after only a slight frown, Claire nodded.

If it were not for this person, she would not have said such a thing.

After all, this kind of thing is almost tantamount to the internal problems of the "necessary evil" church itself, and his own magician betrayed, and then he did it, and his face was lost.

...So, now I am not afraid of losing a little more, as long as he can be solved, this incident can still be solved successfully!


"...Like this, Miss Ji Shen... is the'vampire killer' right?"

After listening to Claire's explanation while walking, Leizi first spoke in silence, and after listening to the others, they couldn't help but feel a little moved.

...... It sounds like a terrifying title, but in fact, vampires are just like ordinary human beings, and they also have feelings and reason.

But the girl named "Ji Shen Qiusha" has a very special power, which will make vampires unable to help but suck her blood, and the moment she touches it, she will die immediately... and this, also Including everyone in her entire village, and even her close relatives...

"No wonder Miss Ji Shen is like this..."

Chuchun couldn't help but sighed with some eyes flashing.

In order not to hurt others, I locked myself in that library and tried my best to avoid contact with the outside world. Academy City was able to isolate the vampire, but it was not able to completely relieve her ability, so I reached an agreement with another person. , And then can no longer continue to shame vampires.

"Have you met her already?"

"Well, I just met a while ago."

"...It's really accidental."

But after hearing the meaning of everyone's words, Claire also behaved unexpectedly, her eyes flickering... It seems that he really knows everything!

Tear guy, he just threw this kind of thing to her, it's so disgusting!

Although on the surface she was pretending to be sighing, but deep in her heart, Claire had already started to frantically dissipate some unscrupulous Absolute Ability!


Well, before she came here, she had already been in touch with Tears.

Jishen Qiusha's situation, Oreos's situation, where is the location, when is the time, these have been set!

Even the fact that he and Tears have separated has already become clear!

So she also knows that what is standing in front of her now is the real "tears" she encountered when she was behind Sister Huozhi!

Tears that bastard!The two of them were supposed to solve this incident directly. In that case, there would be a little more incident to talk to Inticus for a little bit. It’s okay to relive the old times, so as not to that dead girl. After not seeing her for a while, she was completely left behind!

But what I didn't expect was that the bastard Tear directly threw these four girls to her!

What a joke!What do you think of her dignified and necessary evil genius Miss Claire?!Babysitter?!

"... But if you have seen it, it is just right. As long as you find it, you..."

"... Baijing Kuroko."

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