I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Sakuriko, Absolutely Powerful Chapter 38

"Understood~ Please wait a moment~"

And this young lady was also very understanding of people's hearts, she just ignored Mu Shan's words, then smiled and listened to the tears, turned and left.

Of course she could also see that the physical condition of this seemingly mature lady is quite bad, she should be a great beauty, but it is a pity now, sure enough, we still need to add more fruits and vegetables. , Just add some nutrition a little bit!


Mu Shan stared blankly at the waiter who had turned and left, and then at the tears with a bright smile on his face, his eyes full of entanglement...

The kid’s smile...like them...




"...Saku-san, you are lv0, right?"

After being silent for a long time, Mu Shan said softly in her mouth, as if she was full of countless regrets. After saying this, her whole person became a little more wilted...but the look in her eyes was even greater. Firm.

This kind of thing, as long as there is a little bit of inability to persist, it will be shaken, she is very afraid that she will feel relieved for a while, and then...

"Um~Yes~The incompetent~"

Tears didn't seem to be too surprised by Mu Shan's words, but accepted it calmly. When talking about the "incompetent", the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"...Then, have you heard about the "Fantasy Mita"?"

Mu Shan smiled lightly, and then slowly said something that is very popular among young people nowadays, which is obviously very different from her usual image that she doesn't understand fashion at all.

"Of course~ Without training, you can get free props to increase your ability quickly, right~ I heard that there seem to be many incidents related to this recently~ Will there be bad guys at work~"


However, after hearing these words of tears, Mu Shan fell silent again.

She didn’t expect that the tears would be like this when she opened her mouth. Obviously she knew something about it, but she didn’t know how much she knew. She had already stopped the things she wanted to take out of her pocket to give her. Living……

"But it shouldn't be. Actually, ability is something that only depends on people. I think it's a good item to improve ability. If I can become a strong ability person, I will definitely help. Everyone~"



Although the tearful sentence was obviously bluffing, even a certain girl who didn't want to care about him quietly complained in his heart at this time.

What's the point of him pretending to be obedient like this?Sounds shameful!

Tears, she is a good girl, even though she feels that if she really has a strong power, she might really go to help others like Chuchun, Misaka-senpai and Shirai-san... ...But it would be too ashamed to say it!

Isn't it enough to know this kind of thing in your heart?!Even if I have to tell this strange big sister like this, I always feel like a child showing off to an adult, shameless...

"...What a good wish~ I think this thing should help you~"

"Is this... a headset?"

Seeing a small earphone and an mp3 style thing that Mu Shan took out in front of him, tears showed a look of "surprise".

But obviously, he knew exactly what was inside.

"This is the'Fantasy Mita'."



As soon as Mu Shan said what she said, Tear Zi immediately couldn't help but yelled it directly in Tear's mind, but at this time, she could no longer care about the awkwardness. Such a serious matter suddenly appeared, obviously something was wrong. !

"...Fantasy Mita...is this? Is it...music?"

Tears did not pay attention to the tears first, but continued to pretend to ask.

"Positive solution, the body of'Fantasy Mita' is indeed a piece of music. According to the principle of "sympathetic", that is, due to the stimulation of one sensation, multiple sensations are triggered at the same time, and the senses are stimulated by a certain method so that other senses are stimulated. , So that your potential can be stimulated again."

"...You really know~"

"Well, because I'm researching this aspect, I have been asked about this aspect of information. It may have been accidentally contributed to the birth of this thing, but it will not cause excessive harm to the human body. Don't worry. ."

Mu Shan said calmly. There was no emotional fluctuation in her dead fish eyes, but... the eyes that she opened slightly let tears understand her true meaning...

But... Tears thought of an interesting thing~

Chapter 39 The Man with Tears~

"Is that so? But wouldn't it be so good..."

There was a look of "difficulty" on tears' face. Although the corners of his mouth were still smiling stiffly, but from Mu Shan's point of view, he had already begun to struggle inside.

"No, although it may make you feel a little uncomfortable at first, over time, you should be able to have a certain degree of permanent improvement."

"...So awesome~"

In the eyes of tears, a look of longing was gradually revealed, and this also made Mu Shan's eyes squint slightly... It seemed that there was no doubt.

The voices of the two of them were not very soft, and there were many people around, but they didn't care about what they said. Instead, they were talking about themselves, and the content...

"Hey, they are talking about'Fantasy Mate'~ There are a lot of'Fantasy Mates' recently, should we get all of them?"

"I think, but is that thing really okay?"

"Don't worry, you two, I bought one, tried it, the effect is real, and the price is not very expensive, only 20,000 yuan~"

"Eh?! Is it so cheap?!"

"I want too!"


Content like this almost flooded the entire restaurant.

After all, most of the students here are young students. Naturally, they are also very interested in today's "Fantasy Mita", and as long as one person mentions it, the people around them will not help but follow along after they hear it. Having said that, so now the two of them are not at all inconspicuous at all, and even some people talk eloquently, speaking more professionally than Mushan just now, all kinds of proprietary names have come out, and the people around them are stunned. Dumbfounded.

But this is also normal. In this college city, the level of ability can almost be said to represent one's own status.Unless it is a professional researcher, otherwise, the incompetent and the incompetent will not be able to lift their heads in the face of the high-level ability.

Now suddenly there is something that can improve ability. For high-ability people, it seems that it is not very useful, or even useless, but for low-ability people, especially the incompetent, it is a thing. What a great opportunity!

The superiors may have become accustomed to being in a high position, so they will not feel it, but for the inferior, once they have tried to feel the superior, it is difficult to let go!

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