I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolutely Powerful Chapter 506

Is it another conspiracy?

After hearing words such as "control" and "manufacturing", the four of them immediately felt some pain in their heads.

Why no matter when or where it is, there will be so many people seldom mixed in it

Those filthy plans, not only did no one stand up for their duties, but they were obeyed!

Such a small child!

For such a small child, do they have to gain anything from her?!

Thinking of this, the eyes of the four were full of anger at the same time!

Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, there is definitely nothing wrong with tears!

Are these people still human?

Although this child is a man-made human, isn't it true that he hasn't learned and has no meat?!

Isn't this kid just the most ordinary kid?!

Maybe it was the clones and the Misaka sisters that had happened before, which shocked them too much, so that they are still brooding about it now.

Although the Absolute Ability Project was not carried through to the end because of Yuriko's gentleness, in fact, isn't it just that they are the only ones who really worry about the Misaka sisters?!

To what extent do the remaining so-called rich people who fund funds, laboratories, and talents want to trample on human nature?!

"But don't worry, this child is basically in no danger at the moment, and I have found the organization she is in, and I will destroy it at that time."

"Don't be time, destroy it now!"

Mikoto couldn't help but growled with some impulse.

What does this kind of scum stay in the world?!

Pull out!

Dog decision!

But at this time, Mikoto saw that when the other four people looked at her, their eyes were a bit tangled... Uh, it seemed to be a bit exaggerated.

"You can taste this kind of sugar."

"Sugar? I... Woo! What does it taste like!"

"...Very weird."

"It's really unacceptable."

"I can't stand it."

Tears just removed a candy in the Phoebrie bag, and let everyone try the taste.

It's just that the result is naturally obvious, and everyone's face becomes very ugly.

People with a normal sense of taste will not like this taste!

But why did Phoebe eat so happy?!

"This child's body structure is very special and requires special materials to sustain life. This is the kind of sugar. Although it looks like sugar, it should actually be regarded as a kind of'food' for her, and it is also If there is no necessary food, she will probably die soon."

"Huh?!" x 4

The four of them were shocked immediately after hearing this.

Gosh!What a joke!This is too dangerous!

……Well, of course, these are not the tears of his own investigation, he did not even look for the frog face, because he has already seen the cause, course and result of the matter in the original book.

In fact, the group of researchers really has no moral bottom line, especially the one taking the lead, which is basically a complete scum, and finally they have to repent and realize something... Well, even though it is for the purpose of Super Gun , Is a normal thing, but to be honest, tears still want to kill them directly.

"Don't worry, I have a solution. For the time being, I can let this child live here for two days. During this period, I will ask Dr. Underworld Soulchaser about the situation. You are all aware of his medical skills, absolutely no problem."

"...Hmm." x 4

After hearing that the frog face doctor could help, the four of them also breathed a sigh of relief, and the seriousness and anger on their faces disappeared a little.

This doctor is so powerful that even the body of a cloned human body can still be restored to its original state.

It is really reassuring to let a person like him do something!

"So during this time, you should play more with this child first. In addition, keep these candies as good as possible. It is still more important now."

"Hmm! Don't worry!"

No wonder she kept biting this kind of candy in her mouth when she saw this child. I thought it was a hobby of this child, but now I know that it turns out that it is necessary for survival...

Alas, why treat a child like this?

What if this supply is gone?

What should I do?

"Well, besides, the person from that organization may come after a while... You can just solve it at that time, don't need my help~"

"Of course!" x 4

Chapter 65: Genius

"Come on~Fibery sauce~This is delicious~"

"Try this too~ this tastes better~"

"No! This one is more delicious!"

"Nothing! Mine is more delicious, right!"

"...I want to eat~!"

"Um~!" x 2

After hearing the little girl's answer, the two disputing girls immediately responded with excitement, and then they shook hands and made peace.

This kind of thing is really important to them who have fallen into a crazy state~

"Really, it's an adult anyway, don't spoil a child like this, it will spoil her."

However, the twin ponytail girls on the side didn't want to join their camp at all.

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