I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability Chapter 513

"Eh?! Why are there two Phoebe sauces?!"

"So cute~!" x N

After seeing the scene before them, the girls present couldn't help but their eyes widened, but they quickly reacted, and then looked at the two blond twin girls who were hugging together.

"She's Jenny, Phoebe's twin sister."

But at this time, Tears came over with a smile, and then put his hands on the little heads of the two little girls and put them gently.

"It turns out that there is a sister for Phoebe-chan~ It's really cute~"

"But Phoebe sauce is not... so it is~"

"Fibery sauce, it's so good~"

After seeing this scene, the surrounding girls continued to smile and surrounded the two girls, and then squeezed out the tears.

"...Tears, this child is also..."

Except for the three of Photon and the others, the other four knew the situation, and even if they knew, they didn't ask anything first.

But Leizi came over and asked quietly.

"Well, Jenny may be considered the'original', and Phoebe is the'backup'...Of course, it doesn't make much sense now."

Regardless of whether she is a backup or the original version, to them now, they are just pure sisters.

Those who made them are now controlled by tears... To be precise, they are controlled by a certain queen, without the slightest resistance at all, they are directly manipulated by her...

Psychological manipulation is really a buggy ability. When it is used, winning or losing is really a matter of a moment.

What's more, the group of people are just ordinary people who have no ability. The moment the bee-eater approaches, it is considered a genius head and has no meaning.

After being controlled, it didn't even last three minutes, and all the confessions had been confessed. The way of medicine, the inventory, and the hiding place of Jenny, how to treat, etc., were all easy things.

Indeed, this kind of genius in the world of ordinary people is indeed incredible, it is no wonder that he has such an idea of ​​resistance.

But after all, it was too restrictive. Even the Kihara clan used strength and wisdom to do things together. With him, it is no wonder that Kihara Huansheng would be mocked.

But the process went so smoothly that it was unimaginable to tears. I thought there would be a big battle or something, at least I have to make a big scene and destroy a piece of drive armor... But I didn’t expect it to be just a little play. There is no resistance at all.

Even if he appeared directly next to the group of people, they did not respond.

...The difference in the speed of reaction is really too great, and the difference in strength is even bigger than he imagined.

Ordinary people are ordinary people after all, and there is really a big gap between those with absolute ability like Tears.

"That's it...Did you get that candy?"

Tears breathed a sigh of relief. It was obvious that Tears had solved those things secretly, and it seemed to go smoothly... This is the right way. If even the tears are troublesome, then I'm afraid. It's really troublesome.

But she still has to pay more attention to that candy.

After all, she didn't care about those who made these two children. As long as these two children can live with peace of mind, that would be the best, and those sweets are naturally inseparable and important food now.

"Don't worry, the amount is guaranteed to be sufficient, and I have confirmed with Dr. Underworld Soulchaser that they can gradually rely on my energy to survive in the future. Although this is not completely possible for the time being, at least there will be nothing to the body. Big damage, it's okay~"

"That's good~"

After hearing Tears say this, Tears finally let out a clear sigh of relief.

The tears can be said so clearly, obviously they have absolute self-confidence. It is also a very good thing to be able to let these two children live like this. After all, it will not make them both afraid~

"By the way, what about those people? The people from that organization."

"Fucking away, there shouldn't be any trouble."




"Hey~ this way~"

After hearing the words of Tears, Tears were silent for a while, and then there was a bright smile on his face, which made Tears a little embarrassed... What's wrong?

"what happened?"

Did he just say something strange?But he didn't seem to say anything...



I just said a certain name by mouth, I really forgot!

"Fuck it~ It seems that you and Classmate Bee Eater don’t know when the relationship became very close~ Are you already dating~"

Tear's voice is very gentle, as usual, without any change... But after falling in tears' ears, it seems that he, an absolute capable person, has fallen directly into the ice cellar. The whole person feels it. It's a bitter chill!

"Ahem! No no! There is no such thing! You know I don't like to call other people the last name!"

Tears quickly denied.

It was just a subconscious reaction just now.

He doesn't like to call other people's surnames. Under normal circumstances, it is better to call the name directly. After all, the surname always feels too outrageous. He doesn't like this kind of addressing.

The main reason is that he still feels that he is a celestial person. In the celestial dynasty, calling a person by his full name, or the last name, just the last name, sounds very strange and sometimes strange.

"...Hmph, I don't believe it, classmate Bee Eater is so beautiful, don't you say that you have no idea?"

"...That's a little bit~"


Originally curled his mouth deliberately, and then slightly slanted his eyes to look at the tears, but after hearing the tears, the eyes widened, the cheeks bulged, and he looked at the tears with angrily!

Really!Doesn't this guy know the girl's mind?!

"Well~ or tears, you are more cute now~"

"...Hmph, I will say good things when I am in front of me. Everyone who has eyes knows that Miss Bee Eater is much more beautiful than me. What are you talking about?

Fortunately, the tears of hearing this sentence eased slightly, but there was still a somewhat unreasonable expression on his mouth.

......Of course, her little face is still a little red, and the corners of her mouth can't stop rising, she can't control it at all.

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