I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability Chapter 516

"It seems that they are always there, but they are also very good there. Her sisters occasionally go to watch their practice. They seem to be idols among their sisters now~"


They really know how to play, and they have made a few idols among their clones.

But this is fine, being able to live like an ordinary person is really something she absolutely can't imagine.

[It’s better to disappear from my eyes~]

She would never say this curse again in her life.

Even when I think about it now, I still feel scared.

If they take a little wrong step, their current lives may become like hell.

The orchestra is the orchestra, and the trouble is the trouble.

As long as they are not too messy, they can be happy by themselves~

Mikoto’s current mentality is still very good. This group of sisters are really just like newly "born" sisters. It is meaningless to simply reprimand the children. It is better to play with them. .

"Is the idol among the younger sisters... it's quite appropriate~ But then again, Miss Yuriko really has a headache~ She has called me and complained several times."

Leizi also spoke at this time, and her face was also smiling, with a bit of bitter smile, and there was a hint of funny feeling.

"What are you complaining about?"

"Complaining was already very troublesome. Now that there is another American accent, the trouble is doubled directly~"

"Is Meiyin more annoying than the five of them?"

"There is one final little sister."

"...It seems that Mei Yin has left a psychological shadow on Yuriko now~"

Tears smiled bitterly, and thought of the short-haired girl who gestured "V" to her.

In recent days, he has indeed been able to be relatively free, but the main reason is also because of the absence of American Music. Although this is a bit too much, he thinks it is good to have more days like this.

...But it seems that Yuriko has suffered a lot. No wonder when he called me last time and asked him when he could bring Mei Yin back, but the tears did not answer, only that she asked her to remember how she felt at the time. Right~

After all, Phoebe is here these days, so I think it's better for Meiyin to go to Yuriko.

...It's not about the identity of a clone. Even if I talk to Phoebe, she probably doesn't know it, and she herself is a human being. Naturally there is no difference, but more importantly... His house affects Phoebrie better.

Moreover, it is better not to let Philippines know that Meiyin's mouth can anger people, at least until she learns to judge herself, don't let her see too many figures of Meiyin, it will have bad effects.

"It looks like I have to buy some presents."

"Didn't you just bought it last time, my sister."

"Last time was last time, this time is this time, can it be the same."

Mikoto sighed a little helplessly.

She still knows a little bit about this kind of courtesy exchanges. After all, although they are their own jobs, they are taking care of your "sisters" after all, and there are still so many. You don't have to send something in a while For others, it seems a bit unreasonable.

Although Mikoto doesn't like these people who are so polite, but from a reasonable point of view, even she thinks that she should be more polite, not to mention that Yuriko is a few years older than her, and she is considered an older sister. .

"Well, you have said so, then let's go and have a look tomorrow."

Heizi sighed a little.

Although it was her elder sister who said it, Kuroko was actually a little scared of that Yuriko...After all, when she was "acting" at the beginning, she also suffered serious injuries, especially she was killed in an instant. The situation really made her feel a little hard to say.

She is still very confident in her space movement ability, but she did not expect that she could directly keep up with her space movement speed only by relying on her own speed, and her little movement interval was actually instantly Just caught up...If it wasn't for the power of tears to protect her body, she would really be finished.

The gap between lv4 and lv5 is really too big.

The gap between lv4 and lv6 is even bigger!

I really don’t know when there will be such a terrifying monster next to me, and I can upgrade my sister and Yuriko to lv6 at any time. Kuroko feels that this person seems to be better than the lv6 description. It looks more terrifying. Will there be something like lv7, lv8 or something?

"Well, you can go, and by the way, I will also tell them the following things~"

"Huh? What's the next thing?"

After hearing the tears, Kuroko asked curiously.

Even Leizi blinked her eyes in the same way, she didn't know where the tears were going to come out at this time, why suddenly there was a following?

"During the rare summer vacation, if you don't have a good time to play, it would be a little wasted~"

"Play? Where are you going?"

Mikoto is of course very happy to hear this word, but she doesn't know the meaning of the tears, but with so many people here, I have to explain it clearly, right?

"Let's go to the beach to see~ It's almost time to take a break~"




"The beach?!" x 4

"Huh?" x 2

After hearing these girls yelling out, the two twin sisters couldn't help but tilt their heads a little cutely, and each of them began to blink.


what is this?


"The beach? You have to go out, right? Are you already allowed to go out? That's OK, I'll prepare for it. Recently, I was tortured to death by these little girls."

"The beach~!"


"The beach? I want to go!"

"Thank you for the invitation of Mr. Lei~"

"We must go back~"

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