I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolutely Powerful Chapter 519

Fortunately, those five younger sisters did not come this time. Otherwise, Yuriko might have died this time too... After all, there are many unsuspecting girls here. It is not good to let them know too much. This kind of thing, after all, it’s too easy to reveal your identity. One or two is okay, and it can be said that they are twins, but six or seven are together...how can it be impossible to justify!

"Is there? Meiyin thinks this person is just showing off his only strengths. He is obviously a fool, but he puts his position very high. Humph, the Meiyin who has recently learned the queen mode has started to be practical. After starting this set, I heard that everyone eats this set."

"Hey, Yuriko, when will this thing be ready? Misaka Misaka really feels like she is about to drool down~!"

It's just that there are not five, but there are still one or two.

Meiyin and the last piece were sitting next to Yuriko, and both of them were staring at the skewers in her hand, as if they were about to grab it.

But this is also normal.

There are a lot of food just now, but in fact, there are only a few that can be cooked normally, and a lot of edible things have been eaten, and the rest are just "residues" with no taste. It's better not to eat.

"It's delicious! What kind of nonsense are you complaining about!"

I have to say that Yuriko is also pitiful, because her personality is too good, and her cooking skills are advancing by leaps and bounds because of all sorts of pickiness, so she is now the busiest among the people present.

…Of course, in fact, from the corners of her slightly puckered mouth, it can be seen that she actually enjoys the current situation. After all, some people just like the feeling that they are needed by others. Let them find their own meaning for themselves.

For Yuriko, she doesn't need too many complicated things, and this kind of life that is commanded by others and still be scolded... Well, of course it is not what she wants.

However, it's still a "live together"~

"Thank you~ Please drink something~"

But at this time, a gentle voice suddenly came from the side, which made people look over.

And at this time, a face that was the same as Mei Yin and the last work approached Yuriko's side, with a bright smile on his face.

Normally, it should be thought that she was Mikoto, and Mikoto herself would indeed say this to Yuriko.

It's just that Mikoto was not here at this time, but was hugged by the sunspot...It seemed that he had eaten something strange and then started to go crazy, probably again something similar to a computer accessory.

"...You are different from other Misaka sisters."

Yuriko also looked at this girl unexpectedly. She was tired of seeing this face a long time ago, and each one was very troublesome.

...But this one is very special, not only with long hair, but also very gentle.

This child is...

"Yeah~ My name is Dolly. I have heard about you many times. Thank you very much~"


Misaka No. 0, is such a polite child, so polite that she almost wants to cry.

The corners of Yuriko's eyes twitched slightly, and if no one was around right now, she might really have to cry.

I really didn't expect that the first-generation clone would be such a gentle and polite child, and such a clone would be plausible!

"If it wasn't for your help, these children would have already died. Thank you very much~"

Dolly's voice is very gentle, but it is also quite "characteristic", which makes people feel very spiritual.

But what she said was really sincere.

"... Needless to say such things, it has already passed."

After hearing this, Yuriko responded indifferently.

...But the red glow on his face is very obvious.

This kind of thing is really too embarrassing. After she heard it, she only felt that she was about to vomit!

so awkward!What a shame!

Obviously, I just did something as it should be, why should I be thanked like this!

She might as well be the same as her unconscionable Misaka sisters and direct her various commands!

"Although it has passed, it has been there all the time~ Thank you, Miss Chuck~"


I have to say that talking to a serious person is still a little bit stressful. At least Yuriko feels her scalp is a little numb, but...I should ignore her as much as possible, otherwise, the whole person will not know how to become How embarrassing it is.

"Well~ Don't be so serious~ I heard that Miss Qieke doesn't like this atmosphere~"

"It's because you don't like it, but I feel pretty good~"

At this moment, another soft voice came from the side, and another teasing voice.

Caoqi and Kanji also walked over slowly at this time, and then put a smile on Dolly's shoulder, with a bright smile on her face.

"...Fuck the bee-eater, pray."

Seeing the blonde girl in front of her, Yuriko narrowed her eyes slightly, and then calmly spoke.

She knew the man before her.

One of the seven superpowers, and the remaining six, she also knew very well.And here, plus her, already accounted for 4.

And this girl is the fifth superpower.

......Although she is fifth, her ability is very powerful and special. In terms of practicality, she should be the strongest among all superpowers.

Psychological control, an extremely terrifying ability, if it is an ordinary person, I don't even know when my spirit is controlled.

To be honest, compared to the inexplicable ability of vector control, Yuriko herself is more interested in this psychological control.

In terms of ability, it is really perfect and easy to use.

But what I didn't expect was that she, who had heard that she was not very well-reviewed, would actually be with the original work... and she was actually a good friend or something.

It's surprisingly simple.

"Ah! I didn't expect Miss Qiao to know me~ It's an honor~"


To be honest, I don't like this official voice.

It always feels like it's fake.

But Yuriko also knew that this girl was not a bad person inside.

"Fo Qijiang, it's weird for you to talk like this, didn't you know it a long time ago?"

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