I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Sakuriko, Absolutely Absolute Chapter 52

Also, looking at her happy expression, and the embarrassing, but also a little happy expression of classmate Chuchun, she couldn't blame anything.

"Now, sister, can you accompany me to buy clothes?"

"Oh! Okay! Jiaqi sauce, let's go... By the way~! Mikoto sauce, if you want, how about helping this kid find it together~"

Halfway through, Dongma's eyes lit up again, his expression was very excited, while Mikoto, Tear and Chuchun looked at each other, not knowing how to choose...

It's not that they can't be together, but it's so sudden that they don't know how to decide. After all, they are afraid of their peers' opinions...

"I don't have any opinion~"

Tears were the first to react at this time, and then looked at the other two with a smile. Mikoto and Chuchun also nodded at each other quickly, and then smiled.

There is nothing wrong with it. Mikoto actually liked this little girl, and in the early spring, she naturally wanted to ask what happened the last time Dongma went to a certain queen. Curiosity is never satisfied.

"Then just say it~! The number of sisters is +3~"

Dongma quickly showed a happy smile, and then said something that made people helpless.

After all, anyone who is obsessed with her sister to this level is comparable to the level of Heizi's obsession with Mikoto... Fortunately, she just likes the role of sister, not a single sister, otherwise she will have another perversion. .

A few people quickly went shopping. I have to say that Dongma is really easy to attract women's goodwill, and because of the relationship between women, the attraction to women is even stronger than in the original book.

After all, she is now a natural image of a big sister, and she is also very clingy. Although she was a little resistant in the early spring, she felt a very comfortable feeling later.

This feeling is really wonderful, it makes people feel very comfortable, even Mikoto has a very relaxed feeling.

Although she said she hated Dongma and felt that this person was really annoying in her heart, she had to say that when shopping together as friends, she was really a good target and would take the initiative to hold each other. Planting clothes for a few of them to try on. Mikoto was very resistant at first, but she was a little bit looking forward to it later. After all, it’s not a day or two for Kuroko to say that there is no femininity. She occasionally wants to change her own. Image.

Only tears were not immersed in this pink peach garden, the shopping scene of such a gentle female high school student... He was not annoying, and he thought it was quite interesting.

But the problem is that he still clearly remembers that the explosive madman is still inside...

Although he has found the location of that person, and even if he pinches that person to death at any time, no one will find out... But after all, he is not a demon. That man with glasses was also bullied, so he became He is like this now. To be precise, he has not committed any unforgivable crimes. Tears feel that as long as he is beaten up, it will be almost...just kidding.

But it should be almost time, almost time...

Toot toot!

"Hey, what's the matter, Shirai-san?"

Sure enough, at about this time, Chuchun also received a call from Heizi, and his face suddenly became serious.

"Eh?! This...please tell me where I am! I'll be...just right here! I will evacuate immediately!"

After uttering this sentence excitedly, Chuchun immediately hung up the phone, and then explained it to everyone with a serious face.

"This is the next location for the Void Bombing criminals. Please get out as soon as possible! I'm going to evacuate everyone now!"

Chapter 54 The Danger of Blasting

Don’t look at the usual appearance in the early spring, but when she is serious, the execution is really strong. There is no hesitation and tension at all. After explaining everything neatly, the early spring will go there immediately. The bar counter in the building started to explain to the staff. Of course, the briefing of the Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline was also brought with him.

… To be honest, she was a bit too hard like this. Heizi’s original intention was to make her evacuate here. After all… In the previous void explosion, there were a total of nine injuries, and every time the injured person, All members of the discipline!

But Heizi didn't have time to explain to her just now, just when she was asked to leave here as soon as possible, Chuchun hung up the phone in a hurry, so now Heizi was very nervous!

In less than 3 minutes, the entire building had been evacuated.

After all, the recent "Void Explosion" incident has caused a lot of trouble. Many people have been injured and hospitalized because of this incident. It is really dangerous. Those who cherish their lives are still the vast majority. of.

And unlike in the original book, the little sister didn’t get lost at this time, but was carried on the shoulders by Dongma, like riding a horse... It’s too natural, people wonder if it’s like this. Connected to it.

"Woo... the last vacation turned out to be like this, and the party with my sisters is gone."

It's just that Dongma herself is really uncomfortable now. It was a good holiday and met so many lovely sisters, but now she's still being mixed up... Sure enough, her luck is still too bad!

"Is it time to think about this kind of thing?! And Chuchun students are still inside now!"

But of course Mikoto is very upset. This person is still thinking about this kind of thing here. Although everyone has come out, the blaster has not been found yet, and the early spring classmates are still inside!

"Oh, that's right... But if there are tears, there shouldn't be a problem~"

"How is it possible! How could it be okay... Hey? Tears... Tears?!!!"

At this time, Mikoto realized that Leizi didn't know when she couldn't find her!

Did you go away just now?But Dongma just said... Did it run in?!

"Don't go in, Mikoto sauce. If there is tear sauce in it, Shili sauce will not be dangerous~"

"Don't hold me! The tears are lv0, if it's true..."

"Don't worry~ Natsume...cough! Yuan Chun-chan told me when I was drunk last time, the tears are very powerful~!"


Who is that, I have never heard of it...

hateful!This woman is so strong!Pulled to death!

Tears!Early spring classmates!You must not have an accident!


"In this way, everyone has been dismissed, and there should be nothing left out."

After looking at the empty surroundings, Chuchun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In any case, everyone should not be attacked now. The bomb's range does not seem to be very wide, and it should not be fatal, but if no one is injured, that is the best.

"There is still something missing~ Are you still here~"

"...Eh?! Zuo...Saku-san?!"

But after hearing this voice, Chuchun immediately turned his face away nervously, and then saw a familiar figure smiling there!

"Yo~ still watching~"

"What are you doing! Saten classmate! Hurry up and take refuge!"

Really!It's obviously been so long, why is she still there!

Even if there are children who are disobedient, they may run around, but at this time all have already left, but why is Zuotian still here now!

"Well~ I’m just a little worried~ I’m worried about not coming out for so long in early spring~"

Of course there is nothing to be afraid of tears.

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