I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolutely Powerful Chapter 540

But otherwise, it must be the strongest sister Huozhi.

Even if you face the legendary angel, you should really have a chance... to win...

"No, I'll lose."


It's just a pity that Shen Li directly gave her an answer that disappointed her.

And she could hear that God Split is not being humble, but telling the truth.

Divine Split did not have the idea of ​​being humble, but simply spoke out according to his own ideas.

She never felt that her power was invincible, let alone compare with angels.

When fighting with tears before, she already knew very well that her strength was still too short, and she had no chance of winning at all.

"But if you count the time of the power of God, you should be able to hold on for a few more minutes, but defeat is impossible, at most it can only support a while."

Shenchuan pondered for a moment, and then said his thoughts.

At their level, in fact, they are a little self-aware.

Regarding the power of that god level, Shen Li felt that he was still too far behind.

The angel's power is at least the same level as when the tears dealt with her before, but she is still full of powerlessness in the face of that level of power.

It’s only recently that her strength hasn’t improved at all. If she fights the archangel, I’m afraid it will last for a few minutes. That’s already a good deal, and maybe she will be lost in seconds. It is also possible.

"Ah, then it seems we can't help much."

Hearing what her elder sister said, Claire couldn't help showing a trace of frustration.

Even Sister Huo Zhi said so, so obviously it is impossible to make mistakes.

But in that case, what is the use of her magic?

I'm afraid it doesn't make much sense even if it is to hunt and kill the witch king?

"No, at a critical moment, it's still very important to delay me for a while."

"Huh? Take time... Are you going to prepare something? Are you sure?"

Claire's experience is still quite sophisticated. Hearing Tears say this, he must be preparing some powerful tricks or special strategies.

I have to say that she actually has an inexplicable sense of trust in tears, and to put it plainly, it can be said that she treats him as an idol!

The tears of being able to do things that ordinary people can't do is definitely an idol-level existence!

"Don't worry, I'm sure, I think I should be able to solve the archangel directly when the time comes, and it won't put you in any danger~"

"...Hmm." x 2

Tears smiled brightly and confidently, so the two people who saw them couldn't help but nod their heads.

Although they have only been together for a short period of time, the two of them almost have "absolute trust" in tears.

It's not because of pure power.

The power of the Absolute Ability is indeed strong. Even after the gods broke the state of God's power, they were completely crushed, but this was not the reason they trusted him.

To be able to do what they couldn't do, to save Inticus who had always been in reincarnation, these things were things they had given up before, and they became good friends with Inticus again.

He let them find their lost self, which is really important.

This time, it was their turn to pay back!


"Ah~! Kaori~Kleier~! You are all here~!"

"Idiot, don't just jump over here!"

"long time no see."

Meeting old friends was extremely jealous.

For the three girls on the magic side, it was really not easy to see this side again, so all three of them showed brilliant smiles.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't it be forbidden to enter here?"

Inticus blinked her eyes and said curiously.

Even she knew what happened here, how did they get in?

"Idiot, we want to come in, there is nowhere to stop!"

Claire looked like it was amazing, lifted her little nose, and straightened up the impoverished tablet in front of her. She was so proud that she couldn't help but smile when she saw it.

What a young kid~

However, Indix naturally didn't care about this kind of thing, but laughed and laughed with her, and shared what happened during this period.

"This child is really under your care. I'm bothering you."

Seeing Inticus who was gradually running away and Claire being pulled by her, the split eyes gradually became warm, and they were filled with gentleness.

This is something she has been looking forward to very much. She hopes to see that Indix's child can regain her smile, and run with Claire carefree, smiling...This has finally been realized.

"Hehe, it was Sister Dongma who really lifted her seal. She is also the one who takes care of Inticus. If you want to thank her, you also thank her. It has nothing to do with me~"

Tears smiled, and didn't care about it.

He didn't want to take the credit of others. At best, he only helped halfway. The most important thing in the process was Dongma's fantasy killer. Without it, he couldn't do it.

"I will also be grateful over there, but I still know who I should thank after all, thank you very much~"


After hearing the words of Divine Splitting, tears looked at her with some surprises, and saw that she usually had a cold face, but at this time she showed a bright smile. She smiled very sincerely and was a little cute, which is more in line with her. Her true age is simple.

"Ahem! Well, let me say hello to Miss Kamijou first, and see you later."

Maybe I noticed that my current situation is very different from usual, so Shenchuan hurriedly coughed, and then pretended to change the subject and left directly, leaving only tears that stopped where I was not clear... …

Just let him think about it, he still couldn't think of it, for God Split, he was the one who really saved Inticus!

They knew very well that Dongma only possessed that kind of ability, but their brains were empty. If it were just her, they would definitely ignore the past... A certain Kamijyo-san said that this idea was too much.

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