I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuotian Leizi, Absolutely Powerful Chapter 542

Those demon gods, wait for it!


"So, you have changed bodies with others now~"

"Don't laugh! What's so funny about this! Why are you here!"

After seeing the twitching appearance of the corners of Claire's mouth, "Fuck Chi" couldn't help but frowned, feeling extremely unhappy.

She was obviously laughing at her, she never stopped!

"Who knows, the above told us to come here, so I didn't expect angels to have such abilities. I also want to change it~"

Claire couldn't help but really laughed, but her performance made the blonde girl who is Mikoto inside very uncomfortable!

Is this guy here to provoke?!

"...Hey, who wants to be like this, I am also very troubled now, are you not a magician? Is there any way to relieve me?"

"Don't be kidding, I can't solve this level of technique even if there are 10, so forget it, wait for it to be solved slowly."

"Hey, you magician is really useless."

Mikoto couldn't help complaining.

She had a good relationship with Claire before, so she didn't care about this kind of thing, so she said it directly.

After the battle was over, they also went shopping with Claire. In terms of personality, the two are relatively close, so they can talk very well.

"What? There's no way this can be done. How can I be able to withstand the angel-level surgery!"

But for Mikoto's complaint, Claire was of course helpless.

Hunting the witch king is already a pope-level technique and her strongest trick, but compared with this angel-level technique, what is it?

Even if she has the power of Sister Huozhi, it is impossible to unlock it.

But in fact, let alone a divine split, even the tears were exchanged unconsciously and without resistance, and they could not be solved.

This kind of thing is not so simple.

"Hey, forget it, it's a good thing to be able to have you there, but after all, it will be dangerous at that time, but don't change your mind suddenly. If you want to leave, it's still too late."

"Someone do you think of me, but you don't seem to have any intention of fighting. I seem to be pretty much the same as usual, but rather, I'm quite interested."

Claire looked helplessly at the group of young girls who were playing next to her.

Obviously they are about to face the powerful angel, but they still look carefree now, looking very leisurely... Does this really mean fighting the angel?

No matter how you look at it, it's just for playing.

"Well, after all, no matter how much you do, you still have to deal with it. At least it's not that time, so just take a little more rest~"

At this time, Mikoto was still the same as usual, and she didn't seem to be stressed. After a little bit of quarrel with Claire, she still smiled.

For her, this kind of thing is, after all, something that hasn't come yet, and there are so many people here and they are already preparing, she doesn't need to worry too much.

This time, she is not alone~

"You really have plenty of leeway. It's good to be able to deal with it with confidence, which shows that you are still confident... But then again, your current appearance is actually pretty good~ Pretty pretty~"


Hey, this is the first person to say that?

Obviously he heard the compliment, but after Mikoto heard the words, there was a clear expression of disgust on his face.

Why is everyone boasting this face? Is this woman's face so beautiful?!

"what happened?"

Claire was a little confused after seeing the unhappy expression of "Faoqi".

At the beginning, she didn't believe it, but after explaining it clearly later, she was still convinced that the blond girl in front of her was the lively girl with short hair that had appeared before.

But when I heard that she was one of the lv5 in Academy City, I still felt a little surprised. After all, that kind of existence is almost at the same level as the saint... Although it feels that there should be a gap in power, it is destructive. There may be more than it is.

But I really didn't expect that this kind of trouble would happen at this time. If it can't be solved, it is possible that all of them here will be buried together...

Although she doesn't want to think about such bad things, she has always been used to thinking about the worst.

Fortunately, it looks like there are still many masters here.

"It's okay, it just feels a little uncomfortable. Is this face beautiful?"

"Of course, she's white and tender, she's in such a good shape, she's pretty good, I'm so envious...ahem! In short, you should try to find a way to keep it steady. Sister Huozhi and I will try our best to help Yours!"

Claire, who accidentally told the truth, coughed immediately, pretending that he hadn't said anything.

It's just that this sentence was clearly heard by both Mikoto and Shenhua on the side, and while Mikoto twitched her mouth, she also felt a little embarrassed.

......Although I am not talking about her, when it comes to being in good shape, both of them are looking at a certain part of her at the same time... ahem!Why is she stared at when she is just standing?!

"Well, thanks a lot~ But standing up is so boring, let's come and play more~ wear swimsuits~"

"Huh?! Is it really possible...cough cough! We still have to do our duty faithfully, not neglect our duty."

After hearing Mikoto's words, Claire subconsciously showed a brilliant smile, almost staring directly at the gold star, but after reacting to her attitude, she immediately coughed again and said with a serious face.

This kind of thing is really serious, and it must not be messed up!

What is it like to play with a group of little girls...

"It's okay~ What's so dereliction of duty, is that you have to be around to protect everyone, right? Since you can't solve this magic, then protect everyone personally. There are still many ordinary people like us. I still need your help at that time~"

"This...this...there is no way! Then I will help you!"

Since good intentions have already reached this level, if you refuse it again, you can't justify it, right!

"Yeah~ Let's come with Ms. Divinity too, very happy~"

"...I'll leave it alone, I'm not very good at these, and I need to patrol around."

After seeing Claire being trapped in, Shen Cai gently shook his head, expressing rejection.

Of course she could see that Claire had been fooled, but there was nothing wrong with it. Claire was still a child and he was very playful, and in the current scene, she did not need her to say something ugly... …

However, she still needs it. If the angel suddenly descends and where she is playing, then it can't be justified, right?

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