I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolutely Powerful Chapter 552

Then these two have already been seen, and it's almost time to take a look at the latter pair...


"...What's the situation? Did you guys have such a good time?"

"Hey ghost! Come over and help me solve it!"

Seeing the tears, she started to gloat for misfortune. The girl with short orange hair felt an upset on her face and began to yell at him directly.

Damn it!Seeing her like this, don't you come to save her?!

Looking around, the short-haired girl is now tying it up and posing a little shame. She is still wearing a white swimsuit and knee-high socks...well, yes, knee-high socks.

Still wearing this on the beach, anyway, it's a bit too weird, right?

Well, even though it has some flavor~

"Hey! What are you looking at! Come and help me quickly!"

Seeing that he not only didn't want to come and help, but he touched his chin with interest, the short-haired girl was even more upset. If possible, she really wanted to kick this guy...and The bastard beside him kicked!

"Okay, idiot fisheye, Meiyin kindly helped you put on the best match of the year, bikini over-knee socks, isn't it good?"

"Good ghost! Take it off for me now!!!"

The short-haired girl, that is, "Yuriko" started roaring in the loudest voice.

She really regretted why she obediently obeyed this dead girl's words just now, but now she still provokes herself.

What this girl said might have thought of a good way to restore the body, so she wanted to try something, but she herself became hot in her head for a while, did not react, and was tied up!

Damn it!What does this have to do with her recovery!

"This can't be taken off. Socks are the essence of human beings. Meiyin thinks this is more tempting. It can attract a lot of abnormal people... Oh, wrong, it belongs to a gentleman. On the beach, there are almost no wears everywhere. The little girls in the clothes, now that you wear this, you have a hundred percent turning head."

"Who wants this kind of return rate! Abnormal!!!"

Damn it!Where did this girl get such strange knowledge!

Yuriko only felt that her head was about to explode. It was already uncomfortable enough to have her body changed, but what was even more unexpected was that she would be pitted by Meiyin!

"You guys really know how to play~"

Tears saw this scene, and said the word "serve", and couldn't say anything.

As the number one superpower in Academy City, it is hard to imagine that he will be tied up with a few ropes to form this shame.

But I have to say, Tears still want to give Meiyin a "like"~

Yuriko is really "cute" now~

Of course, the appearance is still the same as Mei Yin's appearance, but this shy look is more like Mikoto's look, trying to resist desperately, but because his hands and legs are tied up, he resists even more.

But this shame looks more "pleasant"~

"Stop talking cold words! Don't read the words!"

Don't worry about the girl, Meiyin, what does it mean that this fellow Tear has been staring here!Ask for it!

"So in the end, should I watch it or not?"

Tears couldn't help but vomit.

Although I can feel it without looking at him, Yuriko is really a bit paradoxical.

"Don't look, but save me!"

"There's nothing wrong with it. It's not your body that's embarrassing, isn't it? Even if you run naked, there is no problem, only Mikoto is nervous~"

"There are problems!"

Yuriko spit out loudly.

This guy really did it on purpose!At this kind of time, I still say such things!

"Well, there is no big problem with this. Speaking of which, Meiyin, what are you doing?"

"Hey! Don't change the subject!"

hateful!Tears is also a guy who likes to join in the fun!

Why are most of her friends such guys who like to watch the excitement?!

"Now is a very important time to feel. Meiyin feels that she now seems cute and has infinite power. There will be no problem at all."

Chapter 19

Mikoto raised her hands blankly, showing her "muscles" like Popeye.

But let alone her white tender skin and tender flesh, even her original body is just a pure girl body, soft and weak, without the slightest muscle at all, making tears a little bit dumbfounding. .

"Well, this is your illusion, Yuriko's physical fitness, I guess it is very poor, it is probably better than praying."

"Hey! Don't talk nonsense at this time!"

Yuriko on the side heard this spit, and continued to roar loudly.

I always feel that after changing her body, her energy has improved a lot, and the sound of her voice has become louder.

"Well~ Yuriko can become so energetic is also a good thing. If your physical fitness can be improved, I think your strength improvement should be more obvious~"

"...Is there such a play? I feel too fake."

Yuriko just thought about this statement of tears for a while, and didn't think again.

She has never cared about her body, but even so, isn't she the strongest superpower in Academy City?

Apart from tears, she has never really regarded anyone in her eyes. Even the current Mikoto has only made a little progress, but she has always been improving at this speed, and she is strong. The gap is still big, so it doesn't feel much.

Does the body really make sense?

"No, the stronger the physical quality, the more effective the use of abilities will be. My body is also very strong, so when my abilities are used, the limit state is much stronger than the average person."


You are because you are lv6.

Yuriko wanted to talk about this man's statement, but he felt that what he said did indeed make sense.

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