I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolutely Powerful Chapter 562

he does not know.

Obviously Minglei just wanted a warm and daily life, but it was impossible for this world to treat him so tenderly.

"Well~ we don't have any requirements, we just hope that the protagonist can improve~"

"My promotion?"

After hearing what Cecily said, tears couldn't help frowning, and the expression on her face looked a little weird.

Before, he had been thinking about how to help the girls who had changed their bodies to improve their strength. Could it be that it was his turn now...

"Well, at any rate, you were also lv6 before. The power is indeed absolutely strong, but you directly have the power of lv6, right?"


The tears admitted directly.

Anyway, Akua must know this kind of thing, and he didn't have to hide anything. It was Natsume and the Hanged Lady who had summoned him here.

"But you didn't learn from the power below, so let Cecily and I teach you some basic things~"

"Please give me more advice~ Bishop~"


Can I refuse?

Seeing the two smiling girls in front of her, the corners of her tears' lips twitched twice.

I don't know how many slots can be vomited, but before that, Tears still wanted to ask.

"...Does this have anything to do with you just taking pictures?"

"No, it's just fun~"



Well, these two are simple sand sculptures, and the confirmation is complete.

Tears couldn't help holding his forehead with his hand, and a look of despair appeared on his face.

When he thought of being taught by these two people, he really felt uncomfortable...

Of course he would not think that he was invincible in the world.

In fact, although he has the brains of many people and learned the control methods of many abilities, in fact, he still has a big gap from the practical operation. The reason why he looks so powerful is only because he has absolute Only strength.

And the reason why he can teach so many people is only because he has a lot of theoretical knowledge, not necessarily the same as their abilities, but there are always similarities. Everyone has their own experience and skills in learning and using. He just summarized it.

However, he still has a lot of gaps in his ability to control, and he can't really perfect it.

His experience, compared with those who are truly capable of step by step, is too far apart!

... But he really doesn't want to listen to these two guys!

What the hell are you making? I don't want to hear at all, and I don't want to see it at all. Just seeing it makes my head big!

"...Before studying, delete the pictures on your phone."

"Of course it will be deleted after success~ In the meantime, we have to listen to our words carefully~ tears~"

"Bishop, be obedient~"


These people are really owed.

Tears are basically non-feminist.

But for these two people, he really couldn't help his hands!

"Oh, by the way, let's have a ps, put the two of us next to you... um~! It's done~!"

"Oh oh! Lord Akua is really amazing! Three daughters fighting*! So amazing!!"


In desperation, Tears finally let out an unprecedented roar, and then burst out all the anger that had been suppressed in his heart at this moment!!!

Chapter 24-Akuya Cecily

"Bishop, magic is not used like this~ Be like me~"

"This is not magic either."


"Tears, what I want to teach you now is the cruelest and most terrifying power in the world, which is to plug the enemy's nose with water. If you do this, you may suffocate, so be careful!"

"It's dangerous to put anything on the nose."


"We have nothing to teach you. Your performance is much better than we thought. We are very pleased to have a disciple like you."

"Bishop, once you become famous, don't forget our merits."

"... Enough of you, is it all over after a total of about 10 minutes of teaching?"

Seeing these two young girls who were serious but talking nonsense in front of them, tears couldn't help but the corners of their lips twitched.

The two men obviously just sat aside and said a few words. The whole process took less than ten minutes. Why did these two guys behave like ten years later?

"What! Be a teacher for a day and a mother for life! Haven't you heard this sentence?!"

"Then you want to be my mother? But I never drank your milk."

"What?! Let's have a drink now!"

"You can say anything, you should converge a little bit...Hey! Really converge a little bit for me!!!"

Seeing someone really grabbed his head, and then started to hit a certain obvious part of herself, she couldn't help but cried out in tears!

What a joke!

She is a girl anyhow!Can even this kind of thing be done?!

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