I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolutely Powerful Chapter 564

Tears looked at Cecily slightly, although he knew that Akuya was right, but he didn’t know if Cecily knew it too, after all, she was not a demon, and such things shouldn’t be known. Right.

"Don't worry, Cecily is safe and knows the devil's affairs. In addition to Mei Yin and Yin Yi, there are 40 people in total, all of whom are our valued believers. There is absolutely no possibility of rebellion~"

However, Akua, who usually looks silly, could directly see the tears’ concerns at this time, and said it directly, which was a bit embarrassing, but this incident did surprise the tears. I didn’t expect Cecily to even touch Know this kind of thing.

"But Natsume and Dongma, I, and I are not real demon gods after all, and can't be changed back to the original demon gods. The power they possess is countless times weaker than before, so we are actually humans in essence."

When Akuya said this, she was very calm, not at all different from the usual hysteria and stupidity. Now she really looks like a strong man.

She never really thought that she was a demon, and that didn't make much sense.

For some people, it is a very important pursuit, but for the three of them, it is really not better.

They are not real demon gods, but just memory fragments of countless powers.

Whether it is the hatred of other demon gods or the obsession to restore the demon gods, it is just an instinct carved in memory.

But even if they don't want to, the woman will force them to do it for their own lives... In fact, they are just like the tears, they are bigger pawns.

It's just a little bit different. They used to be the biggest chess pieces, but in fact, their role is only to prepare for the appearance of tears.

At first, I complained a bit.

After all, although it is fake, there is still a trace of memory after all.She is different from the empty-headed Dongma and Natsume, who is completely incomprehensible, and has an old-fashioned mind like an old man. She has the "arrogance" of the demon god!

So she didn't like this person at first, after all, he robbed her of her position so inexplicably, it was really unhappy!

It's just that whenever she wanted to go out to make trouble for tears, Natsume was a bit helpless to hold her back.

It wasn't until that time that he saved Inticus that she finally realized that the man was actually quite useful, and she began to convince him.

She doesn't trust the man who gained absolute power for no reason at the beginning!

Of course, it's all right now.

If she hadn't recognized him from the bottom of her heart, it would be absolutely impossible for her to believe this man and teach him so much.

She has now let go of her burden of being a "devil" and began to truly enjoy life~

Well, I actually felt that way from the beginning~

But the feeling now is really very comfortable, making people feel as if they are being reborn.

But now in order for the tears to rise, they still have to be serious and do their best.

But... After all, the Acoustic Order is the order she has always built very seriously, if possible, that...

"... What you mean is that you actually want me to lose to you, and then take a picture or something to let them see. In fact, you are still the most powerful one. It is only for special reasons that I will be the protagonist, right~"

When I said this, a weird smile appeared on Tears's face...

I have to say that Akua is actually... still pretty cute~

He had always disliked Akua before, but in fact, if you think about it, Akua actually didn't really do anything, bad things, but brought a lot of joy and gave him a lot of help. , At least if he didn't have her angel wings and the power of faith, he might still be at his previous level now.


Akua scratched her cheek in embarrassment, even she was not as embarrassed about this kind of thing.

And she actually said that she is already friends with Tears, and she doesn’t want to do things that are difficult for a strong man. What's more... He is now the bishop, and everyone knows that he is the real "devil god", so the Order The believers in here are actually 100% loyal to him!

It is better to use a "friendly" method to solve it!

"Well, no problem, want me... Wow! What are you doing?!"

The tears who were still smiling suddenly widened her eyes, and then looked stupidly at the girl who was lying on his body and pressing her plump and perfect body on her!

Why is this!

"Take a picture!"


"Hey! Wait!!"

Chapter 26 The True Goddess

"Ahaha~ The photo was taken very well~ This is absolutely perfect~!"

"As expected of Master Akua, he has fully expressed his initiative."

"...You two are really enough."

Seeing the two people staring at the phone and screaming in excitement, tears couldn't help holding their foreheads with their hands, and there was an expression of pain and entanglement on their faces.

Alas, what is going on in this world?Why is there such a tangled thing happening?

He was directly "pressed" by Akua just now.

This feeling is really subtle.

I have to say that Akuya is a very beautiful girl. From the perspective of her face and figure, she is definitely a top beauty.

And at that time, she was really cute and charming...

But this kind of thing is really spread out!

So at that time, he really wanted to subconsciously resist.

…The only problem is that he is really a bit uncomfortable. Finally, when he touched a little with his hand, he felt as if he was touching a delicate part of her body… I have to say, Akua The body is really very soft. It should be called the "Devil of Water". Although it is not a complete version, it is absolutely delicate.

In the end, he obediently let her finish the photo.

Although he still didn't quite understand the meaning of this photo even after listening to the introduction, it would be okay for Akua to be happy herself.

It's just that he still feels a bit self-disgusted. It seems that he is still a standard man inside. With such a bad concentration, he can't control it at all. If he is a man now, he really doesn't know... Of course, if it were a man's body, Akua would not do this to him.

"Well~ Don’t care about this kind of thing~ This is no loss for you, is it? And it’s me who lost. I was hugged by a man. Don’t say you are now a woman’s body, I Looking at people is very pure, and I can still vaguely see the way you were before!"

"...Can you see it this way?"

After hearing what Akua said, a curious look appeared in tears.

His previous gaze, even he himself was about to forget, how could she see it?

It's really not quite clear.

"Well, it looks pretty good, but I always feel...like tears."

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