I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolutely Powerful Chapter 576

"Don't worry, there is no chance that Zuotian will lose no matter how you look at it."

"Well, the tears are much stronger. It is impossible to lose if you lose."

"Huh? Is that true?"

But at this time, Chuchun heard the relaxed expressions of the two companions beside her, and she couldn't help but relax a little.

But anyway, it’s fine~

"If you count by energy, Miss Claire may have used 80% of her power, but the tears might have only used less than 1%."



This is too big a gap!

"Of course, the tears can play out now, about 1%, but even so, she can still try to play more strength... But what makes me care more about her body, I guess Her body should be much stronger than her protective shield, and there shouldn't be any problems even if she is cut from the front."


Well, she underestimated the power of these "supermen".

Chapter 46

Over time, Leizi has gradually become familiar with the opponent's style of play.

Even if she doesn't have the instinct, she can still start to get used to this speed and avoidance method, and she feels that her own body seems to be more flexible.

"Come again!"

But this is not a good thing for Claire.

She had a relaxed face, but at this time she was already sweating!

It's really terrible adaptability!

When it had started, the tears were still quite flustered. Although they had powerful power, they wouldn't use them after all, they would just avoid them instinctively.

But with the passage of time, she actually started to get used to the attack of the hunting witch, and she was even able to predict it, even if it was invisible, it seemed as if it had eyes, and there was no dead corner at all. Words!

Can't go on like this!

Although she didn't think she could win.

After all, even if there are tears inside, the body is still tears after all!

That terrifying power, although suppressed and temporarily unavailable, is not an ordinary person after all!

"Hunting Witch·Fen!"

At this time, Claire seemed to be forced to take out the things at the bottom of the box.

At this time, if she still looks indifferent, I am afraid she will lose even worse.

Now that you have already said that you want to teach her, then implement it to the end!

The figure of the hunting witch suddenly began to split into two, then two into four, and four into eight!

With the appearance of eight hunting witches that were exactly the same, they immediately surrounded the tears, which seemed to be very stressful!

"Wow! What should I do! Is Saten going to lose?!"

After Chuchun saw it, he couldn't help but yell again, his eyes full of tension, and the two girls next to him couldn't help but feel helpless.

If there were only more clones, it was equal to eight times stronger strength, then she would have been separated long ago.

The ability of clone is actually not a rare ability, so of course they know that although there are advantages, the disadvantages are actually very obvious.

At least, the power of a single body is absolutely impossible to be as strong as before. I am afraid that all aspects such as speed and power will also drop a lot, not to mention... Whether these clones are real bodies is another question. After all, there are some clones, even existing ones. No ability.

Of course, for such a powerful magician as Claire, it should be a real clone, and it is still a flame. I want to divide the flame into several parts to disperse the power...It is probably to attack the tears at the same time.

The speed of a single body can't be attacked. If you continue to love that, you need to win by quantity. This is indeed a way.

Although weak attacks may be more difficult to break through the shield, the number can overwhelm this advantage, and there may be a limit to what the shield can defend at the same time!

"Just watch it."

Although only one percent of the power can be exerted, the current tears are definitely not so easy to deal with!

"Ideal fluid, back!"

At this time, Tear Zi did not do anything beyond common sense, but after seeing these clones coming around, she stretched out her hands, and at this moment, the protective shield on her body instantly It spread out, trapped the clones in reverse, and then disappeared completely!

Chapter 47

"……I lost."

Although there was still some magic power left, at this time, there was no need to compare it.

When I couldn't see that the clones of her hunting witch had completely disappeared, Claire thought for a while, and then nodded to the tears, with a faint smile on her face, and a little helpless. color.

Hey, where did this come to "teach her"?Obviously, it came from the shame.

Although this result had been expected for a long time, but sure enough, after seeing this result with my own eyes, I still felt a little weird.

"Thank you very much, Miss Claire~ And there is nothing to lose in this. Everyone is not really fighting. If I use my power, it is impossible to fight until now~"

After listening to Claire's words, Leizi smiled. The smile was brilliant and sincere, which made Claire feel better.

"Forget it, don't be humble, your progress is indeed very fast, maybe you are quite suitable for fighting, if you are not capable, I want you to join the necessary evil church."

Claire smiled bitterly, then shook his head helplessly.

For her, this kind of thing is not once or twice.

After all, as a magician, she couldn't be the same as Sister Huozhi, almost winning every battle...that is, she was defeated once by tears.

"It seems to be very interesting, it's a pity, but if it is something that can be done, please do not hesitate to talk about it when the time comes~ I will definitely work hard to repay my favor~!"

Leizi smiled and blinked his big eyes at Claire, and said playfully.

This kind of thing is familiar to her, but she didn't pretend it, but wanted to say it sincerely.

Without Miss Claire to help her, she would not have the ability to fight in such an easy way. There is a big difference between empty-mouthed vernacular and real fighting. Only in the battle just now, she can show a little decent A little ability.

"What did you say in repaying you, so exaggerated, I didn't say anything to ask you."

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