I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuotian Leizi, Absolutely Powerful Chapter 578

In fact, he didn't want to conceal anything about cooking. What he could teach was actually taught to the tears.

And whether Leizi can learn from her, of course it depends on her own talent and hard work...

Of course, this is definitely not to say that Leizi has no talent in this area. Rather, she is actually quite talented in this area, and she can easily control this feeling.

But some differences are not achieved by feeling alone, but by subtle control.

For some things, a little change in the amount will make a world of difference.

"It’s just that it’s not well controlled! I have obviously felt that I have controlled the heat to the best, but I change the heat like you did, and adjust the size at any time. It feels so complicated. Sometimes it’s a stir-fry, sometimes it’s a small one. It feels like a big difference. How can you control it at that time?"

"Then it depends on how you feel~"


What? It feels like it feels.

All day long is feeling, how could she really feel this kind of thing!

"Well, that's what I said, but I think Tear's cuisine is really getting more and more delicious now~ I have learned 90% of the fragrance~"

However, Tears still didn't care about Tears' complaints, but took the initiative to taste the food on the table.

I have to say that the cooking level of Laizi can really be improved at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. Now it really feels like a chef!!

Chapter 50 Saint lv5

"Huh~! I still have to make a little progress~ Otherwise, you laughed to death~"

Hearing Tears's words, Xiaoqiong's nose also lifted slightly, looking a little proud.

Eh heh~ I can always save a little bit of face~

There is no bargaining for this kind of thing, and a little bit is bad.

"Ahaha~ it won't happen, but Claire ate very happily~"

"No...no! The delicious food is to eat more!"

Ke Leier complained somewhat dissatisfied.However, her little cheek is also slightly red, which is a bit uninteresting.

Unlike her cold and haughty appearance, she actually likes eating.

She is not so picky, as long as it can be slightly delicious.

But I didn't expect that the products made by Tears were so delicious.

It smells delicious and looks good, it is perfect, the color, fragrance and flavor are delicious!

"Well, what about the crack?"

Seeing this girl who seemed to have never eaten anything good, she smiled with tears and then changed the subject.

Since Claire is here, then Divine Split should also be right.

It was about the time to start lunch. They got together just to taste the taste first, and then they started to cook a lot of dishes.

But it seemed that the gods had been seen nearby before, but now they are gone.

"Maybe you are fighting with that Miss Qiao Ke, the two of them are fighting."


What's the situation?Why did these two fight suddenly?

"Don’t get me wrong, it’s just a simple discussion. One said that he was the strongest superpower in Academy City, and the other was your saint on our side. So, ah, the other person has already started to itch. So I started fighting, and I ran a little farther. If I continue to stay there and watch, it should be very exciting."

Claire couldn't help but rested her chin with her little hand, and then began to try to imagine the scene when she saw it.

Anyway, her whole person really felt as if some heavens and humans were at war. Both of them were flying around in the sky, and they couldn't see the lake at all.

"Really, what happened then?"

Tears asked curiously.

In fact, he has always been a little bit curious about the strength between Saint and lv5.

If it is purely from the physical fitness, I am afraid it will be very obvious, the power of the saint is absolutely far stronger than the superpower who still maintains the ordinary human body.

But Yuriko is an exception. Her power alone may be more than the other six superpowers combined.

But after hearing this sentence, the expression of tears started to be a little weird.

If Yuriko is allowed to fight Kamishi...Tears feel that Yuriko will basically win.

Although her physical fitness is still similar to that of ordinary people, she may even be inferior to an ordinary girl. Of course, she can't compare with the gods. The gap is very large.

But in terms of ability, Yuriko's ability to use it can almost be said to be close to the limit!

"I don't know, it should be Sister Huozhi who won..."

"I'm back, sorry, I just failed your expectations."

Chapter 51

"Sister Huozhi? You said disappointment...you won't lose?!"

Hearing the sound that came from the side suddenly, Claire, who was still chatting with tears, couldn't help showing some surprise at this time!

It didn’t make much sense to her. After all, she didn’t want to travel to the end, and suddenly saw a bunch of people beaten up with blood, and kept saying that it’s nothing great...but It's really amazing!

"Well, I lost, it's normal to lose."

"...If you lose, you can win it back. If you can, I think you have to relax a little bit. I feel that Sister Huozhi, you seem to be very tired now?"

Seeing the divine crack like this, Claire, who didn’t believe that this kind of thing would happen, couldn’t help but widened her eyes, looking stupidly at the divine crack that was getting wet all over. It just came out.

"Fortunately, today I saw that there are people outside the world, there are people outside the world, and there are days outside the world. My previous thoughts were a little too avoiding."

When she said this sentence, Claire also showed a little more confidence.

In any case, it should be a bit famous to be able to have a time period like this?

"It's already a bit difficult to influence Yuriko a little bit. If you really want to fight, I am afraid, there is not much chance of winning."

"...These people are too skilled one by one."

Tears sighed helplessly, and then shrugged.

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