I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolutely Powerful Chapter 589

It's just that the point is very subtle, making it difficult for her to control it.

However, she is confident. Things of this level will definitely not be difficult for her. It will take a while, and it should be possible to catch up.

"Tears, is this okay?"

After seeing the four of them dispersed, tears came over, and then asked somewhat entangledly.

In the battle just now, she could see a little bit of the doorway.

Obviously, people with the same abilities and the same appearance are using them, but the effects and methods of using them are completely different.

The same ability can be used for various purposes. Depending on the method of use, it can be used to varying degrees... Does she have to consider using her own ability better?

But let this be aside, and more importantly, how did they perform this time?

"Well, no problem, that's it~"

"...It feels so unreliable."

It's not that the tears don't believe in tears, but that their current performance is really much worse than the original. Is there really no problem?

"As long as they are making progress now, no matter what they are doing then, it will be good. By the way, do you have any mastery here?"

Tears smiled, then looked up and down the tears.

But this is not so much watching the progress of Laizi, as it is watching her figure... ahem!

"A little bit of discovery, I want to go back and try more."

"Well, think about it, you are the key point of the battle."


After hearing these words, Tears fell silent, then nodded silently, turned and left likewise.

She didn't want to ask those questions again and again, because she felt that there are so many people here who are so good, and she doesn't need her at all.

But why, whether it is tears, or Miss Natsume, seem to focus on her?

Miss Natsume has asked her twice in private, and she has also asked some questions about abilities, and tried to answer them. If she understands, she helped answer them.

And Ms. Yuriko, Misaka-senpai, Ms. Bee Eater, etc., they are all such powerful people, and all of them are such geniuses, but why should they all trust her so unreservedly?!

No reason!

This is the point where tears feel the most pressure.

Obviously she is just an ordinary girl. Although she has gained abilities, she has just climbed up from the bottom, and she has just climbed up a little bit. She is still far from the masters of them.

I heard tears say that their bodies were changed by Miss Natsume, and she went to ask again later, it was indeed true.

The reason is generally understandable now, that is to allow them to experience the feeling they hadn't experienced before after the exchange of bodies. This is helpful to the improvement of ability.

But the question is, why did you change her to tears!

According to Miss Natsume, in the end, she must rely on her to fight the archangel!!!

What a joke!Isn't this going to die?!!!

Of course, she also knew that things couldn't be so simple. If it were really so, then tears and Miss Natsume's brains must have been caused by something, but the reality is impossible.

Although the specific strategy is not clear, she knows that tears must have absolute certainty.

But she still feels that it is not good to give this opportunity to Yuriko-san or Misaka-senpai?

Especially Misaka-senpai, her potential is really great.

There are so many Misaka sisters who are supporting her and are able to integrate her computing power almost perfectly, and more than 20,000 sisters are here to assist her.

Moreover, in theory, there should be no upper limit for things like electricity.

Isn't the potential unlimited?According to this standard, she felt that tears could completely focus on Misaka-senpai.

...But each of them put their eyes on her, and they really didn't understand.

Her body is not modified like tears. It is just an ordinary person's body. Is this really okay?

"Don't worry, tears~you can succeed~"


However, after hearing the support of the person in front of him, the tears nodded, and then softly responded, no matter what, even if it is just to repay his trust, he must do it well!


"Mr. Lei, you are here~"

"The ice water bag has just been made~"

"Thank you, you are really comfortable here~"

Looking at the bags of ice water and various ice cubes around here, tears couldn't help showing the same smile as them.

"This is all the credit of the early spring classmates. Her ability really helped us a lot~"

"No, no, no! There is no such thing! It was the help of Wannei and Puffs, so my abilities can be used!"

After hearing the girl on the side talking about this kind of thing, Chuchun waved his hand quickly and complained resistingly.

What a joke!

This little ability of her is really not enough to be praised by them, really not!

"No, if it is not for the ability of the early spring classmates, we really can't make this kind of thing here."

"Yes~ Chuchun classmate's heat preservation ability is really good~"


However, Chuchun, who was repeatedly praised, was defeated not long after, and he covered his cheeks a little shyly, and was embarrassed to speak again.

These are actually used when they sleep.

After all, in such a big summer, if there is no ice around, I really can't stand it, and I will soon feel very uncomfortable.

Originally, of course, there is no need here, electric fans, air conditioners, etc., they also have everything on the first night, and there will be no problems.

... But when they came back, they found that the electricity here had completely stopped.

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