I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability Chapter 594

But at this time, another soft voice came out.

I have to say that this scene is really a relaxing scene. The newly-appearing girl is also a type that can perfectly blend into the few of them. Seeing it makes people want to smile.

After all, these cute girls are all gathered together~

"Chunshang classmate, let's practice here~"

"Oh~ it sounds like it's amazing. Is it Mr. Lei's teaching?"

Yan Yi blinked her big clear eyes, looked at tears curiously, her eyes full of interest.

Just strolling around, it seems that a lot of people are working hard to cultivate. There are a bunch of them here and a bunch of them there, so she doesn't have the atmosphere to play.

But here it seems to be very interesting, on the other side there are all kinds of excitement, she is not very good at that, it is better to feel quiet like this here~

"Well, Ying Yi, do you want to come to class too~ If it is you, there is a chance to upgrade to lv5~"

It's just that the originally harmonious atmosphere broke out with a tearful sentence!

"Huh?!" x3

After hearing this sentence, the three girls showed obvious shocked expressions.


This is something I can't even imagine!!!

"Huh? Is it like this?"

However, after hearing this sentence, Yu Yi, who was the subject, did not express how shocked he was. He was even calm, as if he had heard what to eat tonight... No, if I heard this If so, she might be happier!

"Well, with your potential, you can actually reach lv3 at least. It is not difficult to reach lv4. If you want, I can find a teacher to help you. It should be very helpful to you~"

"..." x3

Although they generally do not have any negative emotions, even if they hear that it may not be difficult for them to achieve something that others can't do in their lifetime, they can't help but feel a little bit small. Little envy is jealous!

"Is that so? That's okay~ Thank you Mr. Lei~"

He smiled, but Yan Yi's expression was still a normal smile, not much different from the usual one.

She may be simpler than others. She had to think about academic issues before, and there are a lot of things to learn, but if she herself, besides being able to eat fragrant rice every day, she doesn’t seem to have any dreams anymore, right? ...I have to say that simple children are indeed good to feed.

"It doesn't matter, and I think she will definitely accept it~"

"Huh? Mr. Lei, who are you talking about?"

"We only have two mental abilities here, who else do you think~"

"Huh?! Senior Sister Bee Eater?!"

"That's right~ but this time the body has changed. I guess it would be more appropriate to have two together."

Tears smiled, and then patted Yunyi's head without paying attention...Although this scene seemed a bit weird, I don't know why it didn't seem so uncomfortable.

Chapter 65

"In other words, are you looking for both Misaka-senpai and Bee-eater-senpai at the same time?"

Chuchun asked curiously.

But it’s right to think about it carefully. Now it’s Misaka-senpa who really uses her abilities, but in terms of theory and use, it must be Bee-eater-senpai who is much better, so two people should find it together.

"Well, it doesn't matter, anyway, the two of them happen to be training together now~"

"Yes, it seems that they are training... Then Spring School classmates, let's go find two senior sisters!"

"Huh? Go now?"

Jin Yi couldn't help blinking, and asked curiously.

Although it is certainly a good thing to be able to improve your ability, does it need to be so excited?

"Of course~! Many things will slow down our enthusiasm over time, of course we have to strike while the iron is hot! If you have something to do with the elder sisters, we have to delay a little bit, but we have to show our sincerity. First!"

"Oh! That's it!"

Hearing the excitement of Chuchun, Jin Yi couldn't help but grow up his mouth, and then said with surprise and admiration on his face...Of course, this little guy must simply follow suit.

But it's no wonder that even the tears are a bit unexpected, I didn't expect Chuchun to become so proactive.

You know, in normal times, early spring is very timid, and I never take the initiative to say such things. I did not expect that now... it may be because of her ability to improve and she has seen a new path. Let her heart He immediately became very firm!

If there is a trace of slack, it will stay in place forever!

She stayed in place for too long before, so once she had this opportunity, she would desperately want to seize it!

Chunshang is a good friend of hers. Although she has moved to live with Zhixian and she has changed back to a dormitory for one person, they are still close friends!

Chunshang's ability is also lv2, but the potential of her ability is really very strong!

After experiencing the incident of Miss Trestina, she has always been very clear that in fact, the talent of Chunshang classmates is also very high. Unlike her "little shrimp", she even has the opportunity to touch That "absolutely capable person"!

Because of this, she shouldn't waste her talents all the time!

Although eating is a good habit, if your head is always so empty, you will miss a lot of things in the future!

"...That, Tear-kun, is it really okay to go to Misaka-senpai now?"

Only after calming down a bit, Chuchun also reacted, and then said with some embarrassment.

To deal with the "archangel", she also knows that when people are so serious, they are a group of weak capable people... or she is the only one who is really weak, so many of them ran over to trouble others, really one Is it a good thing?

Doesn't it make people feel bored?

"Don't worry, they are already almost there. Whether it's Mikoto or Naoqi, their completion is already close to full. If only such a day or two can really make them fast If the number of people grows, the academy city has already let them do this every day. In fact, it doesn’t matter. Don’t worry, let’s not say, they will welcome you very much."

"That's it."

Hearing Tears say this, Chuchun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In any case, this kind of thing makes people feel a little embarrassed. If this group of people suddenly ran over to intervene in other people’s training and disturbed people’s interest, they might be blocked as soon as they made progress. , This feeling is also very uncomfortable.

As a human being, you can’t just think about yourself, but also for others!

But since Mr. Lei said so, there should be no problem.

"So Juanbao, Wan Bin, should you two come over and see?"

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