I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Sakuriko, Absolutely Absolute Chapter 66

But she soon realized that someone had such an intention!

Dong Ma immediately yelled out without hesitation, his eyes lit up, and he even embraced the tearful shoulders with excitement, and the eyes were filled with crystal tears!

Yes... a new sister is willing to go home with her for the night!Great!!!

"This way... won't it disturb Sister Dongma?"

"It's okay! My bed is big and comfortable~!"

Dongma stretched out his hands and spread his legs into a "big" shape, and then a bright smile appeared on his face.

Well, although the image is a bit cute and silly and cute, her sincerity, tears and tears can be clearly felt.

...It's normal for the girl to become like this once she's controlled to a certain degree.

But tears are really idle...boring, that's why.

Because in terms of time, a certain nun should be almost time!

Although because of the gradual reduction of the role and the constant pressure of the gun sister, the sense of existence is quite low, and she even complained about it during a certain episode of the animation.

The tears do not mean that you have to go to the muddy water, after all, as long as you get involved in it, there will be many troubles.

Originally, Tear was not a person who likes to be involved in danger. After all, in such a situation, it can be said that he was working against the hanged man!

Others have planned so many plans for Dongma to grow up. She is an absolute capable person, no matter how she comes in, she will hinder her development. If they don’t come out and give him a stick, it’s good, he is really Not confident to join in the fun with that big guy.


That was before.

He also thought about it later. It seems that there is no need to struggle with this kind of thing, right?

Anyway, he has directly gained the power that others can't get in his life. Is it true that he will not care about anything in the future, and then become a freelancer?

…Yes, yes.

But the biggest problem is that without Jill, where is the freedom!

Although the current life is still interesting, the girls here are also pretty, even the probability of his recovery is not completely 0, as long as the tears can become lv6...Although the probability is extremely small, for the average person It's impossible, but it's not impossible for people like him who bring their own plug-ins.

At that time, maybe he suddenly got a plug-in, with the ability to reach lv7, lv8, and when he stepped on those demon gods and other things under his feet, he might be refreshed!


Well, yy is not breaking the law, right?

But even yy has to try to do something. He is an actionist. If he does nothing, there will be no change. He finally found a way from Mushan, otherwise he Will not do so many troublesome things!

Author's message:

(There is still a chapter in the evening, please help everyone~ Support it~ It's better to have more automatic subscription~ It will be automatically prompted to update~)

Chapter 68: I am very big (the next chapter is on the shelves! Please recommend and subscribe!)

"Qiang Qiang~! Welcome to my house~!"

It's different from the ordinary room in the original book, it's a girly room that is somewhat unexpected but seems to be expected.

There are a lot of cute dolls in the room, the main color is also pink, giving people a very warm feeling, it can be said that men look a bit uncomfortable, but it fits the characteristics of this girl Rather, if you see her, you will feel that her room will probably look like this.

"What a nice room~"

Tears were also a little surprised. This room was the most girly room he had ever seen. Although the room of Tears could be seen as a girl, it still had a serious girl side. There were many books. Also very neat.

But in this room, there are a lot of things, all kinds of props, a little bit, and books, they are all piled in the corners, and many of them are the kind of comics that you can see at a glance. Falling, stars, balloons, etc... I really don’t know how there are so many things in a small room that can be put in, wouldn't she find it troublesome?

[It’s great~ I also seem to want a room like this~ Tear, let’s remodel it when we go back, OK?

The tears, which seemed to be still angry before, couldn't help but change back to their usual appearance at this time, and even said coquettishly to the tears with a slightly sweet voice.

But even if it was, tears couldn't promise her.

Such a room full of girlish atmosphere, let him install it?!

What a joke!

Although he looks like a girl now, he is still a tough guy inside!How could this kind of thing be done!

"Hey~ it’s great, right~! Fuck Chi-chan also said that it’s pretty good~ but Kanchu-chan and Taoli-chan both said too much, and they said a lot of things, they always said that they are like children. ~Obviously they are the oldest!"

Such a silly girl is indeed quite attractive.

Dong Mana pursed his small mouth in a complaint, making the tears look very cute.

It's just that a certain name in her words still made him care a little bit.

...Sure enough, "Dolly" has been awakened, and even "that matter" has been solved, so it seems that the queen's original trio should indeed have added a winter horse now, it is her Solve that matter.

Sure enough, without losing her memory, no matter what happened, she would try to do her best.

"Haha~ Sister Dongma is indeed like a child sometimes~"

"Why do you say that~ Is that this little mouth~ I said this kind of thing~ I pinch me~"

I have to say that the teacher after the motherhood is indeed very cute. It is a pure and natural image, and it is still very clingy.

Dongma threw his tears directly on the ground, and then squeezed his cheek with a grin. However, because the ground was already covered with a soft blanket, it did not make people feel any pain or pain. Hard, but very soft.

But her body is really very light. Although the figure is relatively tall, the whole person feels unusually soft. It may be because the skin is too tender and soft, and there are... those two The cushioning power of the group stuff is too strong, giving people a feeling of wanting to be buried in it forever...

[3, 2, 1...]

"Puff! Sister Dongma! Is there anything to eat! I'm hungry!"

When he heard the sound of a countdown to death without emotional fluctuations, the tears that were still in the brain fragments immediately widened his eyes, and then immediately pushed Dongma away with some excitement, and said nervously.

Natural stay is terrible!Almost immersed in this world!

"Yes, yes~! Sister Dongma can bring out whatever the tears sauce wants~!"

Fortunately, at this time, Dongma had also completely entered the "sister mode", with gold stars in his eyes, full of joy, and he started to turn the cabinets around.

Finally, a younger sister is here~ Be sure to show the image of a capable big sister~!

But let's not talk about Dongma, who is still busy, tears also saw a lot of "interesting" things at this time.

For example, she stretched her hands and embraced three young girls. She looked like a "harem king". In the photo, she was also very happy and satisfied.

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