Chapter 222: 220【Bodhisattva Heart, Thunderbolt Means】

  Chapter 222 220 [Bodhisattva heart, thunderbolt means]

   Of the four counties in Nan'an Prefecture, only Chongyi County has not been won for the time being.

  Chongyi County is poor, remote and hard to get around. There are basically no indigenous people in Jiangxi. Most of them are Hakkas from Guangdong, and a small part of them are Yao people from Guangdong. And moved to Jiangxi for a long time, at least 130 years before Wang Yangming suppressed the bandits!

  Shangyou County is just next door to Chongyi County. The conflict between locals and Hakkas in the southwest of the county is very serious. Most of the Hakka people are from Chongyi County.

  Zhao Han invited more than forty representatives from the surrounding counties. Naturally, it is impossible to cover everything. These representatives need to go back and pass on information.

  As soon as Zhao Han left Ganzhou, Shangyou County started a commotion.

  At this time, it is the rice heading and flowering period, and the evaporation is large in the high temperature season. Once there is a lack of water, the pollen and pistil stigmas are easy to wither, resulting in difficulty in earing, normal pollination, and the formation of hollow paddy.

   And you can't irrigate too much at one time. It is best to keep shallow water in the rice field and irrigate every two to three days.

   In a word, frequent water is required.

  Shangyou County, Jilong Village.

  There is a small river flowing into the Shangyou River. Due to the lack of rain for half a year, the small river is almost dry, and only a little bit of the river is still flowing.

  The Hakka people, whose ancestral home is in Guangdong, live in the upper reaches of the mountains. Except for the area along the river, the land is relatively barren. The natives of Jiangxi live in the lower reaches, and the land is relatively fertile as a whole, and there are much more flat terrain.

   But drought grabs water, the Hakka people have an advantage every time, because they live upstream!

   "Boom boom boom boom!"

   "The bandit is blocking the river, the bandit is blocking the river!"

  The aborigines in the lower reaches beat gongs and drums. After a while, every family had boys. Even children aged twelve or thirteen began to gather with hoes and sticks.

  The backbone of the peasant association was so frightened that they rushed to dissuade them: "Don't mess around, don't mess around, I'll report to the mayor, and the mayor will make decisions for us!"

   "Noisy, tie him up!"

   Several backbones of the peasant association were all tied up. Although many villagers have also joined the peasant association, in order to compete for water sources, they do not listen to the backbone of the peasant association at this moment.

  In half a day, more than 300 people gathered, all of whom were men from the downstream villages.

   They rushed upstream in a mighty way, and soon found the place where the river was blocked. There was a temporary dam in the river there, blocking all the small river water upstream.


  Just as the natives of Jiangxi demolished the dams, the Hakkas also began to rush to tell each other, rushing over with red eyes with all kinds of farm tools.

  A total of more than 700 people from both sides fought in the dry and shallow river.

  The fight was even more fierce this time, because there was no rain for half a year, and it was the critical heading period.

  In terms of casualties, the intensity has surpassed Fei Ruhe's siege in Nangan...

  The battle lasted for a quarter of an hour. Hundreds of people were killed or injured on both sides, and more than 20 people were killed on the spot.

  Jiangxi natives were few, so they couldn't beat them. They didn't even care about the corpses, so they fled with the wounded. They went back and immediately released the backbone of the peasant association, and then ran to the mayor to complain. The mayor was transferred from Wan'an County, not a native of Shangyou County, so he immediately sent someone to report to Ganzhou City.

   "It's time to kill people, and we can't blindly be virtuous." Liu Huan suggested.

Liu Anfeng also said: "Half a month ago, the general town made the rules. It's understandable if the distance is far away, maybe the mountain people don't know it, but Jilong Village in Shangyou County is very close. Their kind of The way to do it is to not pay attention to the general town, nor to pay attention to the government and peasant association in Ganzhou!"


  Chen Maosheng sighed: "I'm going to transfer troops."

  Ganzhou City had only 300 soldiers stationed there. When Zhao Han left, Chen Maosheng was allowed to move at will.

  Two days later, Chen Maosheng summoned hundreds of propaganda teachers and backbones of the peasant association, and rushed to Shangyou County with 300 soldiers. Although the Shangyou River was dry and shallow, small warships could still sail there. After arriving at the county seat by boat, they walked along the small river to Jilong Village.

   "Master Chen, you have to decide for us, those bandits are so unreasonable!"

  As soon as he entered the village, many farmers came and knelt on the ground begging Chen Maosheng for help.

  Chen Maosheng said blankly: "Who took the lead in tying up the members of the peasant association?"

  No one speaks.

  Chen Maosheng turned around immediately: "Go back to Ganzhou, don't worry about things here."

   "Liu Baocheng asked him to tie him up. I tried to persuade him, but he didn't!" A farmer shouted.

   "Yes, that's Liu Baocheng!" Another farmer said, "He joined the peasant association late, and he didn't become the leader of the peasant association. He kept telling us not to listen to the peasant association!"

  Chen Maosheng asked, "Who is Liu Baocheng?"


  The farmers all pointed at one person, who was already trembling with fright.

   "Catch it!"

   Three hundred Datong soldiers, well-equipped and well-organized, how can the local farmers dare to resist?

   This person was arrested and interrogated alone, and thirty villagers were selected for interrogation separately, and the person who organized the collusion was quickly found out.

  At the same time, according to Liu Baocheng's confession, this time bypassing the farmers' association to directly engage in trouble was instigated by the former big landlord in the village, and Liu Baocheng also received a bucket of rice as a benefit.

  The big landowner was not liquidated because of his crimes, and still kept a small amount of land, and then forced him to separate.

  The land reserved by the landlord’s family is relatively fertile, and the amount of land is large, and it is all by the river, which is the biggest beneficiary of the water competition. This guy didn't show up himself, but relied on his previous prestige to encourage the peasants to make troubles, and has been secretly obstructing the work of the peasant association.

  Chen Maosheng arrested people on the same day, and arrested the whole family of the landlord.

   On the second day, Chen Maosheng left some missionary officers and the backbone of the peasant association to reorganize the work of the local peasant association. He also personally led troops to the upper reaches to demolish the dams in the river, and waited for a long time but no Hakka people came to stop them.

  Chen Maosheng could only lead soldiers into the village, and interrogated more than 20 households in a row, but none of them was willing to confess the leader.

  These Hakka people are really united!

  As for the Hakka farmers association here, it has not yet been established.

  Chen Maosheng discussed with the local mayor and soon invited two Hakkas. They were the first ones willing to settle down during the economic sanctions last year, and they were granted licenses to buy salt and sell goods. After the Hakka people are willing to register, the charter licenses of these two people are useless.

   "Who is leading this time?" Chen Maosheng asked.

   "I don't know." The two shook their heads at the same time.

"Very good, very good, I really think I'm very kind," Chen Maosheng laughed angrily, "Separate the execution, cut off the little finger of the left hand first! If you don't confess, then cut off the ring finger of the left hand, after all ten fingers are chopped off, and then the foot finger!"

  The two were taken to different rooms, and soon there were screams.

  They didn't know whether the other party had confessed. When the ring finger was chopped off, one of them confessed the leader out of fear.

  Chen Maosheng came to the other person and said with a smile: "The other side has already recruited, do you want to recruit? If you don't, I will arrest him according to his confession. If you do, I will check the confession."

   "I recruit, I recruit." The man cried.

  The two confessed in the same way, and it seemed that there was no nonsense. Chen Maosheng immediately ordered: "Arrest people according to the list, and if anyone resists arrest, kill them immediately."

Chen Maosheng called the two together again, and said with a sneer: "You both can speak Jiangxi dialect, and you are also people who have settled down in advance. If you form a peasant association, you will definitely be selected as the backbone, and you can even be officials in the future. Why do you want to help? hide?"

  The two of them didn't speak, they just cried out in pain.

"I can probably guess," Chen Maosheng said with a smile, "you are looking forward to making a big deal so that the government can block the trade again. At that time, only the two of you will have a licensed business post, and you can go to the city to buy salt and sell it back. , you can also sell the goods in the mountains. Isn’t that the case?”

  The two of them didn't cry out in pain anymore, they just held the wound of their severed fingers, apparently all of them were covered by Chen Maosheng's words.

   "Short-sighted people," Chen Maosheng scolded angrily, "Mr. Zhao is about to occupy the entire territory of Jiangxi, and will seize the world in the future. If you sincerely seek refuge, you are considered heroes of the dragon, but you are blinded by the few money from the sale of goods!"

  The two were stunned when they heard this, and suddenly felt that they were really stupid, so they kowtowed to ask Chen Maosheng for forgiveness.

   After another half a day, the officer came back and reported: "Chen Zhangsi, you ran away two times, and you should have hid in the mountains."

  Chen Maosheng ordered: "Arrest his whole family and spread the news. If you don't return after three days and turn yourself in, your family's land will be confiscated, and all the men, women, and children in the family will be used as hard labor!"

   In the past half a year, Chen Maosheng has shown enough goodwill, it's time to use thunder!

  Three days passed, and of the two escaped, only one came back and surrendered.

  Chen Maosheng called all the people from the upper and lower reaches to the place where they gathered to fight. More than a dozen leaders were tied up, including the gentry who were secretly instigated, and 300 soldiers were fully armed and on standby at any time.

"If there is any dispute in the future, let the village chief and the peasant association mediate," Chen Maosheng said loudly. "If the village chief and the peasant association can't mediate, then go to the mayor of the town. Fight, severely punish the leader, what happened today should be taken as a warning!"

   The crimes were read out one by one, and then they were killed after the confession, and several heads were cut off in a row.

  When the Hakka people were cut down, those Hakka villagers were ready to move, and the three hundred Datong soldiers immediately raised their weapons.


   Another head fell to the ground.

   After more than a dozen heads were chopped off, Chen Maosheng said: "After nitrating with lime, spread it to the counties and villages and towns, and let them see the fate of advocating chaos and breaking the law!"

   In the next half a month, Chen Maosheng was directly stationed here, forcibly forming a peasant association and dividing the land.

  Because the fields are planted with grain, the results of this division of the fields will not be effective until the grain is harvested, and resolutely attack the Hakka leaders who produce too much land!

  Ordinary Hakka farmers get benefits and get more land. Although I don't say I really support it, at least I have conflicts with the Hakka leaders, and I will definitely not want to listen to those leaders in the future.

   Then there is drought relief. The river is almost dry, so we can only dig wells to try our luck.

   Two hundred of the three hundred soldiers were assigned to help the upstream and downstream villagers dig wells, and gradually get closer to the people at the bottom during labor.

   Just as the rice heading was over, there was a sudden heavy rain.

   Regardless of the natives and the common people, they all cheered and celebrated.

  However, the General Military Mansion was on alert. From southern Jiangxi to central Jiangxi, heavy rains continued in various counties.

  After half a year of drought, a big flood is likely to come!

  For a place like Nanchang County, the spring drought is only a slight failure of the harvest, and the big flood may wipe out the rice harvest!

   What is strange is that the central and southern parts of Jiangxi continue to have heavy rains, while the northern part of Jiangxi is still experiencing severe drought. To be precise, it is the eastern part of Jiujiang Prefecture, the northeastern part of Nankang Prefecture, and the northern part of Raozhou Prefecture. These places suffered severe drought last year, and this year there is still no rainfall even in summer.

  Floods and droughts come at the same time, God really doesn't leave a way for people to survive.

  (end of this chapter)

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