Chapter 231: 229【Zhao Han wants to join hands with the emperor】

  Chapter 231 229 [Zhao Han wants to join hands with the emperor]

   Raozhou City.

  Fei Chun came here to inspect the situation, and by the way, he called the grain merchants in Jiujiang, Nanchang, and Nankang to give a lecture.

   These grain merchants are now headed by Li Fenglai. Although they are not the biggest business, everyone knows that Li Fenglai belongs to Zhao Han.

   Moreover, Nanchang Mansion has divided up the land one after another. As a son of a concubine, Li Fenglai succeeded in becoming self-reliant, attracting many sons of concubines, offshoots of the family and professional shopkeepers to follow suit. They are all beneficiaries of the division of land and family, so they can only choose to support Zhao Han, and even help Zhao Han suppress their own family.

   "Greetings to Master Si Cai!" All the grain merchants bowed to each other.

   "Sit down." Fei Chun's complexion is very ugly, or he hasn't seen it this year.

  The grain merchants sat down in panic, inevitably guilty, for fear that Zhao Han and Fei Chun would turn against each other.

  Fei Chun was exhausted physically and mentally all day long, and he was not in the mood to make a detour. He said straightforwardly: "Everyone knows what you are doing in private and what ideas you have in mind, so I don't need to talk nonsense."

  The grain merchants were terrified.

   Li Fenglai argued: "Master Si Cai, we have not hoarded in Jiangxi, and even raised the purchase price of grain on our own initiative this year."

  Fei Chun sneered: "The chief town borrows grain with an annual interest rate of two cents. If you don't double the price of grain, can you buy grain from farmers?"

  The annual interest rate of two cents is very high, which is equivalent to Zhao Han borrowing 100 shi grains from the people, and returning more than 240 shi in five years. But this is a year of catastrophe, and the price of food has risen rapidly, and after five years, it will be more than doubled. In fact, it is not a loss in terms of money.

  Grain merchants in Jiangxi buy grain at double the price, and they can still make a lot of money transporting it to the southern provinces.

  Because in the Jiangnan provinces, the price of a stone of rice has risen to two taels of silver, which is more than four times higher than last year. When next year's harvest is not available, the price of rice will continue to rise!

  Another grain merchant surnamed Tu said: "Master Si Cai, but we have to do business."

Fei Chun said: "I will directly convey the opinion of the general town. You can make money, but don't do it too much. Although the people in the south of the Yangtze River are under the rule of the imperial court, the general town of Zhao still can't bear to see them starve to death. The food will be shipped over, and it will be enough for you to make money. How many people will starve to death if you sell the food next spring?"

   All the grain merchants looked at each other in blank dismay, Zhao Han must have been too strict.

  They are afraid of Zhao Han's force, and operate with absolute integrity in Jiangxi. They are nothing more than making some money in other places. Zhao Han even cares about the affairs of the southern provinces?

  Everyone did this. The various prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River, including Anhui in later generations, did not produce much grain since the middle of the Ming Dynasty, and they all relied on grain transported from Jiangxi and Huguang. After the catastrophe this year, Huguang grain merchants are also hoarding, releasing goods bit by bit, and they plan to sell grain again next spring.

  Li Fenglai said: "Si Cai, even if we sell grain honestly, the grain merchants in the south of the Yangtze River will raise the price on the ground, and the people in the south of the Yangtze River can't afford grain either."

   "Food prices will always be low." Fei Chun sneered.

   Grain merchants in Huguang and Jiangxi mainly wholesale grain to Jiangnan, and at most conduct a small amount of retail. Grain merchants in the south of the Yangtze River are the main force in retailing. They buy grain from Huguang and Jiangxi merchants, and they also release the goods little by little, waiting for next spring to make a fortune.

  Zhao Han can block the grain transportation channel and forcibly impose heavy taxes. But these heavy taxes will definitely be passed on to the people in the south of the Yangtze River, resulting in higher food prices in the south of the Yangtze River.

  The land of wealth in the south of the Yangtze River has the most developed industry and commerce in the country. Zhao Han will use this to develop industry in the future. If the room is left empty, what kind of a fart is it? Therefore, Zhao Han cannot impose heavy taxes on grain exported.

  Zhao Han cannot occupy Jiangnan in advance, otherwise it will bring two results:

  First, the finances of the Ming Dynasty completely collapsed, which led to Beijing being breached in advance, and the Tatars must also enter the customs in advance;

  Second, before the financial collapse of Ming Dynasty, the imperial court will attack Zhao Han frantically, and even leave the bandits alone to attack Zhao Han!

  Zhao Han needs time to develop, Nanzhili and Zhejiang must be kept, and at the same time he cannot occupy them.

  Damn it, a traitor actually broke his heart for the imperial court, for fear that Chongzhen would not be able to hold on.

  Li Fenglai asked again: "Even if I sell the grain to the south of the Yangtze River, what if the grain merchants in the south of the Yangtze River stock up and fail to ship?"

"Wait and wait, the town has already sent people to meet the emperor, and together with the imperial court to suppress grain prices in Nanzhi and Zhejiang!" Fei Chun said, "I remind you to act as soon as possible, otherwise you may be forced to sell grain at a lower price next spring. It was not forced by Zongzhen Zhao, but by the court!"

  The grain merchants were stunned. The rebels sent people to meet the emperor and work with the court to stabilize grain prices?

   Strange things happen every year, especially this year. I have never seen such a rebel.


  Wang Diaoding, who has been engaged in the study of Datong theory, took the initiative to invite Ying this time. After the flood subsided, he set off for Beijing.

  After arriving in Beijing, he went straight to the official residence of the chief assistant.

  Because no money was given to bribe the doorman, the doorman didn't even accept invitations.


Wang Diaoding pulled out his scribe sword, pointed the sword at Menzi's throat and said, "I am under the command of Zhao Tianwang, a giant bandit in Jiangxi. If the first assistant is missing, I will spread the words that the first assistant is colluding with the rebels. Zhang Shoufu will surely have his family ransacked and his family destroyed. You Don’t even think about running away from the gatekeeper!”

  An anti-thief?

  Menzi was so frightened that his head went blank. He wanted to kneel down, but he was afraid that his throat would be hurt by the sword, so he trembled all over, "Okay... the hero, spare your life!"

   "Hurry up and report!" Wang Diaoding put his sword back into its sheath.

  Menzi fell limp to the ground in an instant, struggled twice, but couldn't stand up.

   "Go!" Wang Diaoding scolded.

  The gatekeeper took the greeting card and crawled in in a panic, while the other gatekeepers had already hid far away.

   After entering the door, the door was closed immediately, and the door stood up with difficulty, and staggered to report. One by one, the greeting card was finally handed over to Shoufu Zhang Zhifa.

  Hearing that the Jiangxi giant bandits who had been recruited for security had sent someone, Zhang Zhifa didn't dare to see him, and he didn't dare to see him again. He came to the gate in a panic, and asked through the door: "What is your honor coming to Beijing for?"

Wang Diaoding replied: "Tongzhi, the former commander of the Ming Dynasty, General Zhaoyong, and Zhao Yan, the commander-in-chief of Ji'an, wrote a handwritten letter and sent me to hand it to His Majesty in person. You should go to the palace to report, and go now to delay the matter." , your head is not safe!"

  Zhang Zhifa thought that something big had happened, and with Chongzhen's character, if he delays because of him, there is a great possibility that his head will be lost.

   "Prepare the sedan chair!"

  The Chief Assistant was so frightened that he immediately went out and ran to the Forbidden City while it was dark.

  When he came to Dong'an Gate, Zhang Zhifa said to the gate guard: "Please inform Your Majesty that there is an urgent matter in the cabinet. It is a matter of great urgency!"

  Seeing that Shoufu was in such a hurry, the guards thought that the Tartars were calling again, and were so frightened that they ran to report immediately, without bothering to collect the money.

   Passed on layer by layer, Chongzhen summoned him immediately, and when Zhang Zhifa saw the emperor, it was completely dark.

   "What happened again?" Chongzhen asked hastily.

Zhang Zhifa said: "Your Majesty, Zhao Yan, the General Soldier of Ji'an, Jiangxi Province, sent a messenger to the residence of the minister. He said that the letter was written by General Zhao himself and asked him to submit it to Your Majesty in person. I dare not let him in. This person is still in the residence of the minister. Wait at the door."

   Chongzhen frowned, but at the same time he was curious, and immediately sent an order: "Bring this person into the palace!"

  Wang Tiaoding was confiscated with weapons and went straight to Qianqing Palace.

  Seeing the emperor, Wang Tiaoding immediately knelt down and said, "King Tiaoding, magistrate of Luling, kowtow to Your Majesty!"

   Chongzhen asked suspiciously: "Are you the magistrate of Daming, or the magistrate of Zhao Yan?"

Wang Tiaoding replied: "I am the magistrate of Daming County. Not long after I took office, the rebels came to attack the city, and there were no soldiers under my command. I owed the king's kindness, which caused Daming to lose the city and land. In recent years, I have not really followed A thief, has been lecturing at Bailuzhou Academy."

   Chongzhen didn't feel angry, or he was already numb. At least this county magistrate did not choose to be a bandit official, but only taught under the anti-bandit rule.

  Besides, Luling County is attached to Guofu City, and the real responsibility should be the prefect of Ji'an.

  If Chongzhen knew that two of the articles in "Datong Collection" were written by Wang Tiaoding, he would have dragged them to Lingchi on the spot.

  The **** handed over a letter, which was found from Wang Diaoding.

   "Is this Zhao Yan's handwriting?" Chongzhen asked.

  Wang Tiaoding said: "Exactly."

  Chongzhen opened the letter curiously, and his first reaction was that the writing was not bad, and it seemed that he was indeed a cultured traitor.

After the content is translated into the vernacular, it is roughly as follows: "My minister Zhao Yan, a poor scholar in Jishui. Corrupt officials exploited, gentry oppressed and oppressed, and they followed the example of the mantis in order to survive. Now the whole country is in a catastrophe. The officials and people in Jiangxi are united. The disaster is not very serious Serious. However, South Zhili and Zhejiang have experienced years of severe drought. Fathers and sons, brothers, and husbands and wives ate each other, and a large number of hungry people came to Jiangxi to beg. Jiangxi, Nanzhi, and Zhejiang grain merchants colluded and hoarded strange things. The ministers in Jiangxi were powerless to restrain them. We must cooperate with Nanzhi The price of rice in the south of the Yangtze River can only be stabilized by the joint efforts of officials from Zhejiang and Zhejiang. Your Majesty, please send a special inspection governor to order the officials from Nanzhi and Zhejiang to supervise the collection of food and disaster relief."


   Chongzhen was furious, and scolded: "He is a general of Ji'an, and he wants to get involved in disaster relief in Zhizhi and Zhejiang. Do you want to replace him as emperor!"

  Wang Tiaoding cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, Zhao Yanzhi's original intention is really just disaster relief."

   Chongzhen sneered: "Say it!"

Wang Tiaoding said: "Zhao Zongbing wants to occupy Zhejiang, it is like searching for something. You can send troops from Guangxin Mansion, how can there be officers and soldiers in Zhejiang that can resist? Take Zhejiang, and then use the navy to attack Nanzhi. , the south of the Yangtze River is in his hands. Why would he bother to ask His Majesty to send the governor to Jiangnan for disaster relief?"

  Although these words are ugly, they are true, and they are also the most worrying thing for the court.

   Chongzhen asked: "What exactly does Zhao Yan intend to do?"

   "Disaster relief, saving the people." Wang Diaoding replied.

   Chongzhen became more and more confused the more he listened, and he didn't even hide his address: "He is a Jiangxi rebel, what does the disaster in Nanzhi and Zhejiang have to do with him?"

  Wang Tiaoding touched his forehead to the ground, prostrated himself and said, "I dare not speak."

   "Say!" Chongzhen scolded.

"Zhao Yan is a great man. He has the heart to annex the universe and the ambition to help the world," Wang Diaoding said. "This year Jiangxi also had a catastrophe. Under Zhao Yan's rule, the government and the people are united. In the next year, floods and droughts raged, and the people suffered unspeakably. There were starvation riots in Raozhou and Duchang. Zhao Yan not only reduced taxes under his own rule, but also went to the government to help the people, and even ran out of money and food."

   Chongzhen sneered: "This invitation buys people's hearts!"

Wang Diaoding continued: "Your Majesty, forgive me for speaking bluntly. Zhao Yan has regarded himself as an official. Although the hungry people in Nanzhi and Zhejiang are not under Zhao Yan's rule, Zhao Yan regards them as his own people. He is very kind to the people. OK…"

   Chongzhen was not angry this time, but felt absurd and at the same time endlessly sad.

  What kind of emperor is he doing?

  Under the rule, the starving people could not be relieved, and they had to urge taxes crazily, and let a rebel worry about people's livelihood.

   Chongzhen said with a blank expression: "I have heard many people talk about Zhao Yan, and they insist on their own words. It is difficult to distinguish the truth from the false. You should also evaluate this person."

   (Thanks to Mr. Penguin, another Silver League. Also, ask for a monthly pass.)

  (end of this chapter)

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