Chapter 327: 325 【Scholar's Heart】

   Chapter 327 325 [Scholar's Heart]

  The winter solstice, the snow comes and the sun clears.

   Raid Jiangsu, Zhejiang and the counties around Dongting Lake, and a quarter of the officials in Luling County were taken away. Some time ago, Fujian was taken over, and several officials in Luling County were taken away.

  Female intern Liu Rushi is now a serious county official.

   "Xiao Liu, prepare some dried fruit drinks, and tomorrow we will pick a few people to go to Bailuzhou." Chen Qianji, the chief secretary, came to the Propaganda Department to deliver the message in person.

  Liu Rushi confirmed in detail: "How much dry fruit wine do you need, and how many people do you need to go to Bailuzhou?"

  Chen Qianji thought for a while, and replied: "Two hundred catties of dried fruit, thirty catties of wine. You don't have to worry about how many people smoke, you must go. Remember to call Tian Su (Lin Xue) too."

  Liu Rushi didn't ask any more questions, she already guessed that some noble person was going to Bailuzhou tomorrow.

  Chen Qianji was the young section chief, and within half a year, he was promoted to the director of Luling County. When the site expands again next year, he will either be promoted to be a county magistrate, or transferred to a prefecture to be an experience (similar to the director of a municipal office). There will be another promotion, a proper party magistrate.

  Double success in love and career, Chen Qianji has already pursued Lin Xue, the only obstacle to marriage is to convince the feudal parents.

  Liu Rushi immediately went to withdraw the money and buy dried fruits and drinks for preparation.

  Back to the rented yard, Liu Rushi said to Lin Xue: "Sister, brother-in-law wants you to go to Bailuzhou together tomorrow."

   "Brother-in-law? You haven't written your horoscope yet." Lin Xue blushed suddenly.

"Sooner or later," Liu Rushi said with a smile, "although my brother-in-law didn't explain it clearly, I already guessed it. I'm afraid Zongzhen Zhao will go to Bailuzhou tomorrow. Otherwise, no one can let the county government branch bank to eat. "

Lin Xue laughed and said, "A county magistrate in Daming can make a fuss when he travels. Mr. Zhao's bureaucracy is really strict. The expenses for entertaining officials are only a few taels of silver, and they have to be reported to each level for approval. Many officials complained , saying that it is too difficult to be an official in Jiangxi, you do a lot, you get little, and if you make a mistake, you will be punished.”

  Liu Rushi said: "It's not bad. I'm just a county clerk, and I can support three families with my salary. I can't just eat and drink, and I can't be romantic. The sons of the gentry find it hard."

   "I heard that Ms. Huang (Xiaohong) has been promoted to magistrate?" Lin Xue asked suddenly.

  Liu Rushi nodded and said, "The county magistrate of Anfu."

  Lin Xue was amazed and envious: "You are really a hero among girls!"

   Liu Rushi said: "The general town must have taken care of it secretly. The three counties of Luling, Jishui, and Anfu are the places where the general town thrives. Anfu County is open and rich, so there is not much resistance for a woman to be a county magistrate there."

   Among the Jiangxi merchants, there are two major merchant gangs, one is the Anfu merchant gang, and the other is the Qianshan merchant gang. The industry and commerce in Anfu County are extremely prosperous.

  The next day.

  Lin Xue prepared pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and went out with Liu Rushi. She waited at the county government office, Liu Rushi came out after a while, and Chen Qianji brought a few officials.

  The county magistrate and the county magistrate did not dare to let go of their jobs, and went to Bailuzhou to entertain Zhao Han in person.

When boarding a boat across the river at the ferry, Chen Qianji ordered: "There are many scholars today, they are here to persuade them to come, not only from Jiangxi, but also from Jiangnan, Zhejiang, Hunan, Guangdong, and even Fujian. The more scholars from all provinces gather More and more, it is nothing more than asking the general town to become a king on its own, and move the capital to Nanjing to open a course to obtain a scholar. Their real intention is only to open a course to obtain a scholar. They want to skip the official staff and become an official directly after the examination. Therefore, no matter what they say Whatever, you don't want to get involved."

   All the officials suddenly realized that this time they were serving as receptionists.

  When I came to Jiangxinzhou by boat, not only officials from Luling County came, but also the handymen from Bailuzhou Academy were busy. The stools and desks were brought out and placed on the open space outside, and a lot of preserved fruits and drinks were brought out, and there was still thick snow all around.

  Lin Xue pointed to the distance: "He is here too."

   Liu Rushi took a closer look, but it was his ex-boyfriend Chen Zilong. The two of them once talked about getting married, but the Chen family disagreed with each other. After Chen Zilong was admitted to Jinshi and became an official in Beijing, they broke up completely.

   After everyone waited for a while, Zhao Han finally showed up, bringing only a dozen bodyguards with him today.

   "Meet the general town!"

  No one kneeled down, just bowed, which made Zhao Han very satisfied.

  Zhao Han smiled and said, "Sit down."

   "Mr. Xie!"

  Everyone took their seats.

   Zhao Han raised his glass and said: "Today's winter solstice, the sky is freezing, and I will drink this cup to the full. I wish the country and the people peace, and the military disaster will be eliminated as soon as possible."

  Everyone toasted, followed by a toast.

   Putting down the wine glass, Zhao Han smiled and said, "Who is Chen Renzhong?"

  Chen Zilong got up from the table, cupped his hands and said, "I've seen Zongzhen."

  Zhao Han nodded and said: "So it was you, you were the only one in the audience who didn't drink."

  Chen Zilong said: "Ding You is not yet full, so it's inconvenient to drink."

   "I see, make him a pot of tea." Zhao Han ordered.

   "Thank you, Chief Town, for your understanding." Chen Zilong said.

"Sit down and talk," Zhao Han said approvingly, "I have already read the "Nongzheng Quanshu" you contributed, and it is more comprehensive and detailed than the "Nongshu" of the previous dynasty. All must have it, and officials at all levels must read it."

  Chen Zilong shouted sincerely: "The general town is wise!"

   In fact, Chen Zilong didn’t work as an official for a few days. His mother died of illness and went home to attend the funeral.

   "Nongzheng Quanshu" is Xu Guangqi's posthumous work. Before it was approved and revised, Xu Guangqi died of illness. Chen Zilong got the draft of "Nongzheng Quanshu" from Xu Guangqi's grandson, deleted about three-tenths of it, and added two-tenths of the content himself.

  This book is divided into two parts, one part is agricultural technology, the other part is agricultural policy.

  There are as many as 18 volumes on disaster relief and famine preparations, and even hundreds of plants that can satisfy hunger are appended. The book not only makes statistics on the floods, droughts and locust disasters in the past dynasties, but also analyzes the pros and cons of various disaster relief methods.

  Only relying on the "Nongzheng Quanshu", Zhao Han will vigorously reuse Chen Zilong.

  Alas, in history Chen Zilong failed to resist the Qing Dynasty and was captured by the Qing soldiers and taken to Nanjing. Chen Zilong refused to surrender and jumped into the water halfway to his death. The body was beheaded by Ling Chi and finally thrown into the river.

  Zhao Han said to all the scholars: "I am a man of merit, and gentlemen of all walks of life should not be impatient."

   These scholars are all from various provinces, and more and more are gathering in Bailuzhou Academy. They couldn't bear the shame of being officials, so they wrote letters every three days to persuade them to come in, and they also asked Zhao Han to start a course in Nanjing to obtain a scholar.

  Seeing Zhao Han admiring Chen Zilong at this moment, everyone was envious.

  Zhao Han chatted for a while, said some words of encouragement, and suddenly asked, "Do you know why the Great Ming Sheji has been so corrupted?"

Xu Lianggong, a Juren from Jiangyin, stood up. This guy is Xu Xiake's nephew: "The current situation in the Ming Dynasty is corrupt, and there are no more than three points. First, the treacherous ministers are in power, and the state government is corrupt; second, Wen Tian and Wu Xi, cannot govern the people internally, and cannot defend the enemy externally; Third, the emperor is fatuous, extorting money and extorting money, and the people are living in dire straits.”

   "What else?" Zhao Han asked the rest of the scholars.

Lu Xiangguan, a scholar in Yixing, said: "The rewards and punishments are unclear, and the rewards and punishments are impermanent. Those who do things often make troubles, and those who are dead are promoted. So, who else is willing to serve the court? My elder brother, who devoted himself to the Ming Dynasty, is now imprisoned in Beijing." In prison!"

  Zhao Han asked: "Who is Brother Ling?"

  Lu Xiangguan replied: "My brother's surname is Lu, and Xiangsheng is taboo."

   It turned out to be Lu Xiangsheng's younger brother.

  Lu Xiangguan was also a righteous man who resisted the Qing Dynasty. He personally led thirty cavalry into the town and fought against the Qing soldiers on the streets. Later, he was surrounded by the bridge, and 45 brothers, nephews and nephews were killed in battle. The Lu family wanted to arrest him and sacrifice him to the Qing Dynasty. Lu Xiangguan led 300 men into Taihu Lake. They were outnumbered, cut the sails, and died fighting on the boat.

  Lu Xiangguan said: "The general town has clear rewards and punishments, and it should be prosperous. The next time I come to Jiangxi, it is not to persuade to advance, but to ask to join the army, so that the world will return to peace as soon as possible."

   "Are you willing to join the army?" Zhao Han was a little surprised.

  Lu Xiangguan said: "There is no shortage of civil servants in the town, and I am willing to contribute to the army. Please start from the chief!"

   "Are you proficient in riding?" Zhao Han asked.

   "Riding and shooting are excellent." Lu Xiangguan replied.

"it is good!"

  Zhao Han clapped his hands and laughed: "Jeju Island is training cavalry, you can take your wife and children with you, and you will serve as a cavalry officer on the island!"

   "Mr. Xie!"

Lu Xiangguan did not sit down, and continued: "Chaozhou Chen Tangong is a general of the Tianxiong Army. He is good at battle and cavalry. After his brother was imprisoned, Chen Tangong resigned and returned to his hometown. It is now in Haiyang County, Chaozhou."

  Zhao Han said to the secretary: "Write down Mr. Chen Tan, and send him to Jeju Island to train cavalry."

  Lu Xiangguan was satisfied now, sat down to eat melon seeds, and did not say another word.

Li Yiyuan, a member of the Taiping Mansion, stood up and said: "The general town's political strategy is excellent everywhere. There is only one place, which is to open a course to obtain scholars. The general town has half of the country, please add the title of king and move the capital to Nanjing. Once in Nanjing Opening a course to recruit scholars will win the hearts of scholars all over the world, and all Kyushu will return to surrender!"

   "Please ask the general town to open a department to obtain a scholar!" All the scholars shouted.

  Zhao Han said with a smile: "In the future, I will open a course to obtain a scholar, but all provinces and counties must set up middle schools. You can continue to study, get acquainted with the subjects of elementary school and middle school, and you will definitely be able to pass the imperial examination in high school in the future!"

  Everyone was stunned.

  Fujian Juren Wu Huangjia couldn't help asking: "In the future, when you open a course to become a scholar, will you also have to take mathematics and geometry?"

   "It's natural." Zhao Han said firmly.

  Nanjing Juren Chen Dan said excitedly: "Mathematics is a trivial matter, how can you get into the imperial examination hall?"

  The smile on Zhao Han's face disappeared, and he said in a cold tone: "You have only two choices, either to take the exam or not to take the exam."

  Qiantang Juren Xu Fuyi cupped his hands and bowed: "Please think twice, the chief minister, the imperial examination has been customized, and it should not be changed easily."

   Zhao Han asked back: "During the time of Confucius and Mencius, were there imperial examinations?"

  Xu Fuyi replied: "Not at all."

   "Since this is the case, what is tested in the imperial examination is determined by the emperors of later generations," Zhao Han said, "If I am an emperor, I can take whatever exams I want. Or do you think this town can't be an emperor?"

   "Don't dare." Xu Fuyi hurriedly sat back.

Zhao Han said: "In the spring and summer of next year, I will move to Nanjing. As for the opening of a subject to obtain a scholar, it is still the same sentence, you have to wait for the completion of middle schools and primary schools in various places. If you want to participate in the imperial examination, you must study Datong and mathematics honestly. , Geometry. Or, if you become an official now, maybe you will be a magistrate in the future when you start a course to obtain a scholar!"

  All the scholars looked at each other, but they didn't dare to jump anymore, for fear of offending Zhao Han at this moment.

  (end of this chapter)

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