Chapter 370: 368 【Battle】

  Chapter 370 368【Start of War】

  In early April, spring plowing ends.

  Zhang Xianzhong has completed the assembly of troops and the mobilization of food and grass, and may attack central and northern Anhui at any time.

  At this time, Li Zicheng was about to surround Beijing, and Emperor Chongzhen was about to hang himself.

  Wuxing Town, Huangjia Village, where Zhao Han started the incident.

   A group of farmers and soldiers came to Huang Shui's house: "Captain, I heard that other towns are sending troops, why is there no movement in our village or town?"

  Huang Shui is a veteran with a crippled ring finger and little finger on his left hand. He returned to his hometown to serve as the captain and instructor of the peasant army. Holding a bowl of gruel, he said, "There are too many soldiers in Wuxing Town. We fought wars a few years ago, and every time we sent out peasants, soldiers and peasants. This time, the superiors have said that they will not be recruited from Wuxing Town. You should go home honestly." go planting."

   "Why don't people come out of Wuxing Town?"

   "That is, we Wuxing people fight, one can be worth ten. The governor under Mr. Zhao's command, our Wuxing Town accounts for half!"

   "Don't send troops to Wuxing Town, let's go to the county to petition!"

   "What is a petition?"

   "You don't even know about petitions? Teacher Zhang said in school that a bunch of people go to the government and ask the government to agree to something, which is a petition."

   "Okay, let's all go to petition!"


Huang Shui stood up abruptly, and scolded: "Stop, everyone! Peasants and soldiers are also soldiers, and soldiers should obey military orders. What is the military order now? It is Wuxing Town that does not need to send troops, nor does it need to send out civilian husbands. Everyone go home , if you can’t find a job to do, hold your own mother-in-law to toss every day, and give Mr. Zhao a few more children to plant the land and pay for food!”

"Ha ha ha ha!"

   This remark caused a burst of laughter.

  Huang Shui said again: "That Zhang Xianzhong doesn't know what is good or bad. He doesn't grow food himself, so he comes to rob our food. If he takes down Anhui, he will come to Jiangxi to rob food. Are you willing to let him rob?"

   "I'm not happy, why should I give Zhang Xianzhong the food we grow ourselves?"

   "Captain, that's why we should send troops to help Mr. Zhao kill that son of a **** Zhang Xianzhong!"


"Shut up, listen to me," Huang Shui scolded, "The mayor and the village chief have made it very clear that this year there is a severe drought in the provinces, and Mr. Zhao is also short of food to fight. Since Wuxing Town is not allowed to leave , then we should produce grain. Mr. Zhao will not let the farmers suffer. This grain bond has interest. If you save it for a few years, you can get back more. My family’s grain will be taken to the government to buy grain bonds. This year's ration."

Huang Shui held the porridge and said: "Think about it, go back ten years, what kind of life do we live? Can we afford white rice and drink white rice porridge? I'll take the lead and only eat two meals a day from now on. , I only eat thin ones for every meal. Eat more sweet potatoes, bracts, and sorghum, and save all the good food and send it to Mr. Zhao to fight! If Mr. Zhao loses, no matter how much food we have left in the family, we will be punished by Zhang Xianzhong **** it?"

"well said!"

   "If you listen to your superiors, let's not go to war and give all the food to Mr. Zhao!"

   "What interest do you need? The land at home is all given by Mr. Zhao, and all the food is donated to the government. Just enough for the family to eat!"

   "Go, donate food!"


  Whether Zhao Han calls himself the commander-in-chief, the governor, or the king of Wu, everyone in Wuxing Town loves to be called "Mr. Zhao".

  Because Wuxing Town was assigned to all previous battles, not only were there many mid-level and senior military officers, but farmers, soldiers and peasants were also given a lot of land. Taking the above field as the calculation standard, the land property of the common people in Wuxing Town has reached an average of six mu per person.

  The fields in Wuxing Town have long been insufficient, and new sites are often laid down, and the peasants or farmers and soldiers stay there. Then their wives and children were also taken away, and the fields were redistributed in new places, and the original fields were distributed to other meritorious persons.

   It can be said that they have a high level of ideological awareness, and it can also be said that they are an emerging interest group. Anyway, they regard Zhao Han as a bodhisattva god.

  This is not only true for Wuxing Town, but also for the entire Luling County.

  In the early three counties of Luling, Jishui, and Anfu, Zhao Han had a lot of fanatical supporters, and the per capita land property of the three counties has exceeded five acres!

   In order not to affect people's livelihood, it is also to balance the army. This time in the three counties, very few manpower was transferred, and Wuxing Town was not even allowed to send any more people.


  In the three counties of Luling, Jishui, and Anfu, farmers spontaneously set off a vigorous grain donation campaign.

In front of the bank's grain depot in Wuxing Town, a farmer held up the grain bond and shouted at the crowd: "See, all the grain in my family has been donated. If Mr. Zhao wants grain, just give it. Not to mention the interest, the principal No need to pay back!"

   After finishing speaking, he tore up the bonds in public, and stuffed them directly into his mouth, swallowing them one by one.

"it is good!"

   "I don't want any food for my family, folks, please be a witness. Long live Mr. Zhao!"

"Count me in!"


  Historically, Li Wen, who prepared a call to action for Dorgon and invented the theory of "the Manchu Qing avenged the Ming Dynasty", was serving as the mayor of Wuxing Town at this time.

   Last year, he redeemed his father from prison, and the father and son returned to Jiangnan.

  Li Wen's father went to do business, and Li Wen quickly signed up as a reserve official. First served as a small official in Jiangnan, and was promoted to Jiangxi this year.

   Zhao Han has a special instruction for the children of the big families in Jiangnan and Zhejiang. Those who are willing to be officials should be transferred to Jiangxi as much as possible, so that they can feel the revolutionary enthusiasm, and at the same time let them know the rules of being an official!

  At this moment, Li Wen looked at the peasants competing to tear up their bonds, and finally fully understood why Zhao Han was able to grow.

   This is what makes the people's hearts available.

   This is called the admiration of all peoples.

   I am afraid that with Zhao Han's order, there will be hundreds of thousands of farmers in Jiangxi who will bring their own dry food and join the army to fight.

  After finishing the daily work, Li Wen went back to the house and wrote a letter to her friend, feeling Zhao Han's personal prestige in Jiangxi. At the same time, he complained that the people in Wuxing Town refused to obey the discipline, and they all accepted death.

  Li Wen doesn’t dare to embezzle, or even neglect politics. The people here are too scary.

  The literacy rate of children in Wuxing Town is even more terrifying. The literacy rate is close to 100% between the ages of seven and under 18. Even if it is placed in Zhao Han's territory, it is only this family, there is no other semicolon!

  If the mayor dares to fool the people, a bunch of literate teenagers will immediately come to reason.

  If the mayor dares to be unreasonable, hey, hey, maybe a young man is the nephew of a certain general.

  Li Wen felt that he did not come to be an official, he came to be the grandson of the people of Wuxing Town.

   Ship after ship of grain was transported to Hukou County for storage.

  Countless farmers, soldiers and civilian husbands were selected and sent out by the villages and towns. They went to the county to gather by themselves, and were sent to Hukou by boat by the county magistrate.

  There are too many applicants. It was originally planned to recruit 20,000 peasants and soldiers each in Jiangxi and Hunan, and another 20,000 civilian husbands each. After reporting and asking for instructions, Zhao Han agreed to recruit 30,000 each, and... many of those peasants were peasants and soldiers signing up.

   It can be said that only in Jiangxi and Hunan provinces, Zhao Han exploded with 100,000 soldiers in one month!

  Many people don’t look like peasants, but they are peasants and soldiers with weapons, and they really bring their own weapons.

  High ideological awareness is one aspect, and another is to reward the land for meritorious service. The per capita land property of Wuxing Town is 6 mu, which has become a living example for the whole Jiangxi.

  Jiang Dashan and Jiang Liang have squatted in Guangdong for the past two years, and have wiped out the bandits in Fujian and Guangdong provinces.

   By the way, he raised grass and beat rabbits. In the process of chasing down the bandits, he knocked down all the Wuzhou Mansions in Guangxi, and reported to the superiors to send officials to complete the division of land.

  Nowadays, a division stationed in Guangdong has nothing to do except defend Guangxi.

  It is too troublesome to transfer troops from Guangdong to the north, but it is possible to mobilize officers.

  Jiang Dashan was appointed as the head of the Hunan peasants and soldiers, and Jiang Liang was appointed as the head of the Jiangxi peasants and soldiers. Each took dozens of officers northward to take over the troops.

  They arrived at the destination before the peasants and soldiers. One was training in Baling, and the other was training in Hukou.

  It is said to be training, but in fact it is to reorganize the troops and practice the cooperation of large corps by the way.

  While these two men were still training peasants and soldiers, Anhui was already fighting!

   Zhang Xianzhong and Sun Kewang attacked Guangji and Huangmei areas.

  Li Dingguo and Ai Nengqi sent troops from Biyang, first occupied Zhenyang County, which belonged to Luo Rucai, and then went south to attack Zhao Han's Luoshan County.

  Bai Wenxuan and Liu Wenxiu directly attacked Xinyang Prefecture, but were blocked at Pingjing Pass and Jiuli Pass and could not advance an inch.

  Pingjingguan, one of the nine fortresses in the world during the Qin and Han Dynasties.

  Sun Wu once led the Wu soldiers to break out of the pass, almost destroying the state of Chu.

  This pass was originally occupied by Luo Rucai. After Luo Rucai fled, he was taken over by the Datong Army.

  Bai Wenxuan led more than 10,000 people to attack, and the Datong soldiers stationed at the pass were only 500 regular soldiers, 500 peasant soldiers, and 500 civilian husbands.

  Wufengling and Fenghuang Mountain stood facing each other, and Pingjingguan was located between the two peaks, which completely blocked Bai Wenxuan's entry channel.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   Porcelain is an enemy of ten thousand people, just like not needing money. As long as the enemy army gathers a little more, they will be thrown down one after another.

  Bai Wenxuan was already confused by the bombing, but he could dispatch two or three thousand troops to go around from both sides across the mountains. But there may be a lot of deaths on the way, even if you can successfully climb over, it will take a month or two. After the past, there was no military rations. If you want not to starve to death, you must first rob the village.

   After continuously attacking for half a month, Bai Wenxuan sent someone to ask Liu Wenxiu, but Liu Wenxiu sent someone first.

   "General, Jiuliguan can't be moved, can you move here?"

   "Hit the ass!"

  In addition to these two checkpoints, you can also go east out of the Dabie Mountains in the south. However, there are a series of checkpoints such as Dacheng Pass, Baisha Pass, Muling Pass, Huangtu Pass and Hutou Pass.

  There are an average of two barriers in each channel, one is occupied by Zhang Xianzhong, and the other is occupied by the Datong Army. The passage in the Dabie Mountains is not suitable for a large army to march. It is best to send thousands of partial divisions, but if thousands of partial divisions attack, Zhao Han can send hundreds of peasants and soldiers to defend it.

  Zhang Xianzhong's central army was useless, it was blocked by the Dabie Mountains and the checkpoint.

  For both sides to fight, it depends on the South and North Route Army.

   In mid-April, Chongzhen died.

  Zhao Han took his own soldiers and went to support Guangji in person. Zhang Xianzhong and Sun Kewang were there.

  The cavalry of Jeju Island also pulled a vote.

  (end of this chapter)

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