Chapter 428: 426 [Dorgon withdraws troops]

  Chapter 428 426 [Dorgon Withdrawal]

  How could Tong Yangjia escape? The Datong Army not only had 5,000 dragoons, but also 5,000 Xiao cavalry led by Lu Xiangsheng.

   There are ten thousand cavalry alone!

   This guy took a few coated servants and fled from the north gate on horseback. Before he could cross the moat, he saw hundreds of cavalry besieging and killing him.

  Tong Yangjia hurried back to the city again, he didn't dare to run around the city wall, because apart from the north wall, there were a large number of enemy troops attacking the city on the other three sides.

  When the gap in the city wall was occupied by the Datong Army, the walls on both sides were also taken by the Datong Army. Then they rushed along the city wall and helped the friendly troops who were climbing the ladder to climb the city. The defenders were hard to resist, and one section after another of the city wall was broken.

  The morale of the defenders collapsed and they began to flee in large numbers.

   There were also some defending generals who led their troops to kneel and surrender. But they do not belong to defection. If they fight to this extent, even if they defect, they will be classified as prisoners of war.

   Tens of thousands of routs fled towards the north gate. Tong Yangjia was stopped by the routs, so he had to turn his horse's head again and try to escape from the north again.

  Lu Xiangsheng led the Xiao cavalry to charge outside the northern city. After cutting down several people with his own hands, the thousands of rout soldiers in front of them all knelt down. He immediately rode his horse and rushed to another city gate. Tong Yangjia was too conspicuous on the horse, so Lu Xiangsheng went straight to this guy.

  Tong Yangjia was so frightened that he turned again and collided with the rout of the wolf-running soldiers. After knocking over the two of them one after another, the horse lost its speed completely.

  Lu Xiangsheng led the cavalry to gallop there. The defeated soldiers who had already kneeled and surrendered, afraid of being trampled by the cavalry, rushed to the base of the wall.

   "Forgive me!"

   Tong Yangjia cried out in horror.

  Lu Xiangsheng rushed to his side and shouted: "Get off your horse, kneel down and surrender!"

  Tong Yangjia dismounted quickly and knelt on the ground obediently: "I have important military information to tell you, please see His Majesty the Emperor of Datong!"

  Lu Xiangsheng ordered: "Tie it up."

  On the city wall, Meng Xiongbi fell to the ground and pretended to be dead. Not far away was the overturned hot gold juice. He only felt nauseated, suppressed the nausea, and opened his eyes to peek around.

   Seeing that the surrounding enemy troops had already run away, Meng Xiongbi immediately took off his armor, trying to disguise himself as an ordinary soldier.

   "There's a Tartar official over there!"

  But all the defenders of each section of the city wall fled, and some Datong troops came back to occupy the city wall.

  Meng Xiongbi was frightened out of his wits, and hurriedly left the city wall along the slope. Just after escaping, Meng Xiongbi encountered a group of civilian husbands entering the city, turned his head and ran into the streets.

  The civilians were inexplicably excited, hundreds of people shouted and chased him, and finally blocked him in an alleyway.

   "Don't kill me, I'm a Han!" Meng Xiongbi knelt down and yelled.

  The civilian husbands were laughing and laughing. Since there was no rope, they untied their belts one after another and tied Meng Xiongbi up.

  Sun Dingliao hid in a residential house, most of the people in the city had been expelled long ago, and there was no one in this big house. He found some clothes, took off his armor and put them on, and then cut his braids, but unfortunately he couldn't finish cutting off the back of his head.

  In the middle of the afternoon, a group of Datong soldiers came in to search. Sun Dingliao first threw the armor into the well, and then went down carefully himself.


  Sun Dingliao retched for a while.

  There was a dead body floating in the well. It was the Qing army expelling the people and insulting women. A woman committed suicide by throwing herself into the well to keep her chastity.

   has been dead for more than ten days, and has long been soaked in well water into a giant, with a bulging belly like a pregnant woman who is pregnant in October.

  Sun Dingliao stomped on the belly of the corpse, and all the viscera and filth poured out. He couldn't bear the stench.

   "There is someone in the well!"

   A Datong soldier shouted.

  The crowd gathered around the well, looked into the well, and were instantly so smoked that they retracted their heads.


   Several soldiers vomited all over the ground by the well.

  The leader of the team wiped his mouth after throwing up, and said, "Throw a rope and pull people up. Let the folks come over to clean up the well, and put up a sign. Don't drink the well water during this time."


  Zhao Han moved the headquarters to the government office in the city, and three hundred plate armor soldiers have returned.

   Only two were injured, both from hot oil.

   Luckily it was just hot oil, not boiling oil.

  The worst one was splashed with hot oil into the crack of the visor. After taking off the helmet, half of his face was covered with blisters. Afraid of infection, the military doctor scraped off the blisters completely, scalded the wound to death with a soldering iron, rinsed it with alcohol, and applied gold sore medicine.

   It's out of shape.

   "How is the actual combat?" Zhao Han asked.

Zhu Youdong replied: "Shields are not as useful when hitting dense formations, and broad swords can't cut through the enemy's armor. Your Majesty, the Iron Army can replace blunt weapons, such as iron maces, iron hammers, and iron rods. Shields No more, it’s better to use blunt instruments with both hands.”

"Yes," Zhao Han thought carefully, "I will use a chain hammer from now on. With a large chain hammer held in both hands, even if the enemy has a shield, it can also hit the edge of the shield. The spiked hammer head can go over the shield and hit the enemy's head. After the distance is shortened, the long-handled chain hammer is inconvenient to swing, so I hold the iron chain to hammer people. The tail of the hammer handle is also equipped with spikes, which can break armor. When it is too late to turn around, it is used for backwards Stabbing."

  Zhu Youdong thought about it carefully, and felt that this long-handled chain hammer was really powerful. Holding the handle of the hammer, he put on the plate armor and swept out, fearing that no enemy would dare to approach.

   Not long after, Lu Xiangsheng came in with the prisoners.

   "Your Majesty, this is Tong Yangjia, the commander-in-chief of the Puppet Qing Dynasty," Lu Xiangsheng said, "Tong Yangxing, who specializes in making artillery for the Puppet Qing Dynasty, is his elder brother. He said that he has an important military situation and asked to see him."

  Zhao Han smiled and said, "Thank you, sit down."

   Lu Xiangsheng was in armor, and it was inconvenient to sit down, so he simply stood beside him.

  Tong Yangjia knelt down with a puff: "Your Majesty, the villain has military concerns, please spare the villain's life."

  Zhao Han sneered: "Are you still bargaining with me at this time? Your so-called important military situation, is it because Dorgon's reinforcements are coming?"

   Tong Yangjia was stunned for a moment. Could it be that who exchanged information for his life before him?

  The Datong Army not only guessed that Dorgon was coming, but also the fifth division retreating to Yingzhou, under the leadership of Jiang Liang, was rushing towards Shangqiu.

  Even if Zhao Han did not capture Shangqiu, he could still set up camp first, wait for Xiao Zongxian to arrive, and then confront Dorgon with three divisions.

Zhao Han glanced at Tong Yangjia, and said: "Drag it down and chop it up, and burn the body. The head was made up with lime, and the cavalry was sent to all the cities, and the guards were ordered to surrender. Fake Tartars over a year old do not need to be interrogated for crimes, and all beheaded and passed on to the cities. The captives who were sent to the Qing Dynasty for less than one year, all the generals were beheaded, and the bottom-level officers were interrogated for their crimes. As for the captured ordinary soldiers, they were temporarily classified as criminals , after the other common people divide the land, the criminals can divide the land and settle down. Within five years, the criminals must serve the government free of charge, and they themselves are not allowed to hold public office, but the crime is not as serious as their children."

   "Your Majesty, please forgive me!"

  Tong Yangjia was so scared that he urinated. He really did, and his crotch was wet.

  He was a civil servant of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. Although he also fought in wars, he had never fought in battle.

   Tong Yangjia, Sun Dingliao, Zhao Zhilong, Meng Xiongbi and others reunited outside the city. They were gagged and lined up, waiting to be beheaded one by one.

  On the city wall, countless soldiers and civilians watched the execution.

  Every time one was cut, there was a burst of cheers. Tong Yangjia was beheaded at the end of the queue, and his whole body was paralyzed like cooked noodles, and he couldn't even kneel straight. The executioners had no choice but to stab him to death with random guns, and finally cut off the head according to the corpse.

  The heads of these people were left behind, and all the bodies were burned, and even the blood-stained ground was burned once.

  Civilians were organized to clean up the city, especially the wells. Those with dead bodies in them had to be cleaned up repeatedly, and lime was sprinkled for disinfection. Drinking the water from the wells was not allowed within a short period of time.

  The deported Shangqiu people went home one after another, and they could take home their houses and shops after they became registered.

   Someone must have impersonated, but it doesn't matter.

  As long as there is no dispute, the government is too lazy to take care of it. Anyway, the city also needs to enrich the population and restore prosperity.

  The gap in the city wall should be quickly refilled with earth and rocks. Dorgon's reinforcements are coming soon, filling the gap to defend the city, and wait for the enemy's morale to drop before a decisive battle.

  The Datong soldiers, farmers, soldiers, and rebels who died in battle were registered and recorded, and cremated on the spot into ashes.

  The plague in Shandong is serious, and the epidemic situation in Guide Mansion next to Shandong should not be underestimated.

  Although there are doctors to prevent and treat, the soldiers of the Datong Army have already been infected hundreds of people, and the rebels and hungry people have been infected even more!

   "How much food and grass has been seized?" Zhao Han called the quartermaster in charge of logistics.

  The quartermaster replied: "I haven't figured it out yet, but it is roughly estimated that there are 20,000 to 30,000 shi."

  Zhao Han breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, the enemy didn't die, and burned the food and grass before the city fell."

  Food is the most important thing now. There are too many people in need of relief, and Zhao Han is almost unable to hold on. Even if Dorgon's main force is killed, he will no longer be able to lead the army northward, at most occupying Shandong and Henan.

  As for Beizhili, they can only send a small group of troops to attack, and it counts as many cities as they can win.

  Besides, there is no food for immigration work. Shandong and Henan have to continue to be deserted, and the local refugees should be resettled first.



  Bringing a bunch of Tartars and traitor heads, the dragoons who went to Ningling County to persuade them to surrender happened to collide with the scouts sent by Dorgon.

  The guard of Ningling County was in a dilemma. This guy only had a few hundred soldiers in his hands, and the other soldiers were drawn by Tong Yangjia to defend Shangqiu. To the south is the main force of Zhao Han who has just won the battle, and to the north is the tens of thousands of Eight Banners troops brought by Dorgon. Where the **** should this follow?

   In a dilemma, the guard fled alone on horseback, planning to hide his identity with a few hundred taels of silver.

  Love so and so!

  Dorgon was so angry that he didn't say a word when he heard the news that Shangqiu had fallen, and that Tong Yangjia's entire army was wiped out.

  Shangqiu has such a strong city wall and such a wide moat. Tong Yangjia and Sun Dingliao, the two bastards, only persisted for eleven days, they are simply a bunch of trash!

  In ancient wars, defending a strong city for a few months, or even a year or two, was commonplace.

  Dorgon gave Tong Yangjia the task, and he was only asked to stick to it for half a month, but he couldn't keep it for half a month.

  A group of high-level Manchu Qing officials stopped in the north of Ningling County, staring at each other, not knowing what to say.

Jierhalang sighed and said, "It's impossible to fight. Shangqiu City has fallen. Let's go now to fight a siege battle. If we can't break through the city quickly, the enemy will have reinforcements. At that time, we will be attacked from both inside and outside. "

   Jierhalang has a conservative personality. Huang Taiji sent troops many times before, but he always opposed it because he felt uncertain about fighting.

  Dorgon didn't speak, he still couldn't understand why Shangqiu City disappeared?

   Even if a hole is opened by artillery, there are so many defenders in the city, they can still hold on for a day or two. As long as he persists for another day or two, his main force will arrive!

Man Dahai said: "We have tens of thousands of Eight Banners troops, where can we go? The fall of Shangqiu must have been bombarded by artillery. We also have artillery. We continue to bombard the gap, and we can reopen it in a few days. By then , Tens of thousands of Eight Banners troops rush in, and the opponent will definitely not be able to stop it. Don't think about it anymore, kill all the way."

   Jierhalang retorted: "If the enemy's dozens of artillery pieces are erected on the city wall, they will condescendingly attack us. What should you do?"

   "This..." Man Dahai was speechless.

  Kong Youde couldn't help but said: "It's better to deploy suspicious troops here, the main force goes to Shandong, and wipe out the enemies in Shandong."

  Man Dahai said: "The enemy troops in Shangqiu will definitely come after them."

  Kong Youde said: "It is best to chase after him. It is easier to fight in the wild than to go to Shangqiu to attack the city."

  Dorgon nodded and said: "This plan is feasible. It is false to go to Shandong, but it is true to lure the main force of the enemy army out of the city. We will wipe out the enemy army in the wild!"

   "The Regent! The Regent... Huhu... Urgent military situation!"

   This is the Shandong battle report of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, which was originally sent to Kaifeng Mansion first. Knowing that Dorgon was marching towards Shangqiu, he quickly chased him from Kaifeng Mansion.

  Dorgon opened the battle report, was speechless for a long time, and finally said slowly: "Duoduo died in battle, half of the Eight Banners Army in Shandong has disappeared."

   Everyone was dumbfounded, thinking they had heard it wrong.

  Jirhalang swallowed his saliva and said: "The ten kings died in battle... Could it be that some generals defected and the ten kings were killed by surprise?"

  Dorgon shook his head: "Fighting upright, the two armies have equal strength. If you count the surrendered soldiers and generals, the Duoduo army is still superior. Datong... The puppet Tong soldiers are indeed very powerful, and they are not comparable to the Ming Frontier Army."

  Man Dahai was also dumbfounded this time. Although he looked down on Duduo, he felt that Duduo was a waste for fighting. However, the two armies were fighting upright, and lost when they were superior in strength, the combat effectiveness of the Datong Army was beyond doubt.

   "Let's withdraw," Jierhalang said, "withdraw to the north of the Yellow River and order Azig to withdraw from Shandong. We can only defend important cities, otherwise the withdrawal is slow, and tens of thousands of Eight Banners troops are likely to be surrounded!"

  Man Dahai was still not reconciled, and said: "We have to fight again!"

  Dorgon thought for a while and said, "Temporarily withdraw, and wait for the enemy to come after us. Prolong their battle line, and then look for opportunities to cut off their food routes. You can always seize the opportunity!"

  Jierhalang agreed with this idea, and Man Dahai could not object to it, and it was unanimously approved by the nobles of the Qing Dynasty.

   They withdrew their troops that day, and when they withdrew to Chenliu, they received military intelligence again.

  This time it was a military report sent from Liaodong. After reading it, Dorgon couldn't help rubbing his eyes, and read it again carefully.

  What the **** is it that the enemy army hit outside Shenyang?

   That is the absolute rear area, which is one of the capitals of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. Did the enemy fly over?

  (end of this chapter)

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