Chapter 461: 459 [News from Japan]

  Chapter 461 459 [Japanese news]

  Nanjing, Wharf.

A messenger quickly landed, changed to a fast horse and shouted along the way: "Good news, good news. The new twelfth division of the Datong Army broke through Youyang Xuanfu Division, Pingcha Dongsi, Shiye Dongsi, Yimei Dongsi, Rongxi Zhimaziping Cave Division. Return to the east and break through the Xuanwei Division of Baojing Prefecture and the Xuanwei Division of Yongshun..."

  The messenger galloped to the city gate, showed his waist card, entered the city and continued to shout along the way.

   "Win the battle again?"

   "Where is the new Twelfth Division?"

   "I don't know, it doesn't matter where it is, as long as we win the battle."

   "Listening to those names, I'm afraid they are all chieftains. How can they beat Datong Heavenly Soldiers?"

   "In less than two years, His Majesty will rule the world, and the price of food will come down by then."

   "Long live Your Majesty!"


  Confidential battle reports must not be leaked, but for ordinary good news, messengers are allowed to spread the news along the way, which can boost the morale of the people and increase the prestige of the court.

  As for the place names in the battle report, they are all chieftains in eastern Sichuan and western Hunan.

  The Twelfth Division was newly reorganized, half of the soldiers were natives of Sichuan, and half of the soldiers were veterans of the Ninth Division. The firearms in the hands of the recruits are not enough, and many are still using bows and arrows, but they are more than enough to deal with the little chieftain.

  Of course, some chieftains are really big, such as Yongshun Xuanweisi and Baojingzhou Xuanweisi. After the two places were conquered, they were directly merged into one mansion, tentatively named Yongshun Mansion.

  Tujia, Miao, Zhuang...Multi-ethnic groups live in a mixed environment, all of which are converted to natives, and those in poor mountains and remote areas have to send officials to manage them for several years.

  Nanjing people heard the good news, but Huo Tao, the left servant of the Ministry of War, reported his concern: "Your Majesty, you have received news from the Tenth Division that the Puppet Dynasty in the north of Annan Kingdom has sent troops to occupy more than 30 villages on the border of Siling Prefecture."

   Under Zhao Han, the first two chief envoys were Ouyang Zheng and Huo Tao.

  After the reform of the central system, Ouyang Zheng was promoted to Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and Huo Tao was promoted to be the Minister of the Ministry of War (not qualified enough to be a minister, but acting as a minister).

  Zhao Han really didn't want to understand: "Annan's northern puppet dynasty even occupies half of Annan's own country. How dare they come to encroach on the border of Guangxi?"

Huo Tao replied: "I have consulted Mr. Li Ge (Li Banghua). According to Mr. Li Ge, Annan has been coveting China's borders for three hundred years. During the Jiajing period, a war almost broke out. Wei, took the opportunity to get back the lost border land."

  The Mu family in Yunnan is more anxious than anyone else, because those lost lands are all the private land of the Mu family!

  The Mu family fought and developed in the past dynasties, destroyed many small chieftains, and then replaced them by themselves. The newly developed land was not reported to the imperial court, and people were sent to manage it. This led the civil officials in Yunnan to think that those were not Chinese territories, nor Vietnamese territories, but lands of savages that had never been owned by them.

   These private domains of the Mu family were historically taken over by Wu Sangui.

  After the fall of Wu Sangui, part of it was occupied by Vietnam, and there were territorial disputes during the Qing Dynasty. Later, the French colonized Vietnam, and the country was completely separated from China, and there would never be a chance to take it back.

Huo Tao also said: "Nowadays, the Annan and Northern Dynasties have good relations with the puppet imperial court in Yunnan, so it is impossible to encroach on Yunnan. On the other hand, in Guangxi, our army has not yet occupied Siling Prefecture, and there are only some small chieftains in Siling Prefecture. The monarchs and ministers of the Annan and Northern Dynasties , has always had expansion ambitions, and it is expected to take the opportunity to occupy border villages."

   "Since the Tenth Division didn't fight over, how did it know?" Zhao Han asked.

Huo Tao replied: "Wei Shi, the native official of Siling Prefecture, established himself as the chieftain after the fall of the Ming Dynasty. This man has great ambitions, brazenly sent troops to Siming Prefecture, and once captured Siming Prefecture. The chieftains of Siming Prefecture joined forces, Drive Webster back to Siling Prefecture. Now, Annan has invaded the border and occupied the village, Webster has lost the battle, and has a bad relationship with other chieftains, so he asks the Tenth Division of the Datong Army to send troops to help."

   It can probably be understood that a teddy was going around and was suddenly bitten by a fierce dog, so he urgently asked someone to help him.

  Siling Prefecture had already changed its land and returned to the country when Zhu Yuanzhang was in it. However, Webster's hereditary Tusi, assisting the Han Zhizhou to govern the region, is not much different from the real Tusi.

  Zhao Han asked: "What is the tenth division thinking?"

Huo Tao said: "I request Your Majesty to follow the example of Sichuan and add an additional division in Guangxi. Some remnants of chieftains in Guangxi often surrender and rebel, attacking officials and people with poisonous arrows in the mountains. The land in Guangxi is barren, with many mountains but little land. Many children People (Zhuang people) have been soldiers for generations, so they can make a living. Now there are some children who are willing to fight with the Datong army. But they are not even counted as farmers and soldiers, and their morale will inevitably be low, and some people have been instigated to rebel."

Zhao Han thought carefully, nodded and said, "Then set up the 13th Division in Guangxi and recruited Tong Min as soldiers. However, although the Cu soldiers are powerful, they are difficult to control. We also need to recruit some Yao and Han people to join the original army. The tenth division of the team will be mixed."

  Huo Tao said happily: "If there are two divisions in Guangxi, the whole territory will be pacified next year, and the next year they can directly attack the puppet imperial court in Yunnan!"

   Zhao Han suddenly said with deep meaning: "The frontier villages that have been encroached by Annan, there is no need to rush to take them back for the time being. We will deal with them after we take Yunnan."

   "Follow the order!"

  Huo Tao already understood that Zhao Han was retaining the pretext of war for sending troops to Annan.

   Thirteen divisions, that is, 130,000 people. With the addition of 7,000 brave cavalry, 2,000 emperor's personal guards, and the guards of important seaports, Zhao Han's regular army will soon reach 150,000.

  When Sichuan and Guangxi settle down, and there is enough food and grass, two divisions in Sichuan and two divisions in Guangxi can send troops to attack Yunnan and Guizhou, and wipe out the Southwest Warlords with a thunderous force.

   Time has to hurry up, the Chinese must go out.

   Just this year, Newton was born and the Dutch discovered New Zealand. And the Dutch feel that New Zealand is the southernmost tip of South America...

  The hairy bear from the north has also arrived. The Romanov Dynasty of Tsarist Russia, the founding father of the country, Emperor Mikhail, is about to end his life under the care of his parents. However, Cossack bandits have approached Lake Baikal and are constantly encroaching on Buryat Mongolia's territory.

   As long as Tsarist Russia kills Buryatia, it will be able to border on the territory of the Qing Dynasty.

  Lake Baikal, known as the "North Sea" in ancient China!

  When the Manchus were fighting the Datong Army in Liaodong, Zhao Han was mainly busy with internal affairs. The Temple of Confucianism, Temple of Martial Arts, and Temple of Emperors, after confirming the rules, were repaired one after another, most of which were buildings from the Ming Dynasty.

  The Temple of Emperors is only in Nanjing, while the Temple of Confucianism is found in various places, and the Temple of Martial Arts has to cooperate with the Military Academy.

  Military Academy plans to build one in Nanjing first. The main courses are conscription, drill, armament, logistics, command and so on. A small number of outstanding soldiers from each division will be sent back to study. At the same time, it recruits students from primary and secondary schools, and graduates from primary and secondary schools can be directly awarded the post of low-level military officers after completing their military academies.

  Huo Tao, the left servant of the Ministry of War, resigned, and the female officer asked: "Your Majesty, do you want to summon the Lin family of Fujian?"

   "Let him in." Zhao Han said.

  A merchant dressed in silk was soon brought in for an audience. Resisting the urge to kneel down, he cupped his hands and said, "Grassman Lin Wenyuan, pay homage to Your Majesty!"

   "A seat."

  Zhao Han smiled kindly: "According to reports from officials in Fujian, it is said that you are working as a liaison for the Japanese shogun?"

Lin Wenyuan replied: "Your Majesty, the Japanese shogunate closed the country, mainly blocking the big and small Francophones (Portugal, Spain). They always wanted to open sea trade with China, but they had an affair with Ming Dynasty because of the Japanese invasion. Today I heard that Ming Dynasty His Majesty has established a new dynasty, so he has plans to open the sea to China. However, Japan dare not send envoys rashly, and wants to make contact through Fujian maritime merchants."

  Zhao Han asked: "Have you been doing business with Japan?"

Lin Wenyuan replied: "There is a city in Japan called Nagasaki. Nagasaki also has an island called Dejima. Chinese and Dutch merchants can only live and trade in Deshima, and they have to pay tax to Nagasaki every year. It is similar to... Macau For Daming."

  Zhao Han's world history is a bit incomprehensible, and he asked: "Why did the Japanese shogunate close the country?"

  Lin Wenyuan replied: "Religious chaos!"

   "Religion chaos? Western Christianity?" Zhao Han was surprised.

Lin Wenyuan explained: "Especially because of the old Christianity, Spain and Portugal had prosperous trade with Japan. Christianity churches were built in many places along the coast of Japan, and the number of Christianity reached more than 100,000. He was also the lord of various places Cruel and inhumane, the people's life is miserable, some believers united with the peasants to revolt. In the eyes of the Japanese shogunate, the Western Christianity, just like the Chinese White Lotus Sect, is a sect that confuses the people to rebel!"

  Zhao Han couldn't help but smile: "This is interesting."

Lin Wenyuan continued: "Four years ago, a sixteen-year-old boy named Amakusa Shiro led some homeless ronin and tens of thousands of civilians to revolt. Among the 37,000 rebels, not only were most of them peasants, but a third The second is the elderly, the weak, women and children. The famous Japanese general Itakura Shigemasa summoned soldiers and horses of several feudal lords to launch a fierce attack on Amakusa Shiro’s rebel army. The shogunate army suffered heavy casualties, and the coach Itakura Shigemasa was killed in battle.”

   "So powerful?" Zhao Han was even more surprised. He knew Amakusa Shiro and had been in contact with it in Japanese games.

  I don’t know if the famous saying of Amakusa Shiro is true or not: those who defend this city now will be friends forever in the next life!

  Lin Wenyuan said: "The shogunate sent a second commander in chief, and also sent more troops to conquer, and dispatched more than a dozen feudal lords to form a coalition army. But they still couldn't break through the city of the rebel army, so they had to besiege the city and block it, trying to starve the rebel army to death."

  Zhao Han asked, "Did you starve to death?"

Lin Wenyuan said: "Amakusa Shiro is a Christian believer. He sent people to break out and contact the Dutch, hoping to get the support of the Dutch. But he didn't know that he believed in the old religion, while the Netherlands believed in the Protestant religion. Instead of rescue, the Netherlands Send out the fleet to bombard the rebels."

   "That's the truth." Zhao Han nodded.

Lin Wenyuan said: "More than 30,000 rebels fought to the death, and only 20,000 remained. The shogunate army killed 3,000 and injured tens of thousands. After breaking the city, they slaughtered all the living rebels. Since then, Japan has Close the country and cut off trade with Spain and Portugal. The shogunate ordered all churches to be destroyed, and if anyone who believed in Western religion was found, they would be arrested and sentenced to death."

  Zhao Han sighed: "Officials force the people to rebel. This is the case in ancient and modern China and abroad. It is a pity that Shiro Amakusa has such courage at the age of sixteen, and can make tens of thousands of volunteers swear to die."

  Lin Wenyuan said: "Your Majesty, the Japanese shogunate vaguely proposed conditions. As long as Your Majesty approves of the shogunate rule, Japan is willing to respect Datong China as its suzerain, and all Japanese seaports are open to Chinese merchants."

Zhao Han nodded and said: "Go back and tell the shogunate that the grievances between them and Ming Dynasty are never to be blamed. As long as you promise not to cause Japanese insurrection, you can send envoys to Nanjing. After I receive the Japanese letter of credence, I will also send envoys to Canonize the king of Japan."

   "Your Majesty is holy!"

  Lin Wenyuan was overjoyed. Once Japan opened its ports, Chinese merchants would do their own business—the Netherlands could only trade on Dejima in Nagasaki.

  (end of this chapter)

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