Chapter 464: 462 【Nanjing News】

  Chapter 464 462 [Nanjing knowledge]

  Yagyu Jubei's sword was brought, and he stood there thinking about how to fight.

  Zhao Han glanced outside the door and asked, "Who is on duty today? Come in!"

  The four emperor's personal guards stepped into the side hall.

  Zhao Han said to one of them: "Zhou Yingkui, come and compete. Remember, don't kill him."

   "Follow the order!" Zhou Yingkui cupped his hands.

   Zhao Han's 2,000 personal guards, except for the Iron Armored Army, all of them have been on the battlefield. To be selected as the emperor's personal guard, three conditions must be met: first, to be born innocent; second, to be brave in battle; and third, to be tall and mighty.

   Zhou Yingkui was born in a merchant family, and he liked to dance with knives and sticks since he was a child. After fighting on the battlefield for three years, after being selected as a personal guard, he also practiced swordsmanship with a famous teacher.

  Seeing that Yagyu Jubingwei had no armor on his body, he also took off his armor, cupped his hands and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you!"

  Yagyu Jubingwei bowed back and said something Zhou Yingkui didn't understand.


  Zhou Yingkui drew his sword out of its sheath, and threw the scabbard to his colleagues.

  Yagyu Jubei also slowly drew out his sword, bent down and put the scabbard on the ground. Then raise the knife with both hands forward, stare at the opponent's eyes, and walk slowly with both feet.

  Zhou Yingkui also holds the sword with both hands. This is a battlefield broadsword, but the blade is shorter than the Da Dao.

  A sword is short, but a man is long.

  Yagyu Shibingwei's head only reached Zhou Yingkui's chest. This battle seemed unfair.

  Suddenly, Zhou Yingkui took half a step forward and slashed at the opponent's right shoulder with a sword.

  Yagyu Shibingwei raised his sword to block, stepped forward with his left foot to close the distance, and slashed back at Zhou Yingkui's left shoulder. This is the classic move of Yagyu Xinyinliu. Unfortunately, he met the wrong opponent. Zhou Yingkui's move was heavy and heavy, which caused the subsequent moves of Yagyu Jubingwei to be deformed.

   Moreover, when Yagyu Jubingwei slashed his left shoulder, Zhou Yingkui did not dodge or evade, and stabbed the opponent's throat with both hands.

  Yagyu Jubei hurriedly staggered to block, taking advantage of the situation to distance himself.

   This kind of competition can't go on, Yagyu Juhei is a master of martial arts, and his sword skills are very advantageous when the two are duel. Zhou Yingkui practiced swordsmanship in battle formations, and usually wears armor. Just now, when he was cut to the left shoulder by his opponent, he didn't even bother to dodge it. Instead, he stabbed his sword straight at the opponent's throat.

  If Yagyu Jubei didn't block and dodge, and neither side wore armor, one shoulder was injured and the other died on the spot. If both sides were armored, Zhou Yingkui would be able to instantly kill Liu Sheng's ten soldiers at the cost of minor injuries.

  Lin Luoshan couldn't understand it at all, and was quite anxious in his heart, fearing that Liu Sheng's ten soldiers would lose, and he was also afraid that the Chinese emperor's guards would be injured.

   "Okay, there's no need to compare." Zhao Han suddenly stopped, and he had already seen what was going on.

   If you continue to fight, you will either die or be injured.

  Yagyu Shibingwei quickly picked up the scabbard, bowed to Zhou Yingkui, and then knelt down to Zhao Han. He was so frightened that his vest was sweating, and the sword that stabbed his throat just now seemed to feel death coming.

  Sitting back again, Lin Luoshan asked in a low voice: "Who won?"

  Yagyu Jubei said: "It's a draw."

   "Tie?" Lin Luoshan didn't understand.

Yagyu Jubei said: "This is a warrior on the battlefield. If you continue to fight, there are only two results. One is one death and one injury, and the other is that everyone dies. Moreover, his sword is too heavy, which is different from Japanese swords. .I haven’t encountered it before, and it’s very likely that I can’t cope and suffer.”

   Zhou Yingkui blushed and said, "Your Majesty..."

   "Don't blame yourself, go back and be on duty." Zhao Han smiled.

   Zhou Yingkui bowed and retreated, feeling a little frustrated. He was only talking about martial arts skills, and he had already lost just now. Using the life-changing style of play to destroy all the opponent's changes is purely unreasonable.

  Of course, if he wears a full set of armor, like Yagyu Jubei, he thinks he can fight five with one.

  Zhao Han praised: "Your Excellency is indeed superb in martial arts."

  Yagyu Jubingwei hurriedly stood up: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your compliment."

  Zhao Han said to Lin Luoshan again: "General Tokugawa's gift, I like it very much. When you leave Nanjing, you will also bring him a gift back."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward!" Lin Luoshan felt that the establishment of diplomatic relations had been stabilized this time.

  The gifts from Tokugawa Iemitsu were a famous sword and a folding fan. Apart from these things, Japan could not produce anything else.

   As for Zhao Han, just give back a few pieces of porcelain.

  Zhao Han said: "I know the big things and the small things, the sage taught me, and I hope Japan will keep it in mind."

  According to the gift, there is also a diplomatic letter from the shogunate.

  It is nothing more than the rhetoric that big things are small, big countries treat small countries with benevolence, and small countries treat big countries with sincerity. Both sides follow the diplomatic principles of Confucianism, and they still have a common language, at least... on the surface.

Lin Luoshan explained: "Your Majesty, the pirates who repeatedly attacked the merchant ships of the Ming Dynasty have nothing to do with the shogunate. They are all ronin who were defeated and expelled. If there are still pirates attacking Chinese merchant ships, please send your majesty to tell them, and the shogunate will definitely do their best. Destroy it with all your might."

  Zhao Han smiled and said: "If you encounter pirates, my navy will destroy them."

  Lin Luoshan also said: "After the two countries have a good relationship, please allow Japan to send Tang envoys."

   "These envoys sent to Tang Dynasty will stay and study at Jinling University." Zhao Han agreed.

   There must be a fee!

  Lin Luoshan said: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

  The meaning of the Tokugawa shogunate is to open three ports to Chinese businessmen. One is in Nagasaki, the other is in Ishimi, and the third is in Shimonoseki. The first two are directly governed by the shogunate, and Xiaguan intends to become directly governed, and it is nothing more than exchanging benefits with the feudal lord.

  However, Chinese businessmen can only trade with the shogunate, and privately trading with daimyo is tantamount to tearing their faces.

  Lin Luoshan took the envoys back to the hotel, and went to visit Nanjing City the next day. He will live in Nanjing for a period of time, and go to Japan with the canonized envoy of Datong, and he can also take the opportunity to exchange knowledge with the great Confucianism in Nanjing.

  Toilet paper is useful, and Qian Qianyi is useful again at this time.

  He was in charge of accompanying Lin Luoshan on the tour, and the two hit it off right away, and they collaborated in many fields such as Neo-Confucianism, painting, and calligraphy.

  Going back to the hotel in the evening, Lin Luoshan sighed: "As expected of China, there are well-educated people."

  Another day, Lin Luoshan went shopping in a bookstore, and the dazzling array of books made him dizzy.

  Classics and History, Law and Water Conservancy...I bought one or two books of all kinds, and finally opened this year's "Datong Collection".

  "Sanyuan Pian" was printed at the front, and Lin Luoshan was horrified after reading it, and said to the bookstore owner: "This, this, this...such evil talk, how dare you put it on the bookshelf for sale?"

  The owner of the bookstore was also frightened, and hurriedly said: "Sir, don't talk nonsense, this is an orthodox book, His Majesty personally wrote the preface! There are a few articles in it, which are still His Majesty's imperial pen articles."

  Lin Luoshan flipped through it quickly, and was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked. He finally understood what kind of emperor Zhao Han was.

   This kind of book must not be spread to Japan, and if you go back, ask the shogunate to ban it!

   "Sir, there are Nanban." Yagyu Jubei suddenly reminded.

  Lin Luoshan turned around and saw that there were both red-haired ghosts and golden-haired ghosts. He asked the bookstore owner in a low voice: "There are often people from Xifan here?"

  The owner of the bookstore smiled and said: "There are two from Qintianyuan, who helped to revise the new calendar, and His Majesty gave him the rank of bachelor. There is another one I don't know, and it may be Mr. Fanbang from somewhere."

  Lin Luoshan asked again: "Is Western religion allowed here?"

  The owner of the bookstore said: "There is a church in the west of the city, and you are only allowed to preach inside. If you are found preaching outside the church, you have to be expelled overseas. Last year, one was expelled and fined fifty taels of silver."

   "That's okay." Lin Luoshan nodded.

  Lin Luoshan didn't want to be in the same room with the Western barbarians, so he asked his subordinates to carry the books and leave.

   After a while of wandering, I came to the cloth shop.

  Lin Luoshan caressed a piece of silk, the delicate and smooth touch made him fondle admiringly: "Such fine silk and satin are rare even in Edo, just like the skin of a young girl."

  Ask the price again, Lin Luoshan is dumbfounded.

   Not because it is too expensive, but because it is too cheap, the price is only one-fifth of Edo.

  Lin Luoshan almost used all his money to buy silk. Yagyu Juhei also bought one and planned to take it back to Japan to make clothes. This thing can be worn for half a lifetime without wearing it.

   Seeing these Japanese people, who looked like they had never seen the world, the shop assistant sent them out with a fawning face, and turned around with a contemptuous smile.

  Although he hates "The Collection of Datong", Lin Luoshan likes Nanjing and goes out for shopping every day. He almost visited Nanjing in half a month.

   "This is also a place for the aged!"

  Lin Luoshan sat in the private room of the restaurant, and even ordered artists to sing a little song, feeling a little intoxicated by the delicious food.

   Especially fried chicken in red oil, Lin Luoshan's stomach hurts from the heat, but he still wants to eat it every time. This thing has been spread to Japan for a long time, and it is called "Tang Xinzi" or "Nanban pepper".

  Yagyu Jubingwei hiccupped and was in a daze. He was so happy these days, he had already gained several catties from eating, but it was a pity that all the money he brought had been spent.

   "Where have all the poor people in China gone?" Yagyu Juhei suddenly asked a question.

  Lin Luoshan was stunned, and then remembered that they had never seen any poor people along the way.

  Of course, the poor people in their impression are the kind of poor people who don't have any clothes, and they can only hug each other in the shack to keep warm in winter.

  Lin Luoshan couldn't figure it out, so he could only forcefully explain: "Govern the country with Confucianism, educate the people, and the world will be ruled, and everyone will have enough food and clothing."

  Lin Luoshan himself doesn't believe this kind of nonsense. He is not only a Neo-Confucianist, but also a Japanese politician.

  The yellow hair they met in the bookstore before was Peter Mundy who had communicated with Zhao Han in Guangzhou.

  The English businessman, explorer, and travel writer is writing from his inn at the moment:

"I handed over the business to my brother, and I took a boat to Nanjing, the capital of China. I went to cities like Quanzhou, Fuzhou, Ningbo, Hangzhou, Shanghai, and Zhenjiang on the way. Except for the emerging Shanghai, the rest of the cities are prosperous and prosperous. Every city can be the capital of a European country..."

  “China is like Marco Polo’s writing, gold is everywhere, and it has endless wealth.”

"You don't see beggars and tramps here. I asked Chinese officials. If there are beggars and tramps, they will be sent to the north for reclamation. The emperor will allocate land to them, lend them seeds, and rent them cattle for farming , These things need to be repaid in installments. I heard that the north has experienced a brutal war, and many people died there. But as long as His Majesty insists on emigrating, the north will definitely be as prosperous as the south."

  “There is a miracle in Nanjing, a 270-foot-high pagoda made entirely of colored glaze. God, I was terrified that day, and I was so excited that I couldn’t sleep.”

"The lowest level of citizens in Nanjing can also get rich food through work and labor. All children here can go to school for free, and those ten-year-old children, even girls, can read and write. Unbelievable, really unbelievable, China is full of scholars."

  "The skin color of Nanjing people is fairer than that of Guangzhou people I have seen. Maybe the sun here is not so harsh. The skin of Chinese people is a masterpiece of gods. They are fair and delicate..."

   "I learned to use chopsticks. I take back my previous inappropriate remarks. Eating with chopsticks is not a barbaric act. Many delicacies in China must be tasted with chopsticks, otherwise it is a very embarrassing thing..."

"There is another important discovery. From Guangzhou to Nanjing, the citizens of these cities use glass to decorate their doors and windows. The doors and windows are made of wood with many small grids, and the beautiful light green glass is embedded in these small grids. It not only transmits light, but also allows The interior is bright, and it is so gorgeous. It is too extravagant, even if His Majesty the King, it is impossible to decorate the castle with a lot of glass..."

  Peter Mundy’s travel notes to Guangdong a few years ago caused a sensation in the UK. He came to China this time to do business, and was entrusted by the King of England to bring a private letter from the King of England to the Emperor of China.

   "Charles, king of the kingdoms of England, to His Majesty the greatest and invincible Emperor of China..."

  (end of this chapter)

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