Chapter 540: 537【Gathering of old friends】

  Chapter 540 537 [Gathering of old friends]

  Zhejiang left and right political envoys were fined for three months.

  These two are purely unlucky. As the first and second leaders in the province, although they control the overall situation, they mainly focus on civil affairs, economics and education issues, which are also the main considerations for political achievements.

  They only know that taxes in Quzhou Prefecture have been increasing, the population has been increasing, and there are more and more businesses and schools.

  As for the administration of officials, no matter how much we emphasize, it is impossible to do it by ourselves, let alone go to Quzhou Prefecture to investigate in person.

  The three-month salary penalty seems to be taken lightly, but it has a great impact on official career.

   Their positions may be transferred to the central government at any time. Once they become officials in the capital, they will start as ministers. Being fined now is tantamount to being remembered by the emperor, and he will not be promoted within three to five years.

  Gan Dashou, director of the Zhejiang Officials' Selection Office, did not commit any corruption, but he failed to check his officials, was demoted by one level, and transferred to Guizhou.

   Zhang Ruohai, director of the Zhejiang Anti-corruption Department, did not commit any corruption, but his body was a vegetarian meal, he was demoted three levels, and transferred to Guangxi.

   Both Zheng Hongyi and Feng Risheng beheaded to show the public, Zheng and Feng's clans confiscated all their property, and the chief clan was exiled to Taiwan. Zheng's side branch, divided into ten households, and relocated with Luling Liu's. Feng's side branch, divided into ten households, and relocated with Li's in Jishui.

  Relocation expenses in different places shall be borne by Zheng, Feng, Liu and Li.

  After these four families relocate, they might be able to play each other's brains!

  The earthquake in Zhejiang’s officialdom, in addition to fines, demotions, and dismissals, a total of 17 officials were beheaded, another 62 officials were exiled to Taiwan, and dozens of officials were imprisoned or fined.

   Imperial Garden.

  Pang Chunlai, Li Banghua, Tian Younian were recruited, and Chen Maosheng, Fei Chun, Xiaohong, Xiao Huan, Xu Ying, Song Yingxing and others were also there.

  Zhao Han raised his glass and said: "There are no rulers and ministers today, and everyone is old acquaintances. Let Mr. Tian practice this cup!"

  Everyone raised their glasses.

  Tian Younian held the tea and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern!"

  Since last winter, Tian Younian has often been bedridden. This time Li Banghua was confiscated, Tian Younian took the opportunity to resign, not wanting to drag his sick body to the cabinet.

  Zhao Han sent a doctor to see him several times, and it was indeed old and frail, so it was inconvenient to force him to stay.

  After three invitations and three resignations, Tian Younian was allowed to serve as an official.

  Fontified as Marquis of Yichun, and added the title of Prince Taibao.

  This is an affirmation of Tian Younian: the first prefect of Daming who sincerely surrendered, and at a critical moment, built military equipment for the Datong Army Supervisor.

  Li Banghua also wanted to go home from illness, but at the age of seventy-one, he was still in good spirits.

  Don't look at Pang Chunlai's middle-aged gray hair, his skin has become more rosy these years. He adopted two sons and one daughter successively, and he is still unmarried so far, and his servants usually take care of his daily life.

   "Tell me, what do you think of this case?" Zhao Han looked casual while eating the pastry.

  Chen Maosheng said angrily: "It's only been a few years since we have strictly investigated all places? The peasant associations are actually rotten!"

  After being deprived of the title, Li Banghua looked away instead: "We should establish a system, and how should the officials deal with crimes committed by relatives. I don't care if I am old. Liu Anfeng is in his prime. It is not worthwhile for him to be implicated and resign."

  Everyone was speechless, unable to agree on what to do.

  In ancient times, there were various taboos about being an official. For example, if you are a seventh-rank official, you have to be an official in a different place, and you must be appointed across provinces. For example, Suzhou (Zhou), Song (Jiang), Jiang (Xi), and Zhejiang (Jiang) are tax-heavy areas, and they are not allowed to serve as household officials to prevent them from reducing taxes for their hometowns. For another example, brothers, uncles and nephews of the same clan are not allowed to be officials in the same department.

  But most of them are unspoken rules, not rigid rules. When the son took the imperial examination, his father was not allowed to read the papers, and some people blatantly violated it. Yang Shenkao's number one scholar was his father who read the papers.

   "The fifth service involves too much, and the third service should be held accountable together." Zhao Han actually had no choice.

  In other words, throughout the ages, dynasties, and even hundreds of years later, it is impossible to avoid this kind of thing.

  Pang Chunlai thought about it: "What if someone uses this as a means of political struggle in the future?"

  Zhao Han said: "As an important minister of the cabinet, if the three servants can't control him, then he will have no face to stay in office!"

  Sanfu relatives are close relatives within three generations, such as your cousins.

  According to this standard, neither Li Banghua nor Liu Anfeng will be involved this time.

  Li Banghua expressed no objection, and he planned to move all close relatives within three generations who were not officials to Nanjing.

  Zhao Han also said: "The big clans in various places have to continue to separate and move, and some in Henan and Shandong have land resettlement. This time it is not persuasion, but the clans must be forced to move!"

  Chen Maosheng said: "Your Majesty, please thoroughly investigate the peasant associations everywhere!"

  Zhao Han nodded: "You are in charge of this matter, no matter which yamen, you can mobilize people at will."

   "Follow the order!"

  Chen Maosheng stood up and bowed.

  Zhao Han said to Song Yingxing again: "Chang Geng, after Mr. Tian retired, there are only two cabinet ministers left. You should join the cabinet as prime minister."

  Song Yingxing clasped his hands and said, "I will do my best!"

  Song Yingxing is not just a scientist, he is also a traditional scholar with a deep understanding of state governance. There is also an article written by him in "Da Tong Ji".

  Zhao Han said to Fei Chun: "Don't worry, I'm in charge of the Ministry of Finance."

  Fei Chun smiled and said, "I'm not in a hurry. There is no shortage of silver and food, enough to fight this year's big battle."

  At this moment, Datong, Dashun, and Manchu Qing have all dispatched troops and are confronting each other in Beizhili, Henan, and Liaodong. A war of unprecedented scale is about to break out.

  Guizhou has been basically pacified, and like Guangxi and Sichuan, there are only small toasts in the corner.

  As for Yunnan, Mu Tianbo, a minister of the Ming Dynasty, was beaten by Sha Dingzhou and ran around. A small chieftain in Shadingzhou has already occupied nearly half of Yunnan, and all of them are Jinghua grain-producing areas.

  By the way, just a few days ago, Zhao Han received a surrender form from Sha Dingzhou: This guy is willing to submit to the Datong court, and please be granted the title of Yunnan Consolation Envoy.

  What do you mean?

   That is, Zhao Han can send civil officials to govern Kunming and other cities, and leave the rest to Shadingzhou.

   "Last time you said you met Lao Wei?" Zhao Han suddenly asked Fei Chun.

Fei Chun nodded and said: "Uncle Wei and his aunt originally lived in Hunan, and their son is three years old. Suddenly, he thought of going back to his hometown to visit his relatives. He didn't know if he could find them. When they passed by Nanjing, they stayed at my house for two days. .”

  Zhao Han complained: "When you come to Nanjing, you don't even come to see me. It's really strange."

  Fei Chun laughed and said, "You're the emperor, it's strange if you don't see outside."

  Wei Jianxiong lived a fairy life. With Fei Yuanjian's young mother, he lived in seclusion by Dongting Lake for several years and opened a small shop to earn some living expenses.

  If Wei Jianxiong was seeking an official, with his ability and relationship with Zhao Han, he would at least be the chief of the Public Security Bureau. It is also fine to go into battle and kill the enemy. After joining the army, you can directly become the captain in command of 30 people, and you will be promoted after a few battles.

  It's a pity that, with all his martial arts skills, he ran to open a grocery store.

   Zhao Han became nostalgic for no reason, and asked, "Xiaohong, do you know how Xiaocui is doing?"

  Huang Fei replied: "Her husband is an honest man at home, and her husband is an honest man, and his life is happy."

   "Alas, all the past events seem like yesterday." Zhao Han sighed.

  Huang Fei smiled and said: "Your Majesty is free, so you can go back to Jiangxi. The people of Jiangxi miss your Majesty."

   Zhao Han laughed and said: "Forget it, don't cause trouble for the officials. You should wait for the approval of the Ministry of Officials regarding your transfer to the Metropolitan Procuratorate. This year, all the officialdoms in various places will be strictly investigated, and you will be busy."

  Xiao Huan answered immediately: "Your Majesty, please rest assured that every prefecture and county will be investigated one by one, and corrupt officials will have nowhere to hide!"

   After a banquet, they dispersed, leaving Pang Chunlai and Xu Ying behind.

  Pang Chunlai said: "Your Majesty, when the west of Liaoning is recovered, the veteran will resign. When I am old, I want to return to my roots. Return to my hometown, buy a house, repair the ancestral grave, and teach my children well, so that I can support my life."

   "The teacher is in his prime, why is that so?" Zhao Han asked.

Pang Chunlai waved his hand and said: "The qualifications of my ministers are blunt. Being a minister is the limit. The position of chief assistant is purely to catch ducks on the shelf. Cabinet affairs, it seems that the minister is at the helm, but in fact, most of the decisions are made by Mr. Li Ge. Mr. Li It's Wang Zuozhi, he's getting old, let him be the chief assistant for a few days before retiring."


  Zhao Han let out a long sigh, and said in a firm tone again: "This year, the west of Liaoning will definitely be recovered. I will let Datong soldiers repair the ancestral tomb for the teacher, and carry the head of the Tartar prince to worship!"

   "That's really good," Pang Chunlai said happily, "My whole family died at the hands of the Tartars. If you worship with the blood of the Tartar princes, the spirits of your relatives in heaven can rest in peace."

Xu Ying said: "Contradictions within the Tartars are increasing day by day. In this war, Hauge sent troops to Shanhaiguan, and Dorgon stayed in Liaodong to guard against our army. The minister is using a divorce plan, saying that Dorgon wants to kill Hauge, and order The frontline army of the Tartars has no fighting spirit."

   "It's best if it works, if it doesn't work, hit it hard, and the Tartars will soon be unable to hold on." Zhao Han said.

  Manchu Qing, like Li Zicheng, had a small territory and raised too many troops. Li Zicheng's administration of officials was deteriorating day by day, and factional struggles in the Manchu and Qing dynasties became more and more serious. They had to transfer the contradictions to outsiders, so they teamed up to attack the Datong court.

  Zhao Han asked: "How about the Mongolian ministries?"

  Xu Ying said with a smile: "There are several Mongolian tribes, and I can guarantee that they will defect."

  Zhao Han asked: "Where is Li Zicheng?"

Xu Ying replied: "Some hypocritical generals were dissatisfied with the appointment of troops with the Tartars. Because when they fought against the Tartars, they had many relatives and friends, and they died at the hands of the Tartars. Also, when the Tartars occupied Shanshan and Shaanxi, they did a lot of evil. , Harm the common people. Pseudo-shun generals, most of them came from Shanshan, and many people from the village were killed. On the contrary, we have never fought against the pseudo-shun, and the pseudo-shun generals are more willing to join us in fighting the Tartars."

Zhao Han said: "Send secret agents to contact Li Zicheng's generals, and they say that as long as they return to obedience and make meritorious service, they will follow the old rules on the Shandong and Henan battlefields. Hao Yaoqi, who was killed last year, did too much evil and deserves to be beheaded. Let them not be afraid, Surrender with confidence. Hehe, it doesn’t matter whether you surrender or not, you must spread the news.”

   "Understood, let the generals of the Pseudo-Shun ministries suspect and mistrust each other!" Xu Ying said.

  Zhao Han got up and paced the garden, his thoughts had already flown to the north.

  (end of this chapter)

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