Chapter 584: 581 [Constitution of Centralized Monarchy]

  Chapter 584 581 [Constitution of Centralized Monarchy]

   Respect the body hall.

   March 3rd, the imperial court is on holiday, and the emperor has no office today.

  Li Xiangjun was grinding ink, Zhao Han unfolded the paper himself, and pressed a paperweight on it.

   "Your Majesty, the ink research is finished." Li Xiangjun handed over the brush.

   Zhao Han picked up his pen and wrote a line: Datong China's imperial constitution.

  The content of "Law of Great Harmony" should be compiled with reference to the Constitution, but Zhao Han asked the Ministry of Criminal Justice to compile "Law of Great Harmony" first. This is because Zhao Han himself is not sure about some things in the constitution, and will be amended in the future according to the implementation process of the "Law of Great Harmony".

  There are also many kinds of constitutional monarchy, just like colonial styles are different.

  Spain and Portugal's overseas colonization is completely robber-like plunder. Not only oppressed natives and black slaves, but also exploited their own immigrants. The Portuguese royal family even forced Portuguese immigrants to leave their home country and choose to convert to Hinduism in large numbers.

  Britain’s overseas colonization continued its shit-stirring style, the most obvious of which was in India. First lay low and be small, gain the trust of the Indian emperor, then win over and divide the state, fish in troubled waters to make a profit, and then tie the prince of the state to his own interest chariot.

  France's overseas colonization has a strong flavor of continental empire. They will also move the French language, culture and system there.

   If Zhao Han wants to engage in colonization in the future, it must be the way of France.

Let’s talk about the constitutional monarchy. The German constitutional monarchy and the British constitutional monarchy, except for the same name, are completely two different things. The German emperor is the chairman of the parliament. He has the right to convene, postpone, and close the parliament. He has the right to appoint a prime minister. Has the right to promulgate, supervise and execute laws, and has the power to appoint any officials. The emperor is the supreme leader of the army.

"The first article is that the heaven and the earth are peaceful, and all things breed. Man is the spirit of all things, and a country is formed by gathering people. Therefore, the Ming Dynasty was corrupt, the Manchu Dynasty was brutal, and the hypocrisy was rampant. Therefore, the people were devastated, and Datong China was born in accordance with the will of the people. With the support of the people, When it is in harmony with the way of heaven, Datong is a country that inherits the sky and responds to the people. This is Datong China!"

"Article 2, all the people in the world in Kyushu are the people of Huaxia. The Han people are the people of Huaxia, and the Tong, Hui, Mongolian, Dai, Yao, etc., if they live in the land of Kyushu, they are also the people of Huaxia. The clans are all descendants of the Yellow Emperor and Miao, just like separated brothers and sisters. The Han people are elder brothers, and all ethnic groups are younger brothers. Datong China is also the country of Huaxia. The Datong of China is also the Datong of all ethnic groups in Huaxia.”

   "Article 3, the country of Huaxia was born with the destiny of China, and it is responsible for the revitalization of China. The place where Chinese civilization spreads should be the land of Datong China, and one of them must be indispensable."

  These three articles are about the country, the people and the land.

   Li Xiangjun stood by and watched, thoughtful, understood but not fully understood, always felt that these three articles were written with profound meaning.

"Article 4, since Datong is a country that inherits the sky and responds to the people, everyone is born equal. Although there are ranks, there is no distinction between high and low character. People too."

"Article 5, although the emperor is a man, he gathers the hearts of the people to become the emperor, and inherits the way of heaven to proclaim himself emperor. , so that the country is stable, the foundation is solid, and the country is continuous. The emperor is the monarch of the country, the head of the officials, the army, and the people, and the people must respect and love him."

"Article 6, if the people have virtuous and capable people, the emperor will take them out to be officials. Officials are not the parents of the people, but the elder brothers of the people. As officials, they should take it as their duty to improve the people's livelihood, and implement benevolent government for the monarch to the people. Officials also Citizens should abide by the law. Those who violate the "Law of Datong" are the same crime as the people who violate the law."

  "Article 7, scholars, farmers, businessmen, and businessmen are all people, and monks, Taoists, doctors, and divination are also people. There are different occupations, and no one is superior or inferior. People who are the people should obey the law, love the monarch, and respect officials."

  These four articles come from "Gebit Theory" and "Three Origins", which determine the status of the emperor, officials and people.

   "Article 8, the inner court is also the institution of the emperor..."

   "Article 9, the outer court, the institutions of the state..."

  The next two articles summarize the inner and outer courts.

  The inner court is mainly composed of the emperor, the harem, female officials, and bodyguards. Corresponding laws must also be formulated in accordance with the constitution.

  The emperor is the king of a country, family affairs are almost equal to state affairs, and everything in the inner court is carried out to stabilize the country. Including the selection of concubines, it is also for the stability of the country, so the emperor is different from the officials and citizens who prohibit concubines-the officials and citizens of the Ming Dynasty are also not allowed to take concubines, at least the law stipulates this, except in some specific cases.

  At the same time, Zhao Han also stipulated that the selection of concubines, female officials and court ladies should not disturb the people with great fanfare, and everything should be based on the principle of voluntary people.

  The guards of the imperial city are the personal guards of the emperor, and the outer court cannot intervene, otherwise they will be punished as treason.

  The outer court is led by the cabinet, and the constitution establishes the powers and responsibilities of the cabinet.

   Even stipulates the number of cabinet ministers, at least three and at most nine, it must be an odd number. In case of disagreement, the chief assistant can make a decision, but the decision must be approved by the emperor.

   To revise the Constitution and the Law of Great Harmony, the emperor, cabinet, ten ministries, and ten Caos must all be present.

  The cabinet can propose changes and additions to laws based on the status quo. The emperor convened a grand court meeting, and more than 90% of the officials above the third rank attended to discuss changes to the legal rules. Each person has one vote, and more than 70% of the votes can be passed. The emperor has the right to reject it!

  Party struggle is a human struggle, let alone civil servants and businessmen, there are many gentry and businessmen in Ming Dynasty who stand on the opposite side of the Donglin Party.

  Regarding voting resolutions, Zhao Han only stipulates that voting is allowed when legislation is made. It is difficult for civilian groups to reach a consensus, and there is no need to form party disputes over several laws. If the civil officials really reach a consensus and amend the law indiscriminately, then there are only two possibilities: first, there are powerful ministers in the court; second, the collusion between officials and businessmen has corroded the center.

  The chief assistant at the end of the Ming Dynasty could not make decisions, and even the cabinet resolutions had to be voted on, which would stimulate party disputes. This is purely because Zhang Juzheng left a shadow on the monarch and his ministers, and his successors overcorrected, fearing that the powerful ministers would appear again, and the cabinet changed to a voting system, which made a mess.

   According to Zhao Han's "Constitution", the power of the chief minister of the cabinet is about the same as that of the Hongzhi and Zhengde dynasties.

  The local government can also formulate local regulations, which must comply with the "Constitution" and "Datong Law". After several sets of local teams reach an agreement, it must be reported to the central government for approval.

   In addition, there are provisions for the military.

  The emperor is the supreme leader of the Datong Army, and the army cannot intervene in politics. However, after resigning as a commander, a military general can be transferred to the Ministry of War as a military attache, or even enter the cabinet as a cabinet minister—not as the chief assistant or second assistant.

  The British constitutional monarchy is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy, and the parliament is the country's highest legislative and power organ.

  Germany's constitutional monarchy is a dual constitutional monarchy. The monarch is the head of state and has real power. He can appoint cabinet officials and has veto power over parliamentary legislation.

   Zhao Han established a constitution, somewhat similar to Germany, but without the existence of a parliament.

  Because the dual system of constitutional monarchy is the product of a compromise between the emperor and the powerful class, and Zhao Han does not need to compromise at all. Dualist constitutional monarchy, what is the result of the compromise? It is the parliament that does not care about the life and death of the common people when it makes laws. The laws are all in favor of the powerful and the bourgeoisie.

   Zhao Han's "Constitution" is a four-faced one. His real purpose is to confirm his will in the form of a constitution.

  For example, the concept of the Chinese nation includes the Han nationality and other nationalities, all of whom are Chinese people. Another example is the personality theory, everyone is born equal in personality, and slaves and servants are not allowed to exist. Fengtian Chengyun Emperor became Fengtian Yingmin Emperor.

   There is also the legal system. Zhu Yuanzhang pioneered the integration of the government and the people in the law. Zhao Han went a step further on this basis and defined it in the form of a constitution. Officials and common people face the same law.

  Opening the sea is also determined by the Constitution.

  The future generations of monarchs and ministers, no matter what the situation is, are not allowed to completely close the country, and at most temporarily block the port because of the war.

   Even equality between men and women, although Zhao Han did not mention it in the constitution. But everyone is equal, and men and women should also be equal. Are women not human?

  Scholars, farmers, businessmen, monks, Taoists, doctors, divination, all kinds of occupations are also equal in the constitution.

  Zhao Han just started an era, setting the general direction for future generations of monarchs and ministers. As for future emperors and ministers, Zhao Han didn't bother to take care of any messy things that happened, and it was impossible to take care of them at all.

   Maybe after two or three generations, female officials will be abolished, and the emperor will use eunuchs again-this possibility is very small, but it is difficult to say for sure.

   Even, Zhao Han is still in the constitution, which embeds expansion and colonial ideas.

   That's the sentence: The place where Chinese civilization spreads should be the land of Datong China, and one of them must be indispensable.

  It seems useless at first glance, but ambitious monarchs and ministers in later generations will definitely use this sentence as a reason for expansion.

  About the Confucius family in Qufu, the Zhang family in Longhushan, including Wudang Mountain and the like. Zhao Han mentioned in the chapter on land that these cultural and religious forces can respect and sacrifice, but they must strictly abide by land laws and regulations. Later monarchs granted half an acre of land for sacrifice, which is a very serious violation of the constitution.

   Violation of the constitution means not abiding by the virtue of the emperor!

After the Ching Ming Festival holiday, Zhao Han called Chen Wenkui and took out the newly released "Constitution": "Look here, this "Constitution", I don't want to make it public for the time being. If you major in "Datong Law", follow the "Constitution" "Framework."

  Zhao Han went to review the memorial by himself, while Chen Wenkui sat beside him and read it slowly. This old man memorized the general content in a daze.

  At noon, Zhao Han called Chen Wenkui to eat: "What do you think?"

Chen Wenkui said: "Your Majesty has a far-sighted vision, and I can only speculate about it. This "Constitution of Datong China" is quite similar to the "Emperor Ming Zu Xun" written by Ming Taizu. "Emperor Ming Zu Xun" was written for the descendants of the Zhu family. And the "Constitution of Great Harmony China" was written for all people in the world to read, and it was also written for future generations of monarchs and ministers to read."

  Zhao Han smiled and nodded: "Continue."

Chen Wenkui also said: "The "Emperor Ming Zu Xun" is the Zhu family's ancestor's instruction, so it is unavoidably petty, but it is also mixed with state affairs. Respectful, but listed Annan as a country that will not be conquered. This is absurd. Your Majesty's "Constitution of Great Harmony China" seldom talks about details, but only outlines general plans. This great voice is also hopeless, and future generations of monarchs, ministers, and all people in the world can follow Govern the country according to His Majesty's way, and change the country's government as time changes."

   "That's a great statement!" Zhao Han immediately praised it.

  (end of this chapter)

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