Chapter 714: 711 [All nations come to Korea]

  Chapter 714 711 [All nations come to Korea]


   After signing the treaty, Van der Lin watched the Chinese negotiating team leave. He let out a sigh of relief, feeling that he must be doomed, and all the money he had earned in the past six months had to be taken out when he returned to the Netherlands.

   It can really be settled with silver, especially after the cancellation of the Dutch deacons and the seven provinces gaining greater local autonomy.

  The highest organization of the Dutch East India Company is the Seventeen-member Conference, followed by the Ministry of Commerce of the seven provinces.

  Decades ago, the seven major commercial departments competed with each other, and sometimes even defeated each other. In the midst of competition and dismantling, a tacit understanding was gradually developed, a series of unspoken rules were born, and at the same time they cooperated with each other to strive for greater power.

  For example, in the seven provincial capitals, each city has four mayors.

  After the barbaric growth of the East India Company, it has already controlled the local administrative region. Three of the four mayors must be members of the Ministry of Commerce, and sometimes even all four mayors are members of the Ministry of Commerce. The twenty-eight mayors of the Dutch provinces are firmly controlled by the East India Company.

  The company is the country, and the country is the company, unless the company will close down if it stops making money.

   Moreover, although the East India Company offered shares, it never issued stock certificates. How much money is invested by which shareholder is all recorded in the account books of the Ministry of Commerce of each province. The account books of the provincial commercial departments are not interoperable, and only report the specific situation of shareholders, and then accept the supervision of the headquarters.

  The large and small shareholders are very short-sighted. At first, they pay dividends twice a year, and they pay dividends before the profits are calculated—directly distributed to major shareholders such as spices, and major shareholders then sell them.

  After constant disputes and compromises, the dividends are finally paid out once a year, and the dividends are only divided into gold and silver, not commodities, but the dividend time is still before the balance of accounts. Such a dividend distribution model regardless of long-term goals led to a situation where the Dutch East India Company would always be heavily in debt despite huge profits.

   This way of operating, once overseas interests are damaged, it is very likely to collapse directly.

  Van der Lin said to Commander Van der Laan: "Take people to help Matalan suppress the rebels, take Matalan as a vassal, and seize a spice production area. Maybe we will have less trouble when we return to the Netherlands."

  Vander Laan asked: "What about Banten and the British coalition forces? They have been attacking the Matalam border and have captured several towns."

Van der Lin said: "After helping the Mataram Sultan to restore the country, bring Banten and the UK to negotiate together. The UK has few soldiers. As long as Banten withdraws its troops, the UK will have nothing to do. Ceded the two border cities of Mataram If it is given to the Banten Kingdom, the Banten Sultan will definitely be willing to accept it."

  During the conversation between the two, they sold Ma Dalan, which disgusted Britain by the way.

  Van der Lin said with a smile: "Bantan and Matalan have a feud, and it would be better to cede a piece, and they will have a new territorial dispute. If we continue to provoke the relationship between the two countries, we will be able to mediate from it, and we will always be invincible!"

   Throughout the expansion of the Netherlands in Asia, the military often only accounts for three points, and diplomatic strategies account for seven points. Moreover, by repeating those two tricks, provoking the indigenous countries to fight each other and provoking the indigenous countries to fight for power, the sparsely populated Dutch colonists can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

   On Kuang Hong's side, he left the Governor's Mansion triumphantly, and immediately announced the results of the negotiations when he arrived in the urban area. The Chinese in Batavia cheered and sent them off.

   "Supplementary Treaty to the Batavia Treaty", after negotiations between the two parties, the complete content is as follows:

  First, Malacca belongs to China, but the Netherlands has the right to enter the port, and the port entry tax for Dutch merchant ships is halved compared to ships from other countries.

  Second, the Netherlands does not need to dissolve its alliance with Aceh, but Aceh will be a vassal state of China in the future.

  Third, the Netherlands gave up the exclusive right to acquire spices from Aceh, and gave up the right of first priority to acquire spices from Matalan.

  Fourth, the Netherlands compensated China with one thousand taels of silver.

  Fifth, the Han people in Batavia have the right to live and leave freely, and the amount of tax they need to pay is the same as that of Javanese natives.

  Sixth, the Netherlands recognizes Taiwan as Chinese territory, but Dutch ships can dock in Taiwan for supplies.

  Seventh, the treaty is valid for ten years.

   Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Trincomalee port.

  This was originally a Portuguese colonial port, which was seized by the Netherlands ten years ago.

  A Dutch fleet came, loaded with opium and other goods, and their destination was Batavia.

  The new governor, Carl Rainiers, felt something was wrong as soon as he entered the port, because the wind was turbulent here, and there were obviously more Dutch warships.

  He recruited the local Dutch in charge of Kuhn and asked, "Why are there more than a dozen warships here?"

Kuhn replied: "Malacca is being attacked. The two warships stationed in Malacca, as well as the Indian warships, have all gathered in Trincomalee Port. One is to prevent the Chinese from attacking here, and the other is to discuss how to rescue Malacca. .”

   "Malacca under attack?" Carl Rainiers felt tricky.

  This guy couldn't figure out the situation, and was worried about Batavia, so he immediately led the fleet to set off, bypassing Sumatra Island to Batavia.

  By the time he arrived in Batavia, Kuang Hong's fleet had all returned to Guangzhou.

   "What happened to Malacca?" asked Carl Rainiers.

  Van der Lin took out the treaty and sighed: "You can see for yourself."

  Carl Rainiers watched it carefully, and felt that he was cheated to death. He finally became the governor of Batavia, and the one who came over to take over turned out to be a mess.

After a long pause, Carl said: "The peace treaty between the company and Portugal will expire in a few months. The latest instruction from the headquarters is to transfer the company's strategic development focus to India, and transfer Portugal's presence in India. All six colonial ports have been seized. Malacca is gone, how can I attack India?"

   "That's your business," Van der Lin said, "You can choose to attack Malacca first, but that means tearing up the treaty just signed. If you can't fight it, the Dutch ships will lose the right to enter the port in Malacca."

   "You're an asshole!"

  Carl cursed angrily.

  In fact, Van der Lin also wanted to scold his mother very much. He also planned to help Ma Dalan put down the rebellion, and then reap the benefits to atone for his crimes. As a result, the rebel army has not been wiped out yet, and the new governor has actually come. You can't **** arrive two months later?

  After the handover procedures were completed, Karl finally calmed down.

   Anyway, Malacca was lost by Van der Lin, and it has nothing to do with him. At least, the Netherlands still retains the right to enter the port in Malacca, and the passage through the Strait of Malacca still exists.

  In the next few years, the keynote of my own development should be to improve relations with China and keep the Strait of Malacca open to the Netherlands. Then, attack Portugal's Indian port with all your strength, and complete the task assigned to you by the headquarters.

  The first goal is Nagapatam, which is India's closest port to Sri Lanka, and firmly holds the Palk Strait.

  Portugal has long been in decline, and there are only a hundred defenders there. Karl is confident that it will be occupied within two or three years.

  If I can’t beat China, I can’t beat Portugal, a laggard?

  Portugal in the past twenty years is like a big boss with residual blood, either being beaten or on the way to be beaten. Even the small countries in Arabia and Southeast Asia can use Portugal to build their reputation and continue to capture Portugal's colonial castles.

   Just when the Dutch army was competing with the rebels for Semarang, Kuang Hong's envoys had already returned to Nanjing.

   There are also envoys from various countries accompanying him. There are only a few envoys from small countries, and dozens of envoys from large countries.

  When they landed at Nanjing Wharf, they quickly caused a sensation. It is true that we often see foreigners in Nanjing, but it is the first time that so many come here at once.

  Nanjing people surrounded the foreign missions, but the foreign missions looked up at the city wall of Nanjing.

  Prince Narai of Siam, with his two little friends, stared at the majestic tower with dumbstruck eyes.

   "Can the city wall be built so high?" Na Lai turned around and asked Yang Dongkui.

  Although Yang Dongkui is a Han Chinese, his parents have already lived in Thailand, and it is his first time to come to Nanjing. Pressing the shock and excitement in his heart, Yang Dongkui held his head high and proudly said: "The kingdom of heaven is naturally extraordinary, how can it be judged by common sense?"

  Constance Valkang had tears in his eyes at the moment: "The city walls of Nanjing remind me of Constantinople. They are so long and great, but it is a pity that they will never be taken back."

   This guy is a Greek. He has listened to stories told by his parents since he was a child, and he never forgets Constantinople.

  Although the shortest part of Nanjing city wall is higher than Constantinople. But in Europe, Constantinople is definitely a majestic city. The 12-meter-high city wall has worn off a lot of hair from the Ottoman monarchs.

  The envoy from Aceh was also in the team, and he was terrified. Fortunately, he became a vassal state instead of choosing to go to war with China. Can such a country really be defeated?

  Before Kuang Hong returned to Nanjing, he sent a fast boat to report, and at this time officials from Honglu Temple came to welcome him.

  Liu Xiangke, who was promoted to Zuo Shaoqing of Dali Temple, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Jumeng has worked hard!"

   Kuang Hong replied: "Loyalty to the emperor is not hard work."

  Liu Xiangke pointed to the envoys of various countries and said: "All nations come to court, and the scene of prosperity is heartbreaking."

   Kuang Hong asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty is not angry, is he?"

"Hahaha," Liu Xiangke said with a smile, "Your Majesty heard that Ju Meng was good at launching wars, so he just cursed 'nonsense'. Thinking about it, His Majesty also intends to make progress in Nanyang, but he is not ready in all aspects. If Ju Meng If you lose, you will definitely be punished. Now that you win, the loss is still small, and there may be punishment, but His Majesty likes it in his heart."

   "So good, so good!" Kuang Hong breathed a sigh of relief.

  Both of them are not from Jiangxi, and Kuang Hong's father, Kuang Lu, was transferred back to the capital for reuse. Now that Kuang Hong has also made great contributions, Liu Xiangke hastened to curry favor and briefed him on the situation along the way.

   Don't look at Liu Xiangke, who reprimanded the foreign monarch as his grandson when he was on an embassy abroad, and acted like a famous minister who was not afraid of death. In fact, this guy is used to sycophancy, while maintaining a clean and honest image, while acting as a dog's leg to important officials in the court.

   After the group entered the city, there was a commotion in the city, and countless people stood on both sides of the street to watch the excitement.

  Zou Zhongyi, a student of Jinling University, is standing on the side of the street with his classmates at the moment. He looked at Kuang Hong who was coming on horseback, as well as the many foreign envoys, and said emotionally: "A man should be like this. After I graduate next year, I will also be admitted to Jinshi and become a Beijing official. I will be an official of Honglu Temple. The huge boat sailed all over the world, bringing envoys from all over the world to meet the Holy Son of Heaven! Then what about Ottomans, France, Spain, and England, let them all send their envoys to Nanjing to face the Holy Son!"

  (end of this chapter)

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