Chapter 797: 794 [Disruption with randomness]

  Chapter 797 794 [Disruption with chaos]

  The two armies have a total of more than 100,000 soldiers and horses, and the Datong army even has one man and two horses. Many of the Khalkha cavalry also brought two horses, many of which came from looting.

  In addition, there are more than 100,000 livestock.

  Originally there were more livestock, but some were thrown out when detoured north, luring Zhang Tieniu to go north. When the troops were withdrawing, they threw some more, and continued to confuse the slow Datong army. I have been consuming and eating a lot along the way. There were still some who got lost on the way, and they were in a hurry to withdraw and didn't bother to find them back.

  So many soldiers, horses, and livestock are distributed on the battlefield without bounds.

  Both sides were forming troops, Fei Ruhe rushed to find Zhang Tieniu: "I have never commanded so many cavalry to fight, and I didn't bring a hot air balloon, so I couldn't see the overall situation of the battlefield clearly."

   "I haven't directed before." Zhang Tieniu said.

Fei Ruhe said: "I used to study military books and formation diagrams, and I have learned the cavalry tactics of the past dynasties. But at this time, commanding in front of the battle is not the case at all. I am afraid that I will make a mistake in command. This battle, you do it. The coach, or am I the coach?"

   "You can be the coach." Zhang Tieniu didn't fight because he also lacked relevant experience.

Fei Ruhe said: "I returned to Beijing to report on my duties half a year ago. Every night I read military books, and I also specially read related history books. The Han Dynasty and the Xiongnu fought against Mobei. The Han army dispatched more than 100,000 soldiers and more than 200,000 horses. Wei Qing and Huo Qubing's soldiers marched in two directions, and more than 90,000 Huns' troops were wiped out. At that time, Wei Qing led the chariots and formed a chariot formation to stabilize the main formation. Knowing how to run long distances, killed more than 70,000 enemy troops, and obtained most of the results alone..."

  Zhang Tieniu felt that these were all nonsense, so he interrupted: "Let's talk about how to fight first."

Fei Ruhe said: "All the Xiao cavalry are arranged to serve as the central army, and the dragoons are sent out to outflank and harass. The Mongolian cavalry from Chahar, Horqin, and Bahrain are also responsible for the outer harassing. Try to keep the distance between the Khalkha ministries as far as possible, and give the Xiao cavalry The soldiers created an opportunity to directly attack the enemy's commander. The leaders of Khalkha's tribes are not necessarily united. There are also other tribal armies, some of which were forced to go out, and they are not of one mind with Khalkha. Dragoons and tribal cavalry, scattered Go to the periphery to fight in melee. The more chaotic the better, when it is really chaotic, the enemy troops will not fight to the death to protect each other, they must find ways to preserve their strength. When the whole battlefield is chaotic, our Fang Xiao cavalry can launch a decisive charge."

After talking a lot, Zhang Tieniu concluded: "You mean, if you have no ability to control the battlefield, then you simply can't control it. Throw out all the dragoons and Mongolian cavalry to fight. If you want to mess with everyone, we will Chaos, the enemy is also in chaos, the commanders of both sides can't command. Then our Fang Xiao cavalry took advantage of the chaos to charge?"

   "Yes!" Fei Ruhe said.

  Zhang Tieniu turned around and asked the general: "What do you think?"

  Wang Tingchen smiled and said: "This is very good."

  Li Dingguo said: "Fei Dudu has a clever plan, there is no better way to play than this."

  What array, what tactics, all go away.

  Fei Ruhe is not capable of commanding large-scale cavalry operations, so don't think about how to command. Mess up the enemy's troops, bring the enemy's command ability to the same level as your own, and then defeat them with rich experience in chaotic warfare!

  This style of play actually tests the basic qualities of the army.

  Everyone is in chaos, whoever has better basic military literacy will have a better chance of winning. What's more, the Datong Army is a whole, and it will try its best to support it when it becomes chaotic. Khalkha is a mess, and when it gets chaotic, they fight on their own, and even betray their allies.

   Chahundorji's side is also forming troops.

  The main force of his own headquarters is naturally placed in the central army. Darhan Nuoyan, Murgen Nuoyan, Darai Nuoyan, Kundu Lunuoyan... and other leaders each led their troops to the two wings. The rest of the small tribes were scattered further outside to fight.

   The battle started at some point, and both sides started to move.

  Including the dragoons of the four cavalry divisions, together with the dragoons of the infantry divisions, a total of more than 20,000 soldiers and horses, with the cavalry of Chahar, Horqin, and Bahrain, successively carried out large-scale outflanking. The one who ran the farthest even outflanked the center of the battlefield three or four miles away, and the enemy general Chahun Dorji couldn't see the situation clearly at all.

  Cao Bianjiao, who was originally sent to receive Li Zicheng's troops, also went out with Fei Ruhe because of the temporary battle.

  The more than 5,000 dragoons led by Cao Bianjiao rushed to the left flank of the enemy first. More than 5,000 dragoons were divided into three teams. The first team of more than a thousand people went straight to the front of "Kundu Lunuoyan" Tumonken.

  Tumengken led his troops to face the battle. The distance between the two armies was about 100 meters. The thousand-odd dragoons began to slow down.

  At about seventy or eighty meters, Cao Bianjiao blew a short command.

   "Bang bang bang bang!"

   After a shot was fired, the thousand or so dragoons turned around and left.

  The second team of dragoons stepped forward from the side and fired a second round of guns at Tumonken's troops. Tumonken was a little confused by the beating. The distance between the two sides was too far, and it was not enough for the range of the horse bow. He didn't know whether to chase it out, or retreated quickly. Of course, due to the long distance, the accuracy rate of the dragoons was not enough, and they did not cause too much damage.

   "Father, I will help you!"

   Lama Tenzin is the second son of Tumenken, who has gone out independently, and his title is "Nuomenhan Nuoyan".

  Nuomenhan, also translated as Nuomenhan.

  During the Second World War, the "Nuomenkan Battle" fought by the Soviet Union and Japan was in the territory of Lama Tenzin.

  Because of his bravery in combat, Lama Tenzin often advises Chahun Dorje, and uses religion to build momentum for Chahun Dorje, so he is reused and awarded titles and pastures. All the troops under his command belong to the newly attached army, and it has been less than a year since they were put under his control.

   This guy rushed out with his troops, and cooperated with his father to meet the enemy. Next to him, more than two thousand dragoons rushed out and fired their guns.

   During the pursuit, the dragoons always left with one blow, and the nearby friendly troops came over and continued to shoot.

   Seeing that they were being pulled further and further away, and it was difficult to catch up with the dragoons, Tumonken and Lama Tenzin, father and son, quickly chose to rein in their horses and run back to their own positions. As soon as they retreated, the fleeing dragoons stopped to reload their ammunition, and another group of dragoons continued to attack.

  "Darhan Nuoyan" Bentar, although he decided to run away at any time, but the war was still going to be fought.

  What if we win?

   As long as this battle is won, they can not only keep more than 100,000 livestock, but also keep the grain carried by the livestock. They can even return to the Horqin Grassland to get back the lost livestock and food. In Horqin Left Wing Middle Banner, nearly 100,000 livestock were still thrown there due to the rush to join forces.

  Under Chahun Dorji's order, Bentar turned to the side, intending to attack Cao Bianjiao's flank.

  Bentar hadn't completed the flanking, and the Manzhu Xili from Horqin took the Horqin cavalry to meet the battle. Although Manzhu Xili is Da Yuer's elder brother and has a blood feud with the Datong Army, but at this time he wholeheartedly helps fight the war, because his hatred with Khalkha is even deeper!


  Arrows are raining down, this is a confrontation of traditional cavalry.

   Another Manzhu Xili from the Bahrain Department followed the Chahar cavalry and began to fight against Khalkha's "Weizheng Nuoyan". This battlefield was the most useless. After two rounds of shooting, the Bahrain and Chahar coalition forces collapsed.

  "Wei Zheng Nuoyan" took advantage of the victory and pursued, another Chahar cavalry was nearby, but they didn't want to come to rescue them at all, but moved away to other places.

  The Mongolian ministries attached to the Datong Army are also inconsistent.

   As for the two cavalry in front of me, although they both belong to Chahar, they have feuds with each other, and they wish that the other party would be eaten by Khalkha.

  On the right side of the battlefield, Lin Zhidong, the general of the dragoons from Liaoning, has already confronted "Mergen Nuoyan" Ang Gahai. At the beginning, Anggahai was still advancing and retreating at a certain pace, fighting and fighting, and it was scattered into many local small battlefields.

   Behind Chahundorji, thousands of dragoons led Lama Shixi's Horqin remnant, and a super-large-scale circle has taken shape. Cheng Gong, the younger brother of "Zhasak Lord" Wangshuk, was ordered to lead the army to deal with the enemies in the rear.

  The Zhasak Lord lineage was not wiped out by Chahun Dorji. It is a subordinate position in name, but it is actually more like cooperation, and the two sides also have huge contradictions.

   After fighting for more than half an hour, the left and right sides and the rear of the battlefield have been completely smashed into a pot of porridge.

  Even if Han Xin was reborn and Marquis Wu was reborn, and accepted the positions of the commanders of both sides, they would not be able to control the battlefields everywhere, so they could only send troops from the Chinese army to support them.

   Those small tribes are the worst, and they can only fight with the big tribes. After the chaos, no one cares about the other, and somehow collides with a more powerful enemy. Soldiers from small tribes kept fleeing on horseback after breaking up, and a few lucky ones fled several miles to watch the battle.

  No matter how good the military quality of the dragoons is, they will make mistakes in chaotic battles.

   On the right wing, there were more than a thousand dragoons, who failed to leave in time after firing their guns. Being pinched by more than 4,000 enemy troops on both sides, they could only draw their waist knives and charge towards one of the enemies.

   Only this time of hedging, more than 600 dragoons fell.

   This happens more and more over time. After all, the number of dragoons is not dominant, and it takes time to reload ammunition. If you don't pay attention, you will be surrounded in the chaos.

   Instead, it was a frontal battlefield. The Chinese troops on both sides maintained restraint and did not move.

  Seeing that the casualties of the dragoons were getting bigger and bigger, Zhang Tieniu put down his binoculars and began to send out 15,000 melee cavalry troops.

Chahun Doerji felt that his opportunity had come, and said to "Zhasak Lord" Wangshuke: "You take your brothers to meet and lure these enemy cavalry to the two sides, and I will lead the main force to go straight to the opponent's coach! "

  The main forces of both sides finally dispatched.

  The sound of rumbling horseshoes sounded, and the entire grassland seemed to be shaking.


  Perhaps due to some kind of spiritual summoning, the BMW under Fei Ruhe's crotch raised its premise suddenly, intending to rush out with its master on its back.

   "Yi cavalry step forward, Xiao cavalry is ready!"

  Fei Ruhe gave an order, nearly 10,000 cavalry formed a compact formation, and very slowly divided into three groups to advance forward.

   "Yi Cavalry" is the name Zhao Han took, specializing in training wall charges.

  (end of this chapter)

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