Chapter 799: 796【Sandu Protectorate】

   Chapter 799 796 [Sandu Protectorate]

  The good news from the grassland was already winter when it was sent to the south.

  The Yangtze River is freezing!

   It wasn't completely frozen, there was an ice floe in the east and an ice floe in the west. Some places seem to be completely frozen, and if people stand on it and walk a few steps, the ice surface will be cracked.

  Governments along the river are organizing official ships and civilian ships to clear the ice floes in the center of the river and forcibly knock out a passage for boats.

  The Little Ice Age did not disappear with Ming Dynasty, and the real cold winter has just begun. At least during the reign of Chongzhen, the Yangtze River did not freeze. In the next 15 years, there will be four years of freezing of the Yangtze River.

  In addition, Hanshui River is also frozen this year, you can race horses on the ice!

  The Khalkha cavalry who fled back to Mobei encountered a snowstorm on the way, and more than 10,000 horses froze to death.

   Facing the cold winter, Zhao Han also put on furs and began to review the snow disaster memorials sent from various places. The temperature dropped so fast that the common people didn't have time to react when the cold snap hit overnight, and many people died of freezing or got sick from frostbite.

  Even a prince and two princesses caught a cold while living in the Forbidden City.

   "Your Majesty, a great victory in Monan!"

  The cabinet, the Ministry of War, the Governor's Mansion, and the Imperial Horse Supervisor all came to tell the good news.

After carefully reading the victory documents, Zhao Han finally showed a smile: "Well done, the cabinet, the Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of War, and the Ministry of Etiquette, discuss together how to award and reward meritorious service. Give them the title of Shangzhu Kingdom. Fei Ruhe, plus Taifu (the first rank), and the prince Taibao (from the first rank). Zhang Mingshan, plus the Taibao (the first rank), and the prince Taibao. In addition, both of them are crowned with one British, Reward his wife with an imperial order. As for granting gold, obedience, and land, you can discuss these."

  With such great military exploits, Fei Ruhe and Zhang Tieniu were not promoted to titles. It seems mean and ungrateful, but it really doesn't count, because the weight of "Shangzhu Kingdom" is too heavy.

  During the three hundred years of the Ming Dynasty, there were only a few "Shangzhu Kingdoms".

   Li Shanchang, Xu Da, and Chang Yuchun belonged to the Shangzhu Kingdom, but they were all taken back after their death and changed to the next level "Zuozhu Kingdom".

  Xia Yan became the Shangzhu Kingdom and was extremely honored for a while, but he was also deprived of his title.

  Yan Song was granted the title of Shangzhu Kingdom, so he was so frightened that he quickly declined, saying that Xia Yan was unlucky because of this title. How can a minister be called "superior"?

  Xu Jie and Zhang Juzheng were enfeoffed in Zhu Kingdom, but they also chose to decline, not daring to accept it at all. However, after Zhang Juzheng's death, he was posthumously granted the title of Shangzhu Kingdom, and then deprived of it, and was restored by another emperor.

  So, excluding those whose titles were revoked, in the entire Ming Dynasty, there was one and only Zhang Juzheng "Shangzhu Kingdom".

   Although this thing is a false title, it is much rarer than a title!

  By the way, Zhang Yunxiu, the fifth son of Zhang Juzheng, was forced to become an official by Zhang Xianzhong just like in history. Zhang Yunxiu refused and chose to commit suicide. He was almost 80 years old at the time.

  Zhang Juzheng's great-grandson Zhang Tongchang did not die heroically for resisting the Qing Dynasty. This gentleman is loyal to Ming Dynasty and refused to be an official in the court of Datong. Now he is living in the countryside of Jiangling as a teacher. A serious elementary school teacher has a salary and a salary, but he insists that a teacher is not an official. What he took was not the salary of the new dynasty, but the Shuxiu that he deserved as a teacher.

  Among all the descendants of Zhang Juzheng, two are currently officials, one is a magistrate, and the other is only a county magistrate.

  Song Yingxing said: "Fei Dudu requested that the Mongolian leaders who made contributions in this battle be given surnames and names, and I think it is feasible."

  Fei Ruhe asked to reward the name of the Mongolian leader, the reason is actually very simple. He felt that Mongolian surnames were too awkward to pronounce, and there were too many duplicate names. For example, there were two in Manzhu Xili, and they would be confused if they were not careful.

  Song Yingxing has other ideas. In the prosperous Han and Tang Dynasties, they often gave surnames to the leaders of different races. Why can't I, the Datong Dynasty? Moreover, giving Han surnames is conducive to the assimilation of foreign races. Mongolia does not edit history books, as long as they change their surnames to Han, the Golden Family will gradually fade away after a hundred years.

Zhao Han also thought it was feasible, so he said to Wang Tiaoding, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites: "Choose from a hundred surnames... Forget it, let's all be named Zhao. The Mongolian leaders probably don't like common surnames, so let them have the same surname as the royal family. The Ministry of Rites will discuss it." Let’s get some names and report them in a few days, and send envoys to the grasslands to reward the names after the beginning of spring.”

  After the Han Dynasty, a bunch of Southern Xiongnu leaders were surnamed Liu, and there were even **** "smart men" like Liu Yuan. Although Liu Yuan was from the Huns, in the Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, he can definitely be called a benevolent monarch, even more benevolent than most Han emperors.

  Now Zhao Han has decided to grant a surname. As long as the authority of the Datong court is still there, from now on, the leaders of the Mongolian tribes in Monan will be surnamed Zhao from generation to generation.

   Maybe one day, there will be a few "same" Mongols.

Zhao Han continued: "In Hetao, Li Zicheng refused Cao Bianjiao to recruit an army. I was careless about this matter. After the spring, I asked Fei Ruhe to appease Li Zicheng himself. The generals Fei Ruhe brought to Hetao must not There are former Ming generals, so avoid provoking Li Zicheng and his followers."

  Ministry Minister Lu Xiangsheng cupped his hands and said: "The former fan received the news of the grassland war. The Ministry of War, together with the cabinet and other ministries, re-drafted a plan to control the grassland."

   "Speak." Zhao Han said.

Lu Xiangsheng said: "The northern region is under the jurisdiction of the Sandu Protectorate. The ancient names of all places have been restored, such as Tumochuan, which was changed to Chilechuan. Xilamulun River was changed to Raole River. Heilongjiang was changed to Heishui... "

   Zhao Han interrupted: "Heilongjiang is a good name, so there is no need to change it back."

  Lu Xiangsheng didn't bother to dig into the details, so he continued:

   "Three Duhufu, all follow the old name of Tang Dynasty. One is Anbei Duhufu, the second is Raole Duhufu, and the third is Andong Duhufu (Heilongjiang Dusi)."

"Anbei Duhufu, the government is located in Guihua City (Hohhot). Guihua City, renamed Yunzhong City. It governs Hetao Han people and Chahar, Tumed and other Mongolia. The Han people under its jurisdiction are governed by Han officials designated by the court. The Mongolian tribes set up twelve capitals, all of which are held by Mongolian leaders. Mongolian capitals can be hereditary, but they must be conferred by the imperial court in advance. However, if there is a mistake, the imperial court has the right to re-select the capital.”

"Rao Le Duhufu, the government is located at the confluence of three rivers. When the city is built, the name of the city has not yet been determined, it can be Raozhou. It governs Horqin and Bahrain, Ongniud, Ujimqin and other ministries. The Han people in the jurisdiction are governed by the Han Official governance. The Mongolian tribes also set up twelve capitals, which are generally the same as the Anbei Protectorate."

"Andong Dufu was renamed from Heilongjiang Dusi. The original capital (Harbin) was moved eastward to the former Ming Dynasty's Orimi Station (Tongjiang), and a city could be built at the intersection of Heilongjiang and Songhua River, called Heishui City. The Han people within the jurisdiction are governed by Han officials. The Jurchen tribes also set up a capital to rule."

  Zhao Han took a map and checked it carefully, and basically agreed with the new plan formulated by the ministers.

   Guihua City was renamed Yunzhong City, although the location of Yunzhong County City in the Han and Tang Dynasties was different. But the difference is not far, it is nothing more than the difference between Tuoketuo County and Hohhot, the distance between the two places is less than two hundred miles.

  The new Yunzhong City is backed by Yinshan Mountain and controls the fertile Tumo River. The terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the military rations are completely self-sufficient. In case of danger, the reinforcements from Shanxi and Shaanxi can go to the Yellow River for support, and the reinforcements from Hebei can go to Zhangjiakou to take the Chahar tribes directly.

  Zhao Han said: "The government office of the Rao Le Duhu Mansion, after the city is built, it should be called Rao Le City. After all, there is a Rao State in Jiangxi, try to avoid duplication of names."

   Raozhou in the Horqin Grassland was established in the Liao Dynasty, and it is on the south bank of Raole River.

  The name Rao Leshui has existed since ancient times, and it was not established by the Liao Kingdom. In the Tang Dynasty, it was called Rao Le Dudu Mansion, and it belonged to the settlement of the Xi people at that time.

   Rao Leshui, the river of richness and peace, you can tell from the name that the soil there is fertile.

  Black land!

  The Raole City to be built is located 200 miles west of Tongliao City, at the confluence of the Xilamulun River, Laoha River and Xiliao River.

  Following the river to the west, it is the resident of the Bahrain Department. If you continue to the west, you can cross the remaining veins in the southern part of the Greater Khingan Mountains, and you can attack the Chahar Department, or you can attack Mobei. main traffic.

  Following the river to the east, you can control the tribes of Ekorqin. After the West Liaohe River flows into the Liaohe River, it goes south to Tieling, and materials from Liaoning can be transported directly to Raole City by boat. main traffic.

  Following the river to the south, it can reach the southern part of Ningcheng County. After turning over a few mountains, it is a tributary of the Luan River, and the materials from Hebei may also be quickly transported to Rao Le City. main traffic.

  Don’t talk about the black land, just relying on the traffic radiating from Rao Le City to three sides, it is enough to become the administrative seat of Rao Le Duhufu. Strictly speaking, it radiates in all directions, and you can also walk a section of river to the north.

  The large area near Rao Le City was originally the territory of the Horqin Department.

   Now the Han people will definitely be relocated there. It just so happens that Horqin’s various ministries suffered heavy casualties this time, and all grasslands need to be redrawn.

Zhao Han said: "The twenty-four capitals of the Mongolian ministries are in charge, and the Ministry of Rites selects two right servants to go to the grassland to preside over the alliance and canonize them. All the Han slaves taken away by the ministries must be released and moved to the government office of the Duhu Mansion for farming. Anyone who dares to hide Han Chinese slaves privately will be beheaded if found, and his sons will not be allowed to inherit the position!"

   What is said about the establishment of the three capital guards, in fact, they are the capitals of the Ming Dynasty.

   What is said about the establishment of the twenty-four capitals of Mongolia is actually the alliance flag system of the Qing Dynasty.

  It sounds better after changing the skin, and a large number of ancient place names have been restored. Cloud City must sound better than Guihua City, and Rao Leshui must sound better than Xilamulun River.

  As soon as the name was changed, he immediately became taller, and he also had the style of catching up with the Han and Tang Dynasties.

  Of course, the details are different, not just a name change.

Lu Xiangsheng said: "Your Majesty, the ministers and others have discussed repeatedly, and the Governor's Mansion also strongly suggested that the military command of the governor should be restored. This time, Li Zheng, the governor of Heilongjiang, also temporarily resumed the command of the military. It is estimated that there will be many wars in the future. The second time must be authorized by the imperial court. If your majesty is worried about the story of the Tang Dynasty Jiedushi, you can hand over the civil affairs and power of the Duhufu to the Changshi. The Changshi is a civil servant who controls financial power and civil rights. In order to follow the second grade, the rank is higher than that of the right ministers of the provinces."

  Zhao Han pondered over and over again, nodded and said, "Yes."

  Song Yingxing suddenly said: "Your Majesty, the functions of the left and right ministers of each province overlap quite a bit. After discussing with the cabinet ministers, please set up two right ministers in each province to take charge of the affairs of the various departments in the province."

   That is to say, a left chief envoy is equivalent to the (that) governor of the province. The two right chief envoys are equivalent to the (that) deputy governor in charge.

  Zhao Han said: "We can seek the opinions of the chief envoys of the provinces on this matter, and discuss it after summarizing."

Zhao Han also said: "The Protectorate of Andong, the administrative office can be moved to the confluence of Heilongjiang and Songhua River (Tongjiang). But don't worry now, it is too far away, and we have to stay in the current residence (Harbin) for the time being. .Wang Fuchen has already stationed there with 1,500 soldiers. In recent years, many criminals have been exiled. Although they are exiled criminals, they must not be abused. Indigenous women are wives. At least five years later, they can move to the residence of Andong Dufu. As for the construction of Heishui City, it has to be done slowly, because the population there is sparsely populated and cannot withstand the toss of building a city."

   "Your Majesty is wise!" All the ministers shouted.

  Zhao Han smiled and said, "Let's go."

  The ministers of the cabinet left happily, although Zhao Han cleaned up the Tianzheng and the officialdom, and put the Beijing officials in danger. But combating corruption is one thing, and expanding territory is another.

   Duhufu, and set up three in one go.

  These cabinet ministers were quite excited, dreaming that they would assist the Holy King and restore the distant and glorious Han and Tang Dynasties. In the future, it would be best to restore the Anxi Protectorate and take back the Western Regions. These important ministers will surely be able to leave their names in history.

  Who said military generals only want to open up borders?

   Civil servants also want to!

   (Check the place name, check the information, this chapter is very tiring, there is only one update today.)

  (end of this chapter)

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