Chapter 809: 806【Hangzhou meeting】

  Chapter 809 806 [Hangzhou meeting]

  Dozens of newspapers were placed in front of Zhao Han.

  Representative articles have been circled for the emperor to read quickly.

  Sweeping it roughly, Zhao Han couldn't help but smile: "Sure enough, this writing stick is like a quarrel, and it's crooked to the sky."

   Li Xiangjun asked: "Do you want to watch it again, Your Majesty?"

   "No need, let them continue to quarrel." Zhao Han is very satisfied with the current situation.

  Although there are merchants throwing money to publish articles, and although there are great Confucian scholars who help to speak, they still fall behind at the beginning. The main ones are the three cardinal principles and five constant principles, which cannot be circumvented no matter what. Moreover, women should take care of their husbands and raise their children, which has been recognized by the vast majority of readers.

  However, a new force was added halfway through!

  In today's ideological circles, a hundred flowers are blooming, and some emerging schools of thought suddenly join the debate to speak for women in order to attract attention. The emergence of these emerging schools immediately affected the hostile schools, and it turned into a big melee. Whether a woman can be an official through the imperial examination is only a passing topic, and the core focus of the debate has become a struggle for the right to interpret Confucian classics.

  Hangzhou University, Professor Chen Que initiated a debate, and both the Jishan School and the Yaojiang School were invited to participate.

   Today's Zhejiang is dominated by Yangming's philosophy of mind.

   However, the disciples of Xinxue in Zhejiang have already played out their brains with each other.

  In the fourth year of Chongzhen, Liu Zongzhou and Tao Shuangling jointly created the "Witness Club". The split occurred in just one year because of disagreements over how to "witness". Friends and disciples of Liu Zongzhou formed the Jishan School. Tao Shuangling's friends and disciples formed the Yaojiang School.

  Chen Que, who initiated the debate today, is from the Jishan School, but belongs to the heresy of the Jishan School!

There were hundreds of teachers and students in Hangzhou University, and dozens of sociologists. Chen Que took the lead in speaking: "Recently, there was a debate between men and women in Jinling, and both sides of the debate were citing scriptures. Why should they cite scriptures? Because those are the words of sages." Is it true? What a sage says must be correct? A sage must first be a human being. If a sage is not a human being, what should Lu Wang Xinxue do? It is also impossible to become a saint, so I don’t need to exist in the same line of my mind.”

  As soon as this remark came out, everyone agreed that a saint must be a human being, which is the basic idea of ​​Xinxue.

Then Chen Que began to mess around: "In my opinion, even if you become a saint, you are no different from ordinary people in terms of human nature. Don't rush to refute, just listen to me. If you become a saint, your human nature will be different." After consummation, they are completely different from ordinary people. Ordinary people who have not become saints, do they have flaws in human nature? If there are flaws in human nature, they cannot be called human beings, but just a tool that looks like human beings. Human nature, I think it’s better for this saint not to do it!”


  Liu Bian was furious, pointed at Chen Que and said, "You have turned your back on your teacher, and now you come to criticize the sages. You are really not a son of man! Do you want to be Wang Longxi, or Wang Taizhou?"

  Liu Bao is the son of Liu Zongzhou, the founder of Jishan School, and he is also related to Huang Zongxi.

  Now, the Jishan School has been divided into three, Huang Zongxi belongs to the orthodox school, Liu Bian belongs to the revisionist school, and Chen Que belongs to the independent school.

  Wang Longxi and Wang Taizhou mentioned by Liu Bao are Wang Ji, the founder of Wangmen in Central Zhejiang Province, and Wang Gen, the founder of Taizhou School. These two schools of thought belong to the leftist school of mind, and their academic views are very extreme. For example, the Taizhou school advocates equality in the world, equality in all industries, everyone can be a saint, and hard work and life is learning.

  Zhezhong Wangmen was once popular in Zhejiang, and it was the orthodoxy of the whole country. The thoughts of Jishan School and Yaojiang School are actually inherited from Wangmen in Central Zhejiang. But as a new school, if you want to rise, you have to overthrow the authority. Only by completely overthrowing the Zhezhong Wangmen can the Jishan School and the Yaojiang School win the morality of the mind. In history, the Yaojiang School succeeded, and it was also called the "Yangming School".

  The scholars present today seem to come from only two schools of thought, but they have actually split into six or seven forces.

  It is false for them to argue about the issue of men and women, and it is true to take the opportunity to compete for morality!

   "I think what Chen Qianchu (Chen Que) said makes sense," Shi Biao stood up suddenly, "A saint should be a human being, and a human being has the seven emotions and six desires. Those without the seven emotions and six desires are not humans, nor are they saints, but gods in the sky!"

  Shi Biao suddenly supported Chen Que, which many people did not expect.

  Historically, Shi Biao was the third-generation lecturer of the Yao Jiang School, and his views at this time clearly showed signs of becoming a heresy in the sect.


  Shen Guomo coughed suddenly, and the disciples immediately shouted for silence.

  Shen Guomo is one of the founders of the Yaojiang School, and also the most qualified predecessor of Zhejiang Xinxue. He didn't look at his personal disciple Shi Biao, but said to everyone: "Today's debate is whether a woman can be an official through the imperial examination. Don't discuss whether a sage is a human being."

Facing his seniors, Chen Que didn't give any face to him: "Whether it is a sage, he is just looking for fish after a tree. The saying that men are superior to women all come from the classics of sages and sages. How can we discuss without sages? What is Confucianism and what is the study of sages? In my opinion, Knowing mistakes and being able to correct them is holy learning. If you are wrong, you are wrong, and you can correct it. Saints also have mistakes, and we disciples of holy learning have the responsibility to help saints correct their mistakes!"

  Shi Biao echoed: "That's a very good statement!"


   Shen Guomo scolded.

  Shi Biao turned around and bowed to his mentor, "Sir, I don't want to abandon my teacher today, but I really think so. Saints are human beings, and saints have made mistakes, as long as they correct it."

  Chen Que continued: "Let's not talk about whether the sage is wrong. Are the current Confucian classics really what the sage said? The article "Great Learning" is a fake in my opinion!"


  Liu Bian drew his sword out of its sheath, pointed at Chen Que and said, "Zhuzi, you and I are irreconcilable!"

  Liu Zongzhou, Liu Bao’s father and Chen Que’s mentor, had his main academic achievements come from The Great Learning. At this moment, Chen Que actually said that "The Great Learning" was a forgery, which directly dug out the foundation of Liu Zongzhou's thinking.

   "Teacher calm down!"

   All the disciples hurriedly grabbed Liu Bang, for fear that he would really charge up and kill people.

  I used to agree with Chen Que’s historical standard, but now I’m starting to object: “Brother Ganchu, although I agree with you’s sacred views, the Great Learning cannot be a forgery!”

Chen Que walked to the center of the debate, stood with his hands behind his back and said, ""The Great Learning" must be a fake. Even if it is not a fake, there are many mistakes. "The Great Learning" says that 'knowledge ends at perfection', how absurd is that? I think , Tao is endless, and knowledge is also endless. The world is vast and the universe is vast. Where can there be any goodness? The bestness here is not the bestness there. There is today’s bestness today, and tomorrow there will be tomorrow’s bestness. Confucius The supreme goodness of the Meng era may not necessarily be the supreme goodness of the Datong new dynasty!"

  Shi Biao said: "There are thousands of roads, but all roads lead to the same goal. The road is the ultimate good, and it has never changed."

  The two guys who betrayed Shimen agreed with each other just now, but now they are arguing again.

  Chen Que asked: "Is the way of men and women a great way? Do you agree with women's imperial examinations to be officials?"

Shi Biao replied: "I am in favor of women's imperial examinations to be officials, but I don't think men and women are the great way. The way of men and women is just a small road under the great road. The small road can be changed. In ancient times, everyone could not study. In ancient times, farming could only rely on Men. Now that the world has changed, everyone can study, women can go to school, and women can farm and work. Now that the world has changed, the ways of men and women will also change. Women should pay more and get more. It is not absurd for a woman to become an official through the imperial examination."

  Chen Que said with a smile: "Then let's put aside our objections today and debate with these rotten scholars together!"

   "I like it very much." Shi Biao immediately reached a consensus with Chen Que.

  All present are disciples of Xinxue, but there are a lot of academic differences. If you insist on saying that there is any common thinking, there are only two: first, Wang Yangming is a saint; second, Buddhism is harmful to people.

  Most of the disciples of Xinxue, although with Zen thoughts, basically advocate "elimination of Buddha", and radicals even advocate "elimination of Buddha". Many ministers of the Ming Dynasty who were born in Xinxue had deeds of destroying temples, forcing monks to return to secular life, distributing temple land to the common people, and using temple wood and stones to build schools.

  Jiang Xizhe suddenly stood up. This guy is also a representative of the Jishan School and is currently a teacher in Kuaiji County Middle School. He immediately refuted the views of the two: "The morals of the world are indeed changing, but the Dao remains the same, and the way of men and women is also the Dao. Your Majesty has the theory of personality, and also agrees that men and women have different personalities. The difference between men and women is due to nature, which is eternal. The reason for change. You say that women can study, work and farm, but it’s just an expedient change. When Datong China prospers, men will be able to do all these things. Women’s nature should be to care for their husbands and teach their children!”

  In history, Jiang Xizhe, as a professor of county studies, became the acting magistrate of the Qing Dynasty. Zheng Chenggong led his troops to kill, but this guy actually recruited troops to defend the city, and he insisted on defending until the Eight Banners reinforcements arrived, which led to Zheng Chenggong's defeat and withdrawal from Zhejiang.

  Shi Biao scoffed, and said with a sneer: "Confucianism has the theory of sex. I have only heard that nature is good and nature is evil. I have never heard of **** as a husband and child."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

  Hangzhou college students watching the debate burst into laughter.

Jiang Xizhe said: "All things in the world are born with energy, and all have their nature. The nature I am talking about is not the nature of good and evil, but the innate nature of all things. The softness of water is the nature. The firmness of stone is the nature. Male To be strong is to be disposition. To be a woman is to be soft, to be disposition. When a woman is born to be a master, she should care for her husband, teach her children, and serve her parents-in-law. This is a woman’s innate disposition. Once it is violated, it will be a reversal of yin and yang.”

A student of Hangzhou University stood up and said, "No, no. Although water is soft, it can turn ice into firmness. Although metal and stone are hard, they can be refined into water. The teacher at the school taught this. Jiang Sir, you have never studied physics, so don't use this as an example."

Jiang Xizhe's mind turned quickly: "Water freezes into ice, gold and stone refine water, it's not abnormal, it's just an expedient measure. As long as the temperature is normal, water will still be water, and stone will still be stone. Just like a woman reading and plowing the fields, it is also expedient. The plan is, when the population of the world is prosperous, there will be no need to tire the women to plow the fields."

  Another college student stood up: "Why don't you tell us about women weaving? As early as the Ming Dynasty, there were many women weavers. At that time, the population was prosperous, and women also came out to work! This is not an expedient measure!"

Jiang Xizhe said: "It is also natural for men to farm and women to weave. It is natural for women to be weavers. It is nothing more than going from home to the factory. I think that as long as it is a textile factory, there can only be female workers and no male workers. There is a difference between men and women. Even if there are male workers, they cannot be in the same room with female workers."

The college student just said angrily: "You were not born in a poor family, but I came from the mountainous area in southern Zhejiang. The mountainous area is poor. My father and mother usually work. My mother spins yarn at night, cooks three meals a day, and plows the land during the day." , I have to cut firewood in my spare time. Nowadays, it is popular to raise pigs at home. In addition to feeding chickens and ducks, my mother also has to hunt pig grass and cook pig food. Mother is so hard, why do you say that women should be husbands? Godchild? If my mother only cared for her husband and raised her son, I would have starved to death long ago, let alone go to school, let alone get admitted to Hangzhou University at public expense!"

"well said!"

  Some students and scholars from poor backgrounds immediately applauded this passage.

   Soon, more and more students joined the discussion. They were here to watch, but they couldn't help expressing their opinions. These students are obviously more open-minded, and most of them support women's imperial examinations as officials.

  Don't talk about women's imperial examinations, they will occupy their Jinshi quota. They are college students themselves, knowing that it is difficult for female students to graduate, and most of them get married before graduation. What's more, they like to have girls in the school. Every girl is a treasure. Even if they are ugly, they are favored by the group. They are very willing to help girls speak.

  With these college students, the debate format began to be one-sided.

   Or, because there are too many speakers, this debate can no longer go on.

  (end of this chapter)

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