Chapter 831: 828 [nternal strife and warplanes]

  Chapter 831 828【Infighting and fighters】

  Batavia City, the former Dutch municipal building.

  Zhang Xianzhong has made meritorious service in continuous battles, and now he has grown up in awe. He slapped the table and said, "Angel Liu, these Indian prisoners can no longer be used. They can't work one by one, and they eat like rice buckets. Why not use them all as cannon fodder in the siege!"

   "Just give me a bowl of gruel every day." Liu Hanyi said.

Zhang Xianzhong said: "I definitely won't let them eat more, but they only eat a bowl of gruel, and they don't want to work at all. They can't move a few times when they are whipped. If the supervisor doesn't watch, they will lie on the ground to dry." The sun. I also ordered that if you do a good job, you can eat more. This trick is useful for Taiwanese headhunters, but it doesn’t work for those Indian captives.”

Deputy envoy Sun Jie said: "I asked rich Indian businessmen, and these captives are all untouchables. They can only do things like dig out excrement and move corpses. They are not allowed to believe in religion, and they are not allowed to reincarnate. They will be like that in this life, no matter you They won't believe any promises you make. You said you can eat more if you do a good job, have you ever rewarded anyone?"

   "Return the reward? The work given will never be finished, and I don't kill them." Zhang Xianzhong said angrily.

Sun Jie said with a smile: "Only when the Shang monarch migrates to the woods and establishes the faith can he reform the law in Qin. Village head Zhang can also reward the rice and establish the faith, regardless of whether the Indian captives have completed their work or not. Every day, choose the three who do the most work, in front of the rest. For the captives’ noodles, give them an extra bowl of porridge. Those who are willing to work more will be rewarded to four people every day. Keep going up, ten or twenty will be rewarded every day. Then divide the Indian prisoners into groups, which group will work the best Well, give everyone an extra bowl of porridge. The team leader will punish those who don’t want to work in order to eat more. But remember, even after receiving rewards, they can’t really make them full. Only hungry people, Only then did I realize that eating more is very precious.”

   "Will this work?" Zhang Xianzhong questioned.

   "Try it, Village Chief Zhang is still reluctant to give a few more bowls of porridge a day?" Liu Hanyi laughed.

  Zhang Xianzhong said depressedly: "Then give it a try."

  The insensitivity of the Indian untouchables makes them completely blind to hope.

  The Indian untouchables don’t resist, they work hard and are bullied, and they all look forward to becoming a high caste in the next life. This kind of statement is pure nonsense. According to the teachings of Hinduism, even if the untouchables can reincarnate smoothly, they will at most continue to be untouchables in the next life. If they are not careful, they will be reincarnated as pigs, dogs and animals.

  If the reincarnation of untouchables can become a high caste, then some high castes, isn’t it the reincarnation of untouchables? How is it possible for higher castes to admit this?

  With nothing in this life and no hope in the next life, naturally lie flat.

  In fact, among the four castes of Hinduism, only the first three can be reincarnated, and even Sudras are not allowed to reincarnate.

   But at least, Sudra can still believe in religion, and there is a slight chance of rising. Sudras who have made great achievements or made a fortune, or the entire village has risen in status, can apply for "Vaticanization", which is equivalent to "raising the flag" for them. Sudra Brahma turned into a Vaisya, so he is eligible for reincarnation. The ancestor of the old fairy Modi is rumored to be the one who turned Brahman into Vaisya.

  As for the untouchables, they are not even allowed to have religious beliefs, let alone sanctification. If the untouchables dare to eavesdrop on the lectures, they will be severely punished and may even be killed!

Sun Jie said: "These hundreds of Indian captives can actually be used for good. First reward Lixin, change their ideas, and make them feel that they are also useful. Then let them be tenants in Luzon. They are real tenants, not what Serfs. As long as they are willing to work, as long as they learn how to farm, no matter how lazy they are, they will be enough. In the future, the Datong army will kill India, and if these hundreds of Indian untouchables are captured, they will be able to recruit and educate more untouchables."

"It's useless, it's even counterproductive," Liu Hanyi said, "I've also communicated with wealthy Indian businessmen. Whoever dares to vigorously promote and reuse untouchables in India will attract hatred from everyone. Indian caste, in addition to determining status, is also similar to Guilds in China. Each caste has its own job, and promoting low castes and untouchables indiscriminately is tantamount to grabbing the jobs of high castes."

But Sun Jie said: "Fight hard to win a few times and kill more. Isn't it up to us? Don't provoke the Mughals first, go to a small country in the south of India, let Sudras and untouchables come to believe in Buddhism, so that they have I am qualified to be reincarnated. The extra land should be distributed to them. In order to keep the land and to be reincarnated, why don’t they help us?"

   "It also makes sense," Liu Hanyi said, "You can try this method. If it doesn't work, you have to respect Indian customs and traditions."

  Christianity, Sikhism, and non-preaching, when they first started to develop in India, they all followed the bottom line and treated untouchables equally. It can be developed to a certain extent, and Indian customs and traditions have been followed, and Christian untouchables, Sikh untouchables have emerged... It is estimated that Buddhist untouchables and Taoist untouchables will appear in the future.

  Liu Hanyi clapped his hands: "Let's not talk about India, should we attack? In a few days, the rainy season will come. I heard that the rainy season will last for three months."

Sun Kewang said: "It's not easy to fight. The Dutch castle has four bastions. The wall is short and thick, and the artillery can't break it. No matter which side you attack, you will be hit by the enemy in the bastions. .”

Zhang Xianzhong said: "The usual method of digging ditches is not easy to use here. There are moats on all sides of the castle, and all the moats must be filled first. One side of the moat is also connected to the sea. The other two sides of the moat are connected to the Tiger Canal. Connected. It can’t be directly filled there, but a canal must be dug first to divert the water from the Tiger Canal to another place to flow into the sea.”

  Everyone was speechless.

   To fill the moat of the Dutch castle, the amount of work is not so large. You have to dig a canal to drain the water first, otherwise the city where the Datong Army is stationed will be flooded.

   "Can it be flooded..." Sun Jie said halfway, and he felt amused, "Well, pretend I didn't say it."

  The castle is near the sea, so even if it is flooded, it will soon flow into the sea.

  Everyone discussed repeatedly, but couldn't think of a good way, so they could only besieged until the castle ran out of food.

   Tie Hong asked: "Do you want another night attack?"

   "I'm afraid it's not easy to fight." Zhang Xianzhong shook his head.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  Suddenly the sound of artillery came from the north of the city, but no one paid much attention to it.

  It must be the Dutch governor who sent civilians and servants to dig trenches between the castle and the moat.

  This situation has happened several times, and sometimes even digging trenches at night. As long as the trenches are dug, it will be more difficult for the Datong army to attack, and even night attacks cannot be attacked at night.

  The Datong Army's countermeasure was to set up artillery on the north city wall and frantically bombard the enemies who dug ditches. They come here every three to five times, and have repelled the enemy several times. The Dutch castle chose to confront the Datong army.

  Not long after the gunfire stopped, an officer rushed in: "My lords, there is a change in the enemy's castle!"

  The crowd immediately ran to the north wall, Zhang Xianzhong was the first to ask, "What happened?"

A watchman who had just climbed out of the hot air balloon pointed to the castle and said, "At the location of the Governor's Palace in the Netherlands, first there was the sound of gunfire. First there were sporadic gunfire, then the sound became more dense, and then it became sparse again. It has been going on for a long time. For more than ten minutes. The defenders of the four bastions of the enemy army went towards the governor's mansion one after another, and then stood near the governor's mansion to watch the excitement."

  This is the function of the hot air balloon. If you stand on the city wall and observe, you will definitely not be able to see it so clearly.

   "The enemy is fighting among themselves?" Liu Hanyi asked doubtfully.

  Sun Jie asked: "Is the enemy army using tricks to lure us to attack, and then kill us by surprise?"

   "I'll go up and have a look!" Zhang Xianzhong said.

   Soon, Zhang Xianzhong also boarded the hot air balloon, picked up the binoculars and observed carefully.

  He could see three groups of Dutch shooting, one group was defending the Governor's Palace, one group seemed to want to break into the Governor's Palace, and the other group was outside the Governor's Palace attacking those who tried to enter the Governor's Palace. They both hid behind the building and fought for a long time without any results. It is estimated that the casualties are still in double digits.

  Zhang Xianzhong said to the flag commander: "Wave the flag and gather troops to attack!"

   It is impossible for the flag commander to listen to Zhang Xianzhong, but he admired Zhang Xianzhong a lot, and chose to carry out half of it, waving the flag order to gather soldiers.

  Liu Hanyi couldn't understand Ling Qi and asked, "What did you say on the hot air balloon?"

  Tie Hong explained: "Gather soldiers."

  Liu Hanyi was overjoyed: "Cun Zhang has been on the battlefield for a long time, and he must be right. Hurry up and gather troops to attack the castle!"

  Zhang Xianzhong slipped down from the hot air balloon and said impatiently: "I can't wait, we count as much as we gather, and immediately attack the city. This opportunity must be seized, and the enemy must not be allowed to quell the civil strife!"

Tie Hong immediately said: "The soldiers here, you and I, go to the nearest bastion at the southeast corner. I will attack the southwest side of the bastion, and you will attack the southeast side of the bastion. Yu Zhan, you continue to gather troops, depending on the situation. Choose which side to support."


  Deputy General Zhan responded.

  Wood boards, rafts and wooden ladders have been stationed in the city area. At this moment, the soldiers rushed out of the city gate after lifting them up.

  The Datong Army, Ronin, and Han Chinese rebels are all crossing the river. The Dutch defenders in the bastion are still hesitating whether to fire. Because their commanders are attacking each other around the Governor's Mansion. Some want to rebel, some want to quell the chaos, and there are no officers in the bastion for the time being.

  Even if there is no commander, the first reaction of the defenders should be to fire.

  The reason why they hesitate is because they still want to survive in their hearts, and they don't want to be besieged by the Chinese army until they starve to death.

   This time, there are a few European soldiers who are attacking the city together.

  They voluntarily surrendered in Malacca and promised to let them continue to serve as soldiers, but at first they were only auxiliary soldiers. Some of the soldiers of the Datong Army stationed in Malacca died of illness due to acclimatization and illness, so they recruited European auxiliary soldiers to supplement them, and were borrowed by Liu Hanyi to attack Batavia.

  Although these were the surrendered Dutch Army, the Portuguese and Germans were the most numerous.

At this moment, the ladder was just being built, and before they had time to climb, the European soldiers shouted in Portuguese and German: "We surrendered in Malacca and became Chinese soldiers. We can eat enough every day and receive several times your salary. There is still money to buy silk to make clothes!"

  (end of this chapter)

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