Chapter 836: 832 [Oguni Rinryu]

  Chapter 836 832 [Small countries stand everywhere]

  Batavia has two old names, one is "Sunda Galaba", which means "City of Coconuts", and the Han people call it "Coconut City" for short.

  After the change of dynasty, it was renamed "Jayagarda", which means "Triumph City", and the Han people called it "Jakarta" for short.

  As for "Batavia", it is the name changed by the Dutch.

  After discussions between imperial envoys and local Han people, it was agreed that the old name of "Coconut City" should be restored. What Jakarta, what Batavia, there will be no more in the future.

   "The news just came that another sultan appeared in Matalan." Liu Hanyi laughed happily.

  Sun Jie said: "Let them continue to fight, and then ask the court to confer title when they are almost done."

  Now, the Sultan of Mataram is dead, even members of the royal family have been killed, and the capital of Matalam has also been burned.

  Matalam was divided into five parts, four sultans and one governor.

  An aristocratic landowner who established himself in Brian'an (Bandung) and declared himself the Sultan of Brian'an.

  A noble landowner who founded a state in the southwest of the capital of Mata Lanyuan, declaring himself the Sultan of Thoreau.

  An aristocratic landowner who founded a state southeast of the original capital of Mataram, declaring himself the Sultan of Yogyakarta.

  A noble landowner, with the support of the local Han people, established a state in the port of Surabaya, declaring himself the Sultan of Surabaya (Sultan of Surabaya).

  A Han landlord who established himself as the governor in Semarang, and is the governor of Semarang under China.

  These five guys all sent people to Yecheng (Batavia) to ask the Chinese emperor to canonize themselves quickly. It would be even better if the Chinese army could send troops to help.

  Because, they are still at war!

  Brianan Sultan was planning to expand eastward when the Banten army suddenly came from behind.

  Sultan Solo and Sultan of Yogyakarta joined forces to kill King Mataram. They burned, killed and looted the original capital, and each established a new capital nearby. Because they were so close together, the two sides were almost in an endless situation.

  The Sultan of Surabaya is the most relaxed, constantly eliminating small forces in the surrounding area, and is about to unify East Java. If you continue to fight, the west is the territory of the Sultan of Yogyakarta, and the east has to cross the strait to attack Bali.

   "Ambassador, another envoy is asking to see you."

   "Bring him in."

  A wounded native was brought to Liu Hanyi, knelt down and said, "Please send troops to rescue Brian'an!"

  Liu Hanyi asked: "Are you sent by Sultan Boliangan?"

  The native envoy said: "The 100,000 troops of the Wandan Kingdom have captured Sukabumi and are marching towards the city of Burangan. Messenger, if you don't send troops, it will be too late!"

  Sukabumi is just a small town, which originally belonged to the Banten Kingdom and was forcibly occupied by the Dutch. When the Wandan army conquered there, it really wasn't an opportunity to invade. It could be said that it was regaining the lost ground.

   "You go to recuperate first, and I will deal with it." Liu Hanyi said ambiguously.

  After the native envoy left, Sun Jie said: "There is no need to send troops. The rainy season has arrived. It has been raining for the past two days. It is impossible for the army of Wandan Kingdom to fight again."

  Liu Hanyi said: "But Wandan Kingdom had to beat and beat, and actually took the opportunity to plunder Han Chinese farms in the suburbs when we were besieging the city."

"It's enough to reprimand and reprimand, and take the opportunity to delineate a clear territory," Sun Jie said, "As a punishment for Wandan Kingdom, the territory around Yecheng must be extended for twenty miles. But let's not go too far, we can admit it The recently recovered territory of Banten Kingdom."

  This suggestion is disgusting. Coconut City (Batavia) has expanded for twenty miles, and the newly added sites are all flat land with fertile soil.

  Most of the recently recovered territories of Banten Kingdom belong to mountainous areas.

  It is tantamount to assigning the mountainous territory before Mataram to Banten Kingdom as compensation. And the fertile flatlands of Wandan Kingdom have set aside a large area to be ruled by China.

  Just ask you if you want to do it, who told you to rob Han farms?


  The rainy season in Java Island is officially here, as if a hole has been poked out of the sky, and it is pouring rain all day long.

  The wars in various places have also come to an end, everyone has ceased their troops, and we will talk about anything after the rainy season.

  The army of Banten Kingdom also retreated, some of them were stationed in Sukabumi, and the remaining soldiers all disbanded and went home. The Sultan of Burian'an was finally able to catch his breath. After being beaten up by the Bandan army, only the city of Burian'an and its surroundings remained in his territory. By the way, there was another sultanate in the north.

  A businessman in the port of Cirebon, taking advantage of Boliangan being attacked by Banten, suddenly chose to launch a rebellion and announced the establishment of the Cirebon Sultanate.

  The Cirebon Sultanate also existed before, and it was also the parent country of the Banten Kingdom.

  At that time, the Sultan of Cirebon conquered the Banten area and sent his son to serve as the Sultan of Banten. Later, the Banten Kingdom became independent from the Cirebon Kingdom, and the Cirebon Kingdom was wiped out by Ma Talan.

   Now it’s cool, the palm-sized Java Island has split into eight forces.

  One is the Banten Sultanate, most of which is in Java Island. The second is Coconut City (Batavia) in China. The third is the Burangan Sultanate. The fourth is the Sultanate of Cirebon. The fifth is the area under the jurisdiction of the governor of Semarang. Sixth is the Solo Sultanate. The seventh is the Yogyakarta Sultanate. The eighth is the Surabaya Sultanate.

  Sun Jie braved the rain to go to Wandan City, and soon met Wandan Sultan Ah Geng.

   "Meet the Chinese envoy!" Sultan Ah Geng was very polite.

  Sun Jie reprimanded: "As a Chinese vassal, why did you rob Chinese manors and farmland? Don't tell me that it was done by robbers. We caught a few people alive, and all of them confessed that they were soldiers of Banten."

Geng explained: "Master Messenger, the Chinese army is besieging Jakarta (Batavia), and Banten, as a vassal state, must of course send troops to help. At that time, Xiao Wang thought that Jakarta was already surrounded, and it would be useless to increase troops. It is better to go to Ma Dalan, a vassal state of the Netherlands, was attacked. Therefore, Xiao Wang ordered to gather troops, and the vanguard troops set off ahead of schedule. Unexpectedly, the generals were not strictly restrained, and hundreds of soldiers violated orders to plunder the farm. This incident was completely accidental, and it was definitely not ordered by Xiao Wang. of."

  Sun Jie sneered and threatened: "In this way, after the rainy season is over, it will be an accident for the Chinese army to surround Wandan City!"

   Ah Geng was frightened by this statement. In his opinion, the Dutch army is very powerful, and the Banten soldiers cannot compete at all. On the other hand, the Chinese army can hang and beat the Dutch, and its combat power can throw the Banten army eight blocks away.

  Batavia has been captured by the Chinese army, how can Banten City be defended?

   Moreover, Ah Geng did not lie, this time was really an accident.

  The land owned by the Han landlords was originally encroached from the territory of Banten. The local Wandan aborigines have a blood feud with the Han landlords.

  Wandan attacked the vanguard of the Brian'an area. When they passed by the Han manor, hundreds of local soldiers took the opportunity to rob the Han manor to vent their anger. Of course, Wandan Kingdom is not without responsibility. The generals of the vanguard did not strictly restrain this, and it can even be said that they are conniving.

  A Geng was afraid of attracting the Chinese army, so he hurriedly said: "Master Messenger, we will compensate the Chinese landlords according to the price. Xiao Wang will also severely punish the generals who are not strict in restraining the soldiers."

   "Of course there must be compensation, but not money and food. Your behavior is already a war against the suzerain country!"

  Sun Jie made threats, and then the lion opened his mouth: "As punishment, the land east of Jia Weilan belongs to China!"

   "This...absolutely not!" Sultan Ah Geng trembled with anger.

  Sun Jie asked for prices all over the sky, not only asking for the land that Bandan had just recovered, but also cutting off a large piece of Bandan's original land.

  Sun Jie asked: "Then what do you think should be done? By the way, the Sultan of Burian'an has asked His Majesty the Emperor of China to canonize it. The land you just occupied should be returned to the Sultan of Burian'an."

  Sultan Ah Geng is not yet forty years old, he is in the prime of life, and quite ambitious.

  Sun Jie’s extortion-like intimidation has completely angered Geng. He really wants to chop Sun Jie off with one knife, and then go to war with China completely recklessly.

   Thinking of the Dutch who were expelled by China, Ah Geng swallowed a breath of anger again: "Master Messenger, the area we captured this time was originally the homeland of Wandan Kingdom..."

"Homeland?" Sun Jie interrupted directly, "Why don't you say that half of Ma Dalan was originally the territory of the Cirebon Sultanate. And your Banten Sultan is in the same line as Cirebon. Do you want me to Give you half of Java Island? By the way, Jakarta (Batavia) is also the homeland of Banten Kingdom, do you want China to give Jakarta back?”

   Ah Geng was speechless for a moment.

  Holding it in for a long time, Ah Geng held back his anger and said, "Master Messenger, please be more merciful."

  Sun Jie wondered: "Well, the territory you conquered before, China recognizes that it belongs to the Banten Kingdom. As for the ruled area of ​​Jakarta, it will continue to extend for fifty miles."

  A Geng said: "If we extend fifty miles outward, the newly recovered land of Wandan Kingdom will be separated by the Chinese jurisdiction. In the future, we will have to march hard from the mountainous area to fight Brian'an!"

   "Okay, just extend 20 miles outward and leave a flat land for the Wandan Kingdom to march." Sun Jie continued to back down.

  A Geng said in a pleading tone: "How about extending ten miles out?"

   "Impossible!" Sun Jie refused.

  A Geng had no choice but to accept.

  To be honest, many of these territories expanded by China belong to large forests, and only sporadic indigenous people are farming and hunting. Even if he gave up, it would still be acceptable to Wandan Kingdom.

   It is mainly a matter of strategic location. There is only one piece of flat land by the sea, and the Chinese jurisdiction extends outwards. The east exit channel for Banten is very narrow, almost blocking the country of Banten in the westernmost part of Java Island!

  That night, Sultan Geng, who was full of anger and grievances, had to host a banquet to treat Sun Jie warmly.

At the end of the banquet, Geng called his eldest son Ha Yi, and said through gritted teeth, "This is an unprecedented shame. China is very powerful now, and I am powerless to fight against China. But you must remember that you will become a Sudan in the future, and you must always be on guard against China." People. If China continues to be strong, follow them carefully. Once China declines, send troops to kill them, take back our Jakarta, and kill all the Chinese there!"

  (end of this chapter)

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