Chapter 849: 845【Little fool】

  Chapter 849 845【Little fool】

  Li Quan is an activist, but not a blind activist.

  As a sailing rookie, it is irresponsible for the crew to sail directly.

  After he returned from Japan, he quickly acquired five ships, all of which were very strong warships. In addition, some artillery pieces need to be unloaded. First, it can reduce the load and load more food and drinking water; second, it can stabilize the center of gravity and withstand the big waves of ocean voyages.

  Li Quan intends to spend a year doing business between China and Japan, so that he can not only become familiar with the routes between China and Japan, but also quickly improve his navigation ability.

  Five sea ships were equipped with sailors and experienced captains. These people sign up voluntarily and are selected from the navy, and they can receive high settlement allowances before going overseas.

  As for the soldiers accompanying the ship, Li Quan needed to recruit them himself, and the source of the soldiers came from veterans and farmers.

  Why do you want to recruit yourself?

  Only the troops recruited by Li Quan himself can obey him like a man. If there are no obedient soldiers to follow, Li Quan may not be able to control them when they are in an unknown and dangerous situation. Those captains and sailors from the navy may directly join forces to rebel.

  What Vasco da Gama, what Magellan, have encountered the captain who took the lead in rebellion.

   Zhao Han was very optimistic about this young man, so he asked him to recruit soldiers himself. This order is the key to the success of the circumnavigation.

  It was early winter when Li Quan received the ship.

   There was no fight in the Heilongjiang River Basin, and the noble generals sent by the tsar to be the vanguard broke out in internal strife with the Siberian Cossack leader. Although the situation has been stabilized, it will definitely not be possible to go south to Heilongjiang this year. It must wait until next year when the snow melts in spring.

  Wang Fuchen, who was in charge of fighting against Russia, had moved his troops to Hailanpao.

   Wang Fuchen has not many soldiers, and all of them are single. Either they are not married yet, or they are already widowed, and they have been given sufficient housing expenses, so they will have to stay in Hailanpao for a long time in the future.

  For the big and small tribes along the Heilongjiang River, the leaders must send their unmarried daughters to marry the soldiers under Wang Fuchen's command. This is still not enough, so each tribe has a quota, and send as many unmarried women as possible.

  All tribes are willing to do this.

   In the first place, the Datong Army will use food as a dowry gift, which can solve the urgent needs of the tribes. Secondly, they were burned, killed, looted, and bullied by the Cossacks, and the Datong Army was able to help them. In the past three years, the Datong Army will definitely dominate this place, and more marriages will be beneficial to their future development.

  Hailanpao is located at the confluence of Heilongjiang and Jingqili River. There used to be several large tribes along the river nearby, and there were even "relatives of the emperor" of the Qing Dynasty. But they were all plundered by Cossacks, a lot of tribal nobles were killed, and many tribesmen died of cold and hunger.

  After the Datong army was stationed in Hailanpao, hundreds of Daur people came to defect with their families.

  They helped the Datong Army to repair the city wall, and they could make a living by the way. After the Walled City was built, the Datong Army lived in the Walled City, and the Daur people settled around the Walled City, and together they planted grain in the deserted fields.

  Because of having a common enemy, the Datong Army and the Daur people were able to coexist harmoniously, even a bit like the same enemy.

  The selection of the prince's concubine has already begun, but Zhang Tingxun will definitely not be able to attend the wedding.

  Each province has 10 imperial concubine candidates, and they will not be sent to Nanjing for re-election until after the Chinese New Year. But Zhang Tingxun ran away after the new year, and even went straight to Heilongjiang by boat without telling his family.

  At this time, the Anton Governor's Mansion, which was the former Heilongjiang Governor, was still based near Harbin.

  A large number of scholars, actors, famous prostitutes, booksellers, and their wives and children who "discussed Tianzheng" were exiled to Harbin to enrich the population.

  After a cold winter, no one died of starvation, but dozens died of illness.

   It's all because I couldn't stand the cold, and died of a cold and fever.

  When Zhang Tingxun arrived in Harbin, the snow here had already melted. He saw that outside the walled city, many people were plowing the land awkwardly.

  These exiles are all educated people. Even if there are soldiers from peasant backgrounds, it is still difficult for them to learn how to farm quickly. Sometimes after a day of tossing, the soldiers work more, and those guys are watching stupidly.

  Li Zheng personally rode out of the city to inspect, and when he saw this scene, he immediately became furious: "If you can't learn it, you will use a whip, and you will still be pampered here?"

   Ever since, a miraculous scene appeared, the exiles beat the cattle, and the soldiers beat the exiles.

   "Don't whip the cattle too hard, the cattle are more valuable than you!" The soldiers swung their whips angrily.

  The well-known talented man pretended to be a Pijiang, and he is now learning to push the cows to turn the ground. He couldn't hold the heavy curved plow steadily at all, and he always swayed to and fro when moving forward. I can't figure out the temper of the cattle, and often make the cattle unwilling to work.

  Due to insufficient number of cattle, more exiles had to plow the land manually.

  Mao Bijiang suffered from a serious illness in winter, and his body was just recovering. The unwilling cattle and the soldiers who kept shouting and scolding all made him feel extremely wronged, and tears dripped down his face as he worked.

  He really wanted to write a poem to express his resentment, but the sergeant didn't give him the chance at all.

  The adjutant came on horseback: "Guardian, there is a report from a military student!"

  Li Zheng was furious at the moment, and said angrily: "Take him to register for the camp, what are you doing by telling me these things?"

  The adjutant said: "He is the son of Dudu Zhang."

   "The little **** from Zhang Tieniu's family, came to our place?" Li Zheng was very surprised.

  At the gate of the Walled City, Zhang Tingxun saw Li Zheng, smiled and said, "My nephew greets my uncle!"

  Li Zheng didn't give a good face: "It's very cold here, peeing in winter will freeze to ice, what the **** are you doing here?"

  Zhang Tingxun sighed: "I didn't get a graduation certificate in the military academy, and I was ranked third among the dropouts, so I simply came to my uncle to be the captain."

   "Nonsense, if you die of illness here, why don't your father fight with me?" Li Zheng already had a big head.

  Zhang Tingxun said: "A good man is alive, and the fame should be obtained from the horse."

   "You are so polite, why can't you get a military school diploma?" Li Zheng sneered.

  Zhang Tingxun was speechless for a moment.

  Li Zheng said again: "I don't have any battles to fight here, and for the next few years, I will mainly be able to calm the people and build the city. Why don't you learn how to farm?"

  Zhang Tingxun said: "Aren't you fighting the Rakshasa ghost?"

   "It's far away, soaking in Hailan." Li Zheng said.

  Zhang Tingxun said: "I'm going to Hailan bubble!"

   Li Zheng said angrily: "Go away."

Zhang Tingxun knelt down straight and straight: "Uncle, my nephew is not joking. My nephew can't read well, and I can't compare with others in everything, so I still have a lot of strength. Your Majesty treats my nephew very well. He went to a school in the city, and made an exception for his nephew to study in the Nanjing Military Academy. The military academy here failed to pass the graduation certificate, and the mother wanted to ask His Majesty to arrange a police position. This is too shameful, and the nephew must rely on himself. "

  Li Zheng's tone was a little slow, and he asked: "Your Majesty knows that you have come to Heilongjiang?"

  Zhang Tingxun replied: "If Your Majesty disagrees, how dare they let me come here? They are afraid that my father will cause trouble."

Li Zheng comforted him and said: "Since you are here, just stay here and don't think about Hailan Pao anymore. After a few years, if you are promoted to the captain, you can take the opportunity to transfer to other troops. Harbin is stronger."

   "If this is the case, I will be looked down upon by others even more," Zhang Tingxun began to kowtow, "Please let my uncle let me go to Hailan Pao, and fight with Luocha ghosts with real swords and guns, so that I can make meritorious deeds and get promoted without being laughed at."

  Li Zheng used delaying tactics: "You are tired all the way, go to the camp to rest first, and arrange things in the future slowly."

  Zhang Tingxun said: "Uncle, don't lie to me. Although I am stupid in reading, I am not really stupid. If my uncle refuses, my nephew will jump into the river and commit suicide!"

   Li Zheng smiled and said: "You can swim, you won't drown."

  Zhang Tingxun suddenly stood up and ran towards the Songhua River. He still picked up a stone on the bank and jumped into the river without saying a word. The river was bubbling and bubbling.

   Li Zheng was dumbfounded, and then shouted: "Hurry up and save people!"

   This guy is just like his father, he is a single-minded fool.

  When I fished it out, I just choked on some water, and it was not life-threatening at all.

Zhang Tingxun laughed and laughed: "Uncle, don't think about locking me up. If you don't let your nephew go to Hailan, you will jump into the river as soon as you find an opportunity. A manly man, he spits on a nail, and if he says suicide, he must commit suicide. Doesn't count as a son of a bitch."

  Li Zheng was speechless. He had been on the battlefield for more than ten years, how could he encounter such a bastard?

   "Let's stay here first." Li Zheng still planned to be perfunctory.

  Zhang Tingxun turned around and tried to jump into the river, but was held down by the soldiers next to him.

   This guy was pressed to the ground with his face on the ground, still playing a rascal: "Don't **** me off, I really **** you off, I will commit suicide even if I jump into the latrine!"

  Li Zheng looked at the group of exiles in the distance, and then at Zhang Tingxun, who was cheating, and felt that he should not be the Anton Protector.

   After thinking for a long time, Li Zheng squatted down, approached Zhang Tingxun and asked, "Do you really want to fight that much?"

"I've been thinking about it for a long time," Zhang Tingxun said. "Nanjing's Huahua World is very comfortable in other people's eyes, but I feel suffocated. What a place here, riding the fastest horse, dancing the best Killing the most vicious enemy with a knife, that is the real joy! My father has looked down on me since he was a child, and he also looked down on my mother. I will show him that I am better at fighting than him!"

   "You are angry with your father." Li Zheng said.

  Zhang Tieniu's regular wife is a widow from Wuxing Town. At the beginning, I didn't know much about it, and I didn't think too far. It's good to have a big ass.

   Gradually, he disliked his wife and raised a concubine outside, even if he could take a vacation to visit relatives, he would not come back. Over the years, several concubines have been sent back one after another to have children, and their household registration is convenient for studying in Nanjing.

   Zhang Tingxun admired his father while hating him at the same time. This idea took root, and he made up his mind to make a name for himself in the army.

   Li Zheng looked into Zhang Tingxun's eyes, and Zhang Tingxun looked at each other calmly.

   Eyes can't deceive people, and that person has resolutely told Li Zheng that if he doesn't agree with this guy, he will definitely commit suicide.

   Li Zheng sighed: "Then you go. There happens to be a batch of grain and grass to be sent to Hailanpao. You can go north with the grain transport team."

  (end of this chapter)

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