Chapter 872: 868【Surprise attack】

  Chapter 872 868【Surprise attack】

   In order to conquer Burma, Huang Yao prepared in Yunnan for several years.

  In addition to hoarding military rations and training inspectors, they have also been building ships.

  The western front troops of the North Route Army, dispatched troops in Tengyue Prefecture (set up after Zhao Han’s reform of Tuguiliu, the prefecture is Yingjiang County, Yunnan.)

  The main force of the regular division led by Huang Yao started from Jushiguan (near Kachang Town) and went straight to Mengyang along the Bajiang River in Nanzhu. Another patrol inspector set off from Yingjiang County and headed towards Bamo along the Dayingjiang River.

  Huang Yao's army passed through the border village of Xiaozhanxi, and then came to the actual control site in Myanmar.

  The water flow is turbulent along the way, with towering mountains on both sides, until the confluence of the Nanzhu Bajiang River and the Dajinsha River (the upper reaches of the Irrawaddy River), Myanmar has not set up any checkpoints along the way.

  This kind of good thing benefits from Daming’s suppression of chieftains, who are not allowed to build gates on the border. On the Daming side, there are countless checkpoints, such as Shenhu Pass, Jushi Pass, Tongbi Pass, Tiebi Pass, Huju Pass, Tianma Pass, Hanlong Pass... forming a large area.

  Even Kachang Town and its surrounding areas were deliberately carved out by Daming. China firmly occupies the upper reaches of the Nanzhu Bajiang River. As long as one day wants to fight, it can go down the river and go straight to Mengyang. But if Meng Yangsi wants to fight, it is difficult to go this way. Firstly, it is difficult to sail against the current, and secondly, he has to break through Xiongguan.

  Myanmar annexed Meng Yangsi, and it took only a few decades, and Ming was always in a state of passive defense, so Myanmar didn't bother to build cities and customs on the border.

  Of course, there are more reasons for not building a city.

  After Myanmar annexed Mengyang, it invaded Mubang non-stop, and then attacked other chieftains. Immediately encountered the Meng National People's Congress uprising, and was counter-killed by Siam. After quelling the Meng uprising, he fought back against Siam until the capital of Siam. At this time, the Mon people revolted again, and Myanmar was busy suppressing the rebellion. A series of wars were riddled with holes. After King Talong succeeded to the throne, he was all recuperating. How could he find the manpower and material resources to build a city in northern Myanmar?

  In just two days, the fleet passed through the mountains, and the first attack target was Jiajiu City.

  By the way, the second battle of the Qing-Burmese War. The Qing army went to attack Bhamo, while the Burmese army defended and sent partial divisions to Jiajiu. In 2000, the Burmese army deviated from the division and counterattacked into China. It was Huang Yao's route that was taken, and the Qing army who was copied from the back was defeated and returned.

  The current Datong army sent troops to fight together with Bamo and Jiajiu, and the direction of Jiajiu was still the main force, which was exactly the same as the route of the Qing army's fourth battle.

   Of course, there are differences.

  As soon as the fleet of the Datong Army came out of Dashan, it was still far away from Jiajiu, so 2,000 Datong Army and 100 Dai farmers and soldiers were allowed to land.

The leader of the Dai peasants and soldiers is called Sizu. About 50 years ago, Sizhen, Siyuan, Sihong, Sizheng... a bunch of Mengyang chieftains were killed by the Burmese army one after another. Only Sizu's father was left with a thousand The rest fled back to Daming and lived in Ganya Town, Yingjiang County in later generations.

  For Sizu, the Burmese army has a blood feud with him.

   Those chieftains surnamed Si are all from the same family. One was just killed, the other succeeded, and was killed by the Burmese army, just like cutting leeks.

   "That's right here, stick to the foot of the mountain and go north!" The guide who showed the way was an old man in his sixties.

  The old man, also surnamed Si, was the general of chieftain Mengyang. His whole family was killed when he was in his teens and fled to Yunnan with his clan.

  Ma Hongjie said: "Old man, can your body hold up?"

   "Yes, as long as you can get revenge, even death is worth it!" The old man said firmly.

   This surprise attack force was formerly Shizhu Baigan soldiers and Guizhou Tengjia soldiers, and even the generals leading the troops were Qin Liangyu's nephews and grandchildren. However, the composition of the troops has changed dramatically, with 80% coming from Guizhou and Yunnan.

  The 2,100 people only brought dry food for three days, and had to walk more than a hundred miles along the foothills, crossing three rivers in between.

   Fortunately, the marching routes are all flat.

  Huang Yao led the main force, quickly arrived at Jiajiu City, and set up artillery to bombard it indiscriminately.

  The Burmese army in Mengyangcheng (Myitkyina) and Menggongcheng (Mogang) were all attracted to support. And the surprise attack force of the Datong Army is to go overland to directly attack Meng Yang, who has been transferred away!

   "There is a river ahead!"

   "The whole army crosses the river!"

  The surprise attack troops were traveling day and night. When they encountered a river in the middle of the night, they jumped directly to swim across it.

  All of them wore rattan armor, which could float up after entering the water, and easily swam to the other side of the river. After crossing the river, we continued to move forward, and when it was almost dawn, we hid in the mountains and forests on the east side to rest.

  The old guide, in his sixties, was so exhausted by this rapid march that he didn't want to get up again when he lay down.

  More than a hundred miles, three rivers, and two nights.

  They still have to go on, detour to the north of Meng Yanggeng, hide in the mountains and wait for the night to fall. Then, cross the Dajinsha River by night, trying to attack the city at night before dawn.

  The old man could no longer walk, and together with a few sick soldiers, he hid in the mountains upstream of Mengyang.

   At dawn, Meng Yangcheng was defenseless.

  The defenders here have been transferred downstream to confront Huang Yao's main force. There are only a hundred or so soldiers left in the city.

  The exhausted Datong soldiers came along the right bank of the Dajinsha River.

  They swam directly across the moat and reached the bottom of the city without making a sound. The soldiers in the front row were still carrying bamboo ladders. The bamboo was cut halfway, and if you tie it up casually, it becomes a ladder.

  The rattan armor on their bodies was still dripping, and the soldiers were exhausted, but they still moved quickly when climbing the ladder.

  On the nearby city wall, only two enemies were dozing off. The Datong army climbed up more than a dozen, and finally woke up the dozing enemy army.

  In the darkness, there were shadows, and it was impossible to know how many came.

  Two Burmese soldiers, the first reaction was to run away, shouting as they ran: "The Han people are here!"

   "All those who don't surrender will be killed!" Ma Hongjie reiterated the military order.

  Sizu took the Dai farmers and soldiers and followed the Datong army to climb up the city wall. They rushed into the city desperately to avenge their ancestors fifty years ago, and shouted along the street in Dai language: "The descendants of homesickness are here, and the descendants of homesickness are here!"

  The Han dialect spoken by the peasants and soldiers of the Dai nationality played a role in reassuring people's hearts.

  The local residents in the city, under the dissuasion of their elders at home, hid in their houses and waited for the end of the battle. There are even very few who went out to meet the descendants of the chieftain, knelt down and shouted: "I will lead the way, I know where all Burmese officials live!"

  After Myanmar exterminated the chieftain Mengyang, it emigrated and stationed troops here, and sent civilian officials to manage it.

  The local aborigines have long been dissatisfied with Myanmar because of their exploitation. Now that they finally had the opportunity, they took the initiative to act as guides and led the Datong army to kill the Burmese official residence and various residences of the Burmese in the city.

  From dawn to dawn, the Burmese in the city were basically wiped out, only a few opened the city gate and ran away.

  The largest city in northern Myanmar fell into the hands of the Datong Army so easily.


  A few miles northwest of Jiajiu City, there is a big camp of the Burmese Army.

   There are only a few hundred defenders in the city, but the fortress is strong. Moreover, most of the Burmese immigrants in the city can recruit strong men to guard the city, and women and children can also carry supplies for the city defense.

   After a while, I couldn't hit it.

  The Burmese reinforcements from Meng Yang and Meng Gong were blocked by the Datong Army, and they were completely cut off from the defenders in the city.

   "Mengyang City was occupied by the Han army, Mengyang City was occupied by the Han army!"

  A Burmese came rushing in. He was not a Burmese soldier, but a Burmese businessman living in Mengyang.

   This guy got separated from his family and fled out of the city alone. When they arrived outside the Burmese army camp, they didn't know how to keep it secret, so they yelled nonsense.

  The Burmese soldiers guarding the gate of the camp changed their faces when they heard this. Their families are all in Mengyang City!

  The Burmese businessman was brought in immediately, and the Burmese general arrested him with a gloomy face: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

  The businessman knelt down and cried, "General, Meng Yang is really gone."

   Meng Chou asked: "The Han army is besieging Jiajiu, how could Meng Yang fall? Even if he fell, why didn't I receive any news?"

  If you want to attack Jiajiu by boat, you need to make a big detour.

  The Datong Army, which was responsible for the surprise attack on Meng Yang, landed on the shore when the fleet came out of the mountain, and took the shortest straight-line distance to make a surprise attack.

  The businessman cried and said, "I don't know where they came from. In the middle of the night, many Han soldiers suddenly rushed into the city."

"This is clearly a spy of the Han army. Here comes someone. He dragged him out and chopped off his head! The whole army was ordered to catch the spy of the Han army. Everything he said was just rumors!" Say it as a lie, otherwise the army will be in chaos.

  The "spies" were quickly executed, but the Burmese army was already in a state of disarray, and they all wanted to know whether their family members in Mengyang were safe.

  The news quickly spread to the military camp next door, where Meng Gong chieftain soldiers were stationed.

   Chieftain Meng Gong was originally a subordinate of Chieftain Meng Yang.

  Because it was the first to take refuge in Myanmar, it can maintain its independent status.

  Historically, in the fourth battle of the Qing-Myanmar War, the main force of the Qing army traveled more than 2,000 miles, sweeping around Mengyang, but did not fight a single battle, because the main force of the Burmese army went to Bhamo. The only gain of the main force of the Qing army was the surrender of chieftain Meng Gong.

   Chieftain Meng Gong is used to going downhill.

  Whoever is strong will follow, first with Ming Dynasty, then with Burma, then with the Qing army, and return to Burma.

  Tuo Nameng, chieftain of Meng Gong, heard the news of Meng Yang's fall, and instantly knew what choice he should make. This guy called his son over: "After dark, go to the Han army camp secretly, and make an appointment to send troops together tomorrow. When the Han army attacks the Burmese army camp, I will take the opportunity to attack from the side, and I will definitely kill the Burmese at that time." Caught off guard!"

  However, he has no chance of defecting.

  The Datong army that surprised Meng Yang found a few pony horses in the city, and rode to report the news regardless of their fatigue.

  They also captured the fleeing Burmese soldiers on the way, and brought them to Huang Yao's barracks.

  Huang Yao said with a smile: "Release these two Burmese soldiers and let them report the news. The whole army is ready to attack the Burmese army camp in the afternoon!"

  The Burmese army who had just killed a "spies" soon encountered two more "spies".

   "General, I'm not a spy, Meng Yangcheng is really gone..."

   "General, I am your soldier..."

  Two heads fell to the ground, and the morale of the Burmese army in the camp was all low.

  The businessman who was killed was probably a spy. But these two reporting soldiers, many of them knew each other, how could they suddenly surrender to the enemy?

   At this time, the main force of the Datong Army began to move, and the troops spread out to slowly kill the Burmese army camp.

  (end of this chapter)

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