Chapter 874: 870 [Crush when touched]

  Chapter 874 870【Collapse at the touch of a button】

  The distance from Bhamo to Laoguantun is not far, about forty or fifty miles.

  The terrain is not rugged, only some low hills. But the forest is very dense, with thorns and bushes, and there are a lot of ponds, and the riverside is full of reeds and other plants.

  Melee soldiers hold long-handled hatchets to open the way, cutting down thorns and vines along the way.

  Several squads of rattan armored soldiers, with a small number of musketeers, walked further ahead to explore the road, wading over without avoiding thorns.

  Huang Yao squatted down and grabbed a handful of soil, and said with emotion: "Although the soil is mostly sand, it can still grow crops. Why don't these barbarians know how to cultivate it?"

  The guide explained: "General, when the water rises in the rainy season, a large area of ​​the river will be flooded. If the amount of water is particularly large, it can even flood the forest. Farming is indeed not as good as the upstream area."


Huang Yao glanced at the river, and then looked around at the surrounding terrain: "Although this is a sharp bay, the flood recedes very slowly. But from the reed field to the woods, the terrain does not rise much. As long as we build embankments by the river, we will definitely be able to block the flood. Yes. I have seen many embankments in Jiangxi, and building embankments here is no more difficult than building embankments on the Ganjiang River."

  The guide was a Han businessman, and he was speechless after hearing this.

   Those embankments in Jiangxi did not form a system until the Ming Dynasty, and they were always troubled by floods for thousands of years before.

  What is the development level of Jiangxi? What is the degree of development here? Is it interesting to compare the two?

Huang Yao said: "After the war, the Ming court had to be subdued and the Ministry of Industry sent people to investigate. First, the Ministry of Households immigrated here, and the Ministry of Industry came up with a water conservancy plan. As long as the dams along the river are built, from the upper reaches of Mengyang to here, the valley along the river must be It can fertilize thousands of miles.”

   It is not possible to travel thousands of miles across the fields, because there are many mountains beside the river.

   But the river valley here is indeed a good place. For more than a thousand years, many local governments have been born, all of which rely on these valleys to grow food.

   The barren scene that Huang Yao saw belongs to a kind of agricultural retrogression. Over the past few decades, Myanmar has plundered too many people, and the local chieftains have also attacked each other. The king of Myanmar has also conscripted a large number of corvees in recent years. All these have caused the population in northern Myanmar to drop sharply, the arable land area to shrink, and many river valleys to become primitive.

   "Bang bang bang bang!"

  Gunshots rang out in the woods ahead, and without Huang Yao's order, the officers of the various ministries had already moved into action.

After a while, the officer at the front came back and reported: "Captain, the brothers who explored the road encountered an ambush. One person was killed and six were injured. We killed five enemy soldiers and captured three alive. The rest of the enemy army fled. The enemy army is more familiar with The terrain makes it difficult to chase and kill. And I was afraid that there would be a large Burmese army ambushing in front, so I stopped the pursuit."

   "Understood, move on." Huang Yao nodded.

  The Burmese army did set up an ambush, trying to lure the Datong army over.

   Seeing that the Datong Army hadn't caught the trick, the Burmese Army had no choice but to retreat, watching the main force of the Datong Army advance slowly.

  The journey was less than fifty miles, and it took four days to walk through it all the way.

  Of course, there are also reasons for guarding against the Burmese army. The soldiers always protect the food transport team and do not give the Burmese any chance to sneak attack.

  The Burmese army defending Laoguantun has more than 4,000 elite troops, and thousands of garbage troops (Myanmar noble private soldiers, peasant troops and chieftain soldiers). More could have been mobilized, but Ding Jiasheng and Yang Zhan blossomed in the center of the hinterland of Myanmar, and most of the main force of the Burmese army was assembled in Awa.

  The Burmese army planning to encircle Ding Jiasheng has gathered not only two-thirds, but three-quarters of the elite of the whole Burmese.

   "The Han soldiers fought like this, and they didn't sit on the boat, and they couldn't be fooled by setting up an ambush. How do you say to fight?" Mang Zhen, the chief general of the old official Tun Burma Army, summoned his generals to ask for advice.

   No answer.

   Everyone wanted to sneak away, but they were afraid of being punished.

   Guess where Wu Sangui in history led his troops to capture Emperor Yongli? Only sixty miles away from the capital of Myanmar!

  The Burmese army can't even stop Wu Sangui, how could it be able to stop the Datong army?

  Of course, what Wu Sangui faced was the Burmese army that had been harmed by the Burmese king for more than ten years. What the Datong army faced was only the Burmese army that had been harmed by the Burmese king for several years. At this time, the combat effectiveness of the Burmese army was slightly stronger.

  As for the later Qing-Burmese War, it had nothing to do with the quality of soldiers.

  At that time, the Qing army planned to fight a decisive battle, and specially transferred elites from the Eight Banners.

   After finishing the withdrawal, Agui sent a memorial to Qianlong, with a list—

   Eight Banners Army Sauron team had a total of 3008 people: 12 people were killed in battle, 2 people drowned, and 5 officers and soldiers died of injuries. In China, 50 officers and soldiers died of illness; in Myanmar, 1820 officers and soldiers died of illness.

  Eight Banners Army Oroqen team had 300 people: 2 died of injuries. In China, 71 officers and soldiers died of illness; in Myanmar, 80 officers and soldiers died of illness.

  This is the casualties of the Eight Banners elite in the final decisive battle between the Qing army and the Burmese army.

   There were only 21 people who died in battle, drowned, or died of injuries. The rest died of illness, and many of them died of illness in China. Who made the Qing army choose to march during the rainy season?

   I don't know how Qianlong felt when he saw the memorial. His reply was only five words: I see, I appreciate it.

   "Speak up!" Mang Zhen was furious.

  No one dared to speak.

  Mang really wanted to escape, but he couldn't.

  The main force of the country is fighting in Bagan. If he abandons the city and leaves, the North Road Datong Army will be able to go down the river and fight all the way to the capital of Myanmar. Who can bear the responsibility?

   On the afternoon of the fourth day, the Datong Army, which had overcome all difficulties, had already reached the outskirts of Laoguantun.

  The Datong army set up camp while setting up artillery on the shore to bombard the Burmese ships on the river.

   On the fifth day, the city was officially attacked.

  The city wall of Laoguantun, or the village wall, is a wooden fence sandwiched with soil, and there is not even a decent earth city wall.

  Under the bombardment of shells, in about half an hour, all the walls of the village in front of them collapsed.

   In such a horrible situation, Mang Zhen was so frightened that he was completely speechless.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  The bombardment was not over yet, the artillery raised the elevation angle and bombarded the inside of the stockade.

  While shelling, the infantry and cavalry have been dispatched, slowly advancing towards Laoguantunchengzhai.


   Mang Zhen finally came to his senses, and he didn't care about the punishment of the King of Myanmar. He rushed to the riverside with his own soldiers, and quickly climbed onto the boat parked there.

  The miscellaneous troops of the Burmese army still want to scramble to board the ship.

  The elite Burmese army bared their fangs. They gathered on the shore and fired arrows at the miscellaneous troops. And drive those miscellaneous troops to resist the Datong army, so as to buy time for the elite to board the ship.

  The miscellaneous troops are not stupid. After fleeing from the shore, they immediately knelt down and surrendered when they encountered the Datong army.

  Datong cavalry slashed and killed enemies along the way. Anyone who dared to stand in the way would be killed even if they surrendered. They quickly pursued to the boarding place of the Burmese army.

  At this moment, Mang Zhen had already escaped dozens of meters by boat, and some elite Burmese soldiers were boarding the boat. Seeing the Datong army chasing after them, all the Burmese boats hurriedly punted away from the shore.

   Many elite Burmese soldiers were climbing onto the boat and fell into the water like dumpling.

   There were hundreds of other elites still on the shore. When they saw the Datong cavalry chasing them, they were so frightened that they ran downstream along the river bank, and they could escape into the mountains after running a mile or two.

  Two legs, obviously can't run on four legs.

  The Datong cavalry rushed over, and the elite Burmese army fell like cutting wheat.

  Easy to capture the Walled City, Huang Yao was a little unhappy. Due to the complex river course here, the Chinese fleet did not dare to come, so they had to let the main force of the Burmese army escape by boat.

  The next march was not smooth.

   When the fleet heard the news of victory, they immediately sailed to Laoguantun. On the way, more than 60 ships in the fleet ran aground one after another, completely blocking the channel. Looking at it with the naked eye, it seems that the place where the boat can sail will hit the sand on the bottom of the river.

   It only took Huang Yao half a day to defeat the Burmese army in Laoguantun.

   But it took eight days for the fleet to pass through this area, and the stranded ships had to be pulled out. In the end, it was not finished, and there were still a few boats left there, and they would come back to pick them up after the battle.

  But Mangzhen fled to Taigong City by boat, and immediately sent a message to the King of Burma, requesting to send reinforcements to help.

  After thinking about it, I felt that Taigong City was not easy to defend, so I just continued to flee south by boat, all the way to Anzhengguo City (Xingu, Myanmar).

  Anzheng National City is only 130 miles away from the capital of Myanmar...

  Ava, the royal palace.

  The king of Burma, Mangda, who was addicted to pleasure, finally came to his senses at this time, holding the northern front battle report in his hand, his hands trembling and said: "How did you lose so quickly? What should be done, what should be done!"

Hei Ludao said: "Your Majesty, there are only two ways now. One is to encircle and wipe out the Han army in the south. If they can win, then send troops to the north to stop the enemy. The second is to send envoys to ask for surrender, but I guess it will be difficult. Those damned Deyou (Turkic people, specifically referring to China), this time the north and the south attacked at the same time, and I don’t know how much food was consumed. Even if you ask to surrender, you have to cede land and pay compensation to become a minister.”

   Mang Da quickly said: "It is fine to cede land and pay compensation, as long as China is willing to withdraw its troops."

   "Besides ceding land and paying compensation, one more thing is needed." Hei Ludao said.

   Mang Da asked, "What else do you need?"

  Hei Ludao originally lowered his head to speak, but suddenly raised his head at this moment: "Your Majesty's head is still needed!"

   "What?" Mang Da thought he heard it wrong.

  Hei Ludao said: "If you don't change the Burmese king, how can you explain to the Chinese emperor?"

   Mang Da finally panicked: "Someone is coming! Someone is coming..."

  The palace guards didn't come in, but the king's younger brother Mangbai did.

  This teenager, who was only in his teens, said respectfully: "Brother, for the sake of Myanmar and Awa, please abdicate."

   "You...you..." Mang Da got up and backed away, then ran towards the side door.

   Just as he was about to escape, a few spears suddenly stabbed outside the door, and the dignified Burmese king died just like that.

Hei Lutao didn't even bother to look at the corpse, so he said to Mangbai: "Please send envoys to send out, and the siege of the enemy army on the south road must not be relaxed. We must urge all the ministries to march quickly and completely trap the enemies in Bagan. They can be wiped out." That kind of enemy army is the best, if it cannot be eliminated, those enemy troops are also hostages."

   Mangbai asked: "If the Han army is wiped out, will the Chinese emperor be furious?"

  Hei Ludao said: "Your Majesty, you are the new King of Burma. You must remember that you have to be able to kneel and beg for peace, and you must show your fangs."

   "Cough cough cough!"

  Suddenly, an official of the Privy Council ran over and coughed anxiously outside the hall.

  Hei Ludao walked over and asked, "What's wrong?"

  Privy Council officials said: "Tungoo City sent an urgent report that Siam has captured Bago. Also, Chieftain Meng Yang and Meng Ya asked for help. They also have enemies!"

  Hei Ludao, who was confident just now, was dumbfounded.

   Except for the west, the other directions are full of enemy troops. How many people did the Chinese emperor send here?

   Mangbai also panicked: "What should I do?"

Heilu hesitated for a while, and said: "Please surrender is impossible. The Chinese emperor has made such a big battle, just to destroy our country. Please, Your Majesty, call all the troops and eat the south side at all costs." The enemy. We can only go southwest and lead the army to retreat into the Rakhine Mountains (Arakan Mountains) in the west. Then, wait for the weather to get hot. As long as the weather gets hot, those Deyou (Chinese) can be killed by heat, When the time comes, lead the army back to Ava!"

  (end of this chapter)

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