Chapter 880: 876【Sun Chuanting shot】

  Chapter 880 876 [Sun Chuanting shot]

  Vietnam's Ruan family brazenly sent troops, which was the result of various factors, and it was not decided by Ruan Fubin with a slap on the head.

  First, China sent troops to destroy the Zheng family, and bought Champa with money, forming a north-south double-team for the Ruan family. Sooner or later, China will attack. If Ruan wants to survive for a long time, he must find an opportunity to rebound.

  Second, China’s land reform in Guangnan Province, Yue gentry incited peasants to rebel. Afterwards, a large number of Yue gentry defected to the Nguyen family, many with money and population.

  These guys were placed to open up land and wasteland, and some were even appointed by the Ruan family to official positions. They spread the cruelty of China everywhere, saying that as soon as the Chinese army came, they would confiscate all the land of the gentry. The gentry under Ruan's rule were terrified and uneasy, and kept urging Lord Ruan to train troops to resist China.

  Third, money!

  Ruan's territory is small and underpopulated, and the mountains, swamps, and mangroves are unable to develop. The real economic pillar comes from foreign trade.

  To be honest, the Ruan family treated Chinese businessmen very preferentially, and even called them intentional support.

  When Chinese merchant ships arrive in Hue, the entry tax is 3000 min, and the departure tax is 300 min. Fujian ships are taken care of, the entry tax is 2000 min, and the departure tax is 200 min. For ships on Hainan Island, the entry tax is 500 min and the departure tax is 50 min. (The displacement of the Hainan ship is relatively small)

  For European merchant ships, the entry tax is 8,000 yuan, and the departure tax is 800 yuan.

  For Japanese merchant ships, the entry tax is 4000 min, and the departure tax is 400 min.

  This is only the entry and exit tax. Some types of goods will also be charged additional tariffs. Han Chinese merchants also have preferential treatment.

  This has led to the fact that the Chinese merchants have almost formed a semi-monopoly on Ruan's trade.

  China conquered the Zheng regime in the north, drove away the Dutch who monopolized Zheng's trade, and then bought the Champa area with money. In order to attract maritime merchants and prosper the port, various tariffs have been lowered. This tariff discount is valid for ten years.

  The Chinese businessmen who did business in the Ruan family ran to develop their business one after another, and the trade volume of the Ruan family site declined rapidly. Merchants who continue to stay here to do business, also because of higher business costs, keep asking Master Ruan to lower the tariff.

   On the one hand, the army is gearing up to guard against China, and on the other hand, the tariff revenue is falling crazily. The finances of the Nguyen regime are about to collapse.

   Either disarm and wait to die, or fight hard!

   I just heard that the troops from Quang Nam Province were transferred away, and it seemed that they were going to fight Burma. Under the instigation of ministers and gentry, Ruan Fubin finally decided to take the risk of sending troops.

  He didn't dare to fight north, because there were Hengshan and rivers blocking him, and he didn't know how many soldiers were left in Guangnan Province. So he went south to attack Bin Tonglong in Zhancheng, where there were only 500 Datong troops stationed there, as long as they captured here, they could annex Zhancheng. It can not only plunder goods, but also expand the territory, and also accept Bintonglong, a large trading port.

  At the same time, they are not afraid of the Chinese court sending troops to retaliate, because as long as it is delayed until March and April, it will be the rainy and hot seasons in southern Vietnam.

  Ruan Phuc's close relatives led an army of 40,000, and attacked Bin Tonglong by sea and land.

  Counting the civilian husbands, it is said that there are 200,000.

   What's more nonsense is that he took the risk of going to war with China, but he didn't dare to offend Chinese businessmen. Because Chinese maritime merchants are the God of Wealth of the Nguyen regime, and Nguyen Phuc dared to attack merchants, those with vested interests were about to rebel.

  When Yang Zhan fought in Bagan City, the Ruan army had already surrounded Bin Tonglong.

  The original city wall of Bin Tonglong was short and small. After the five hundred troops came, they built another castle directly outside the city.

  Although the castle is small, it has five walls, and the five corners are bastions. Outside the bastion, dig a deep trench and divert water to make a moat. Between the moat and the castle, there is a sloping earth **** filled with wooden stakes with iron points.

  Ruan Fubin has already found out clearly that there are only 500 defenders here, and he is confident that an army of 40,000 can easily break through.

   It took about 14 days, and more than 3,000 civilians were killed or injured. The Ruan army successfully filled the moat, because the moat here was not wide.

   Immediately, Ruan Phuc sent people to persuade him to surrender.

  Bin Tonglong's guard is called Fu Yigong, and he was originally only the head of a hundred soldiers. Because he voluntarily applied to be transferred overseas, he was promoted several ranks to command five hundred soldiers, and he also brought his wife, children, and children to settle down.

  The officers under his command are all inspectors or policemen, who were promoted because they were stationed overseas. Ordinary soldiers, who have never been on the battlefield, are recruited from farmers and soldiers.

   Put it in the country, such a force, even the patrol soldiers can't win.

  Faced with the persuasion to surrender, Fu Yigong picked up the firecracker, aimed at the shouters in the city, and shot.


  A shot went awry, and the caller flinched in fright.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

  The nearby soldiers laughed loudly, happy to see their leader deflated.

  Fu Yigong scolded: "What are you laughing at? Let me keep watch, and whoever makes a mistake will punish him to eat shit!"

   Seeing that the persuasion to capitulate did not work, Ruan Fubin immediately ordered to attack the city.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  The Ruan army's siege troops pushed the siege equipment and advanced behind thick skinned wooden boards. Pushing and pushing, siege vehicles and ladders continued to be smashed by artillery, and most of the siege troops collapsed and fled as soon as they approached the moat.

   On the first day of attacking the city, nearly a thousand Ruan troops were killed or injured.

   I feel that rushing too slowly can easily become a living target, and the **** between the castle and the moat is not conducive to the advancement of large siege equipment. Therefore, Ruan Phuc changed his tactics and asked the soldiers to carry simple ladders to attack the city. Anyway, the walls of the castle were not high.

  The Ruan Army only had more than 20 artillery pieces, and they continued to bombard the castle.

   But the castle was originally short, and there was a **** outside, so it was difficult for the Ruan army's artillery to hit the city wall.

  Thousands of Ruan troops carried ladders and charged from all directions. This time I finally broke through the moat, but when I was climbing the pentagonal slope, I was caught fire from all over the castle.

   The **** is not steep and relatively short, but it is full of spiked stakes. The Ruan army, whose progress was slowed down, fell one after another, and fled one after another. Someone finally climbed to the top of the **** and found that the other side of the **** is straight, and they can only go down from a few steps. It's okay to jump directly, it's only over one meter high, but it's not easy to come back down.

   "This bastion is really a sharp weapon!" Fu Yigong said with emotion.

  The officers from the inspection and police forces, as well as the ordinary soldiers trained by the peasants and soldiers, have fully demonstrated their confidence at this time. Even when reloading, there is still time to joke around, completely treating the battle as a target training.

  Ruan Fu was about to count the number of people, and his heart sank quickly.

  Only one attack today, the Ruan army killed more than 200 people and injured more than 400 people. Didn't even really rush to the city!

How to do?

  Fan Xing, a civil servant accompanying the army, persuaded: "Your Majesty, this is not the way to go, or you should just withdraw the troops."

  The Zheng family was destroyed, the Li emperor was abolished, and the Ruan family had ascended the throne and proclaimed themselves emperor.

  Ruan Fubin said angrily: "When the teacher comes, he will leave when he dies. How can he face the government and the opposition when he returns?"

   "It's better..." Fan Xing looked at Bintong Longcheng next to him.

  The meaning of this thing is obvious. After defeating the Bintong Dragon, they will plunder for three days before withdrawing. When they go back, they will say that they have defeated the Bintong Dragon. At least they can save some face.

  Ruan Fubin was hesitant, many of them were merchants and their families in Bintong Dragon City. The Han merchants here are more or less related to the merchants in Hue, and they are even a family.

  If Bin Tonglong was plundered for three days and blood flowed like a river, he would definitely offend the Han merchants in Hue.

   It is not terrible to offend the businessman, it is terrible to scare the businessman away. First, the Ruan family's finances will collapse quickly, and second, the Yue gentry who do business with Han merchants will make trouble.

  The foundation of the Nguyen regime came from the Hue gentry.

   Even, Nguyen himself is a Hue gentry!

  The Hue gentry held important civil and military positions in the Nguyen regime. Not only did they control the most fertile land, but they also monopolized domestic trade sources, buying goods from across the country every year and selling them to Han merchants to make a fortune. For those gentry clans, doing business with Han merchants was much more profitable than land income.

  The strategic goal of Nguyen Phuc's dispatch of troops is to take advantage of the hot season and before the rainy season, and quickly take down the castle stationed by 500 Datong troops with lightning speed. Then, annex the entire Champa area, appease and collude with the Han merchants here.

   Bintong Longchengtou.

  Lin Shixian, the magistrate of Zhancheng County, looked outside and asked, "Will the Ruan bandits attack here?

  Shi Yong, the chief missionary of the 500 Datong Army, is also in Bintong Dragon City at the moment, fully commanding the defense troops here. There are only a small number of police officers in the city, and the rest are all civilians, even Portuguese civilians.

   Feces, grease, wood and other materials were collected and controlled by the government when the Ruan army arrived.

   County magistrate Lin Shixian also promised that civilians who participated in the defense of the city, including those who transported supplies, would receive tax relief after the war. Those who make meritorious deeds will be rewarded in addition.

   Even if the Ruan army can capture the city, it will take at least one or two months to complete the moat. And one or two months, enough reinforcements from all over the world have arrived, and they have sent ships to Guangzhou, Palembang, Malacca, and Coconut City (Batavia) for help.

   Palembang, Malacca, and Yecheng definitely have no reinforcements. There are 500 troops in each of the three places. They must guard against local rebellions. At most, one or two hundred people can be drawn from each city. However, the naval ships stationed in these three places have been dispatched to the battlefield in Myanmar, and they will not be able to return for a while after transporting troops and food.

   The first person to react was Sun Chuanting, the chief envoy of Guangnan!

  Sun Chuanting didn't even receive a request for help, but only learned from merchants that Ruan Jun had gone to beat Bin Tonglong. He immediately ordered all states and counties to deploy Han peasants and soldiers, as well as well-behaved Yue peasants, as well as some Guangnan inspection soldiers.

   Along the way, the warehouses were often opened, all of which were opened for military rations. Sun Chuanting personally led 5,000 peasant troops to the border of the Ruan family.

   "Fill the moat!"

  Ruan Phuc was on the verge of riding a tiger, and finally made up his mind to take care of him so much, let's take down Bintong Longcheng. Going into the city and looting a lot, at least part of the military expenses for sending troops can be recovered.

  Black smoke kept rising from the city wall, it was the magistrate making golden juice.

   This thing can be boiled into a solid first, and then boiled with water when it is really needed.

  Looking at the unfilled Bintonglong moat, and at the unbeatable castle, Ruan Phuc had no idea what to do next.

   According to the information sent back by the detailed work, the castle of the Han people is short and small, and there are only 500 soldiers. It stands to reason that it should be taken down in a few days.

   "Your Majesty, it's not good, Guang... Quang Binh is gone!"

  Ruan Phuc was on the verge of being struck by thunder, and said in disbelief, "Why is Quang Binh gone?"

   "I don't know, it seems that the enemy came from the sea." The messenger also asked three questions.

  Ruan Phuc yelled: "The class teacher returns to the court and regains Quang Binh!"

  The junction of Quang Nam Province and Nguyen’s main territory, both occupy checkpoints and the Great Wall (the low wall built by the Vietnamese). On China's side, there are only 800 Datong troops left to guard the pass. It is definitely not enough to send troops, but it is more than enough to defend for a month or two.

  Sun Chuanting led 5,000 miscellaneous troops to the border in a mighty manner, making a battle to attack the Nguyen Army checkpoint.

  The Nguyen Army did not have many garrisons, so they were so frightened that they hurriedly asked for help, and the nearby Quang Binh prefect hurriedly dispatched troops to rescue them.

  Then, Sun Chuanting left the miscellaneous army at the border, took the 800 Datong army guarding the pass, and took the Guangdong Navy's ship to go straight to Guangping Fucheng.

  Navy soldiers also sent hundreds of troops, about 1400 troops, led by Sun Chuanting to attack and seize the city at night.

  The troops here are empty, and Sun Chuanting conquered Guangping overnight.

   This is not counted, Sun Chuanting expelled all the Yue people in the city, leaving only a few Han people and 400 soldiers to guard the city. Then, he collected ships to transport troops and food, and led a thousand soldiers to attack the Ruan Army's border pass, planning to join forces with the miscellaneous troops in the north to attack the Ruan Army stationed at the border from north to south.

   Just when Ruan Phuc was about to withdraw his troops, Sun Chuanting had already arrived at the pass, and sent someone to shout: "You are surrounded, surrender quickly!"

  Ruan Xun, the prefect of Guangping, is here. He recruited troops to rescue the border, but his own city was taken away. Seeing that Sun Chuanting had brought only a thousand people, the magistrate said to the general guarding the pass: "The Han soldiers are few, and we have many. We can take advantage of the situation and go back to the army to take back Guangping Mansion."

  The general guarding the pass said: "Although we have more than 10,000 soldiers, we can only fight more than 2,000. The rest are the Guangping Army and volunteers brought by the adults..."

   "Ten thousand fight one thousand, can't we still win?" Ruan Xun interrupted directly, and scolded, "The Han soldiers have already circled behind us. If we don't wipe them out quickly, the capital is in danger. Go out of the city and fight immediately!"

  The general guarding the pass hesitated to speak, so he could only bite the bullet and agree.

  Ruan Xun is not only a civil servant, but also a clan. No matter how outrageous his words are, he has to be listened to.

   Moreover, it is not impossible to win. More than 2,000 Ruan's frontier troops are all elite, and there are even 1,000 musketeers. No matter how powerful the Han army is, isn't there only a thousand people? And it didn't even have a cannon.

  This unlucky general of the Ruan Army left 3,000 miscellaneous cards to defend the city, and led more than 2,000 elite soldiers and 6,000 miscellaneous soldiers to go out and form a formation. Without artillery, the border had to be defended, and the Han army in the north might take the opportunity to attack the city.

   Watching nearly ten thousand Nguyen troops line up slowly, Sun Chuanting said: "I haven't fought a war for many years, and I don't know the current tactics. You will command this battle!"


  Sun Dakui's duty was to guard the border, but he was taken away by Sun Chuanting halfway, leaving his deputy to replace him.

   Spare a circle, go around to Ruan Jun's checkpoint.

  Sun Dakui's first order was to retreat: "Retreat for a few miles. When we came, there was a narrower valley, and there were many enemy soldiers. It would be difficult to deploy there!"

  The grain transport fleet retreated immediately, and the Datong soldiers also trotted along the river.

  Ruan Xun saw this and shouted: "The whole army pursues, don't let the Han thieves escape!"

  Ruan Jun was anxious to dissuade: "My lord, absolutely not, don't fall into the enemy's ambush!"

   "Where did the ambush come from? The enemy army is two miles away. Send cavalry to catch up and kill them!" Ruan Xun roared angrily.

  The frontier general of the Ruan Army could only order: "Cavalry pursue the enemy!"

  There are only more than a hundred cavalry here. As for the main force of the cavalry and the elephant soldiers, they were taken to besiege Bin Tonglong.

   "Hollow array!"

  Hearing the sound of horseshoes, Sun Dakui quickly ordered to stop the retreat.

  When the Datong Army finished forming, the Ruan Army cavalry had rushed hundreds of meters away.

   "On the bayonet!"

  The Ruan Army cavalry had never encountered a hollow formation, and felt that they could overwhelm the Datong Army with a single charge.

  These guys shot an arrow halfway, knocking down several Datong soldiers, but more arrows were blocked by armor. The Tatung Army in Guangnan Province abandoned cotton armor and wore chain armor instead. Although the anti-arrow effect was reduced, they could barely hold the horse bow, and even if they shot it, they could not shoot deep. The hats they wore were also inlaid with iron sheets and iron sheets.

   "Hurry up!" Ruan Xun urged.

  The frontier general of the Ruan Army also felt that he was stable. The Han army must have been crushed by the cavalry. He shouted excitedly: "The whole army pursues!"

  Nearly ten thousand Ruan soldiers shouted and charged, and the more than two thousand elites could barely keep intact, while the rest of the miscellaneous soldiers ran in chaos.

   "Bang bang bang bang!"

  The Datong soldiers who faced the cavalry head-on did not fire until they were 15 steps (30 meters) away.

  The cavalry of the Ruan Army turned on their backs, but two-thirds of them rushed over. When the war horse saw the bayonet array, it automatically slowed down and walked around the array. When they walked to the side, the Datong army on the side fired again, bang bang bang, this time they fired completely close to each other.

  More than 100 Ruan Army cavalry, after two volleys, only more than 20 cavalry fled in embarrassment.

   "Change formation, reload, those who didn't shoot stand in the front row!" Sun Dakui ordered.

  The general of the Ruan Army saw the collapse of the cavalry, and was so frightened that he quickly shouted: "Come back, come back and form a team!"

  The flag order was no longer effective, and the messenger rushed out on horseback, shouting along the way to stop the advance.

  Sun Dakui felt that the Ruan army was in a state of chaos, and before the whole army could fill up the ammunition, he drew his sword and shouted: "Blow the charge!"

  Amidst the high-pitched suona sound, 900 Datong soldiers rushed towards the nearly 10,000 Ruan troops.

  Ruan Jun had all charged and chased just now, and the formation had long been messed up. In particular, the miscellaneous soldiers brought by the prefect of Guangping rushed so hard that they couldn't find their commander, and the messengers shouted for a long time to no avail.

  When they saw that the Datong Army not only did not collapse, but defeated the cavalry, they even roared and charged back. Suddenly, a large number of Ruan troops turned and fled.

  The elite Ruan army of more than 2,000 had already been restrained, and even almost finished. But when thousands of miscellaneous soldiers fled, they rushed to pieces. When the Datong army came to kill them, these elites also subconsciously fled.

  As for the Quang Binh prefect Ruan Xun, as early as the moment the miscellaneous soldiers fled, he left the troops and rode away on horseback.

   "Don't collapse, don't collapse, we have a large number of people, and we also have firecrackers!" The general Ruan Jun led his personal guards and personally stepped forward to restrain the elite troops that had not completely collapsed.

   But the troops that were about to break up were beyond control, not to mention there were several times as many broken troops around them.

   More and more elite Ruan soldiers fled with the miscellaneous soldiers.

  In this case, the frontier general of the Ruan Army also slipped away, leaving his troops and fleeing to Guancheng.

  Nearly 10,000 Nguyen troops, all of them broke up, scrambling to rush to Guancheng, trampling on each other at the narrow city gate.

   "Bang bang bang bang!"

  The Datong soldiers who were chasing after them fired at the crowd, almost never missing the target, and a large number of soldiers collapsed on the periphery.

  Ruan Jun was frightened out of his wits and squeezed in desperately. Hundreds of thousands were trampled to death.

  The Datong Army was not in a hurry to engage in melee combat, so they loaded ammunition on the outside, and then continued to fire their guns into the crowd.

  The rout soldiers on the periphery couldn't squeeze in, and finally someone wanted to escape to both sides. There are steep hills on both sides, throw away all the weapons, and climb up the mountain without thinking.

  Ruan Xun, the prefect of Guangping, fled quickly. He had already entered the city on horseback. He panicked and shouted: "Quickly close the city gate!"

   "My lord, it can't be closed!"

  Let's put it this way, the soldiers in charge of guarding the gate were all trampled to death by the rout.

  The unlucky side general was blocked in the doorway on horseback at the moment. There were people in all directions, and the horses were so excited that they neighed in panic, and even their hooves were pushed off the ground.

   Most of the rout soldiers outside the gate had gone to climb the mountain, and Sun Chuanting couldn't help shouting: "Rush over!"

  Sun Dakui also said: "Come on!"

  The Datong army took advantage of the trend to rush towards the city gate, but the gate was still trampled on, and the unlucky side general was trampled unconscious with his men and horses.

  After these rout soldiers fled into Guancheng, they were still in shock and continued to run subconsciously. Some officers wanted to gather the rout soldiers, but the effect was bad. After gathering for a long time, only a few hundred soldiers were gathered, and even the miscellaneous soldiers who had stayed in the city before were running around.

  Finally, the Datong Army chased the rout into the city, and each divided into small teams to hunt down.

  Based on their usual training, they automatically form a team with the friendly troops around them. The officers call out their military ranks, and the highest rank is the temporary commander.

   The hundreds of Nguyen troops who finally gathered were scattered everywhere, and were quickly defeated without any suspense.

  Ruan Xun, the prefect of Guangping who had been clamoring all the time, hurriedly straightened his clothes, and knelt down in front of Sun Chuanting: "Foreign minister Ruan Xun, kowtow to the heavenly official, long live His Majesty the Emperor of China!"

  Sun Chuanting glanced at it, and said expressionlessly, "Cut it off."

  (end of this chapter)

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