Pepe Vacabrada flexed his muscles:"Don't worry! In front of my miraculous power, Ichigo Kurosaki is nothing to be afraid of!"

Gremi Tome narrowed his eyes slightly:"That's right, there is no one in this world who can't be killed by imagination. In front of my imagination, he has no way to fight back."

On the throne.

Yuglan Haswood walked respectfully to Arihabach.

He looked serious and leaned over to ask:"Your Majesty, do you want to get rid of this uncertainty now? I think the existence of Ichigo Kurosaki will affect our plan."

Arihabach looked indifferent, like God looking down on amoeba, and said contemptuously:"It doesn't matter, it's just an ant."

On the other side.

Hueco Mundo, Hueco Night Palace

"Hello, I said"

"Could the next opponent of Kurosaki Ichigo be one of us?"

Same as the Invisible Empire.

The 5th Espada, Nnoitra Gilga, opened one eye, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Judging from the reactions of the captains of the Soul Society in the live broadcast room just now, Kurosaki Ichigo seems to have become their partner.

And next.

Aizen will lead their Espada Corps to attack the Soul Society and create the King Key.

If everything goes well, there will naturally be a battle!

"It's hard to say. Ichigo Kurosaki can actually use Hollow Formation. His power looks just like ours."

Hellie Belle looked cautious, and her fingers clenched tightly.

"If left alone, it might become a disaster."

The 80th Blade, Sal Apollo Granz, pushed his glasses and added.

At this time,

Ulquiorra, who had been watching the video silently without saying anything, took two steps forward and stood up.

"Although I don't know where the source of your fear lies"

"However, a rubbish like Kurosaki Ichigo is not enough to pose a threat to Lord Aizen."

"If necessary, I will destroy it."

As soon as Ulquiorra said this, a group of Espadrilles came to his side.

They knew the strength of the 4th Espadrilles.

And because he was extremely loyal,

Ulquiorra was trusted by Aizen more than the other Espadrilles.

However, what surprised everyone was that just a few seconds after Ulquiorra finished speaking, the video started playing.

And the person who appeared in the video was Ulquiorra himself!

In the picture, the night was vast. The world was gray and white.

Under the black dome was a large palace with an outrageous regional avenue.

It was the headquarters of Hueco Mundo - Kyonyakū!

At this moment, in Kyonyakū, two figures, one orange and one green, were fighting quickly!

The orange one was of course the color of Ichigo Kurosaki's hair.

Opposite him was a man wearing a white robe, half of his head covered with a hollow armor with horns, pale skin, and green pupils.

This was none other than the 4th Espada, Ulquiorra!


Facing the effortless Ulquiorra, Ichigo wiped his face from top to bottom.

A hollow mask with half white and half demon patterns instantly attached to his face. Then

, the black blade cut through the air and slashed fiercely at Ulquiorra.

The opponent was unable to dodge and was blown away more than ten meters!

"This!! ? ?"

The entire Kyonyaku.

All the Arrancar, the Ten Espada, and even Aizen. They couldn't help but be shocked!

Just now Ulquiorra was still saying that if Ichigo Kurosaki posed a threat to the infection, he would come out and kill him!


The video is here!

It's the scene of him fighting Ichigo Kurosaki!

"Hey! Ulquiorra! What's going on? Didn't you say the opponent is trash? How can he still fight against you?"

"That's right! This guy shouldn't be that weak to be able to draw his sword against you!"

A group of the Ten Espadas were all stunned!

You have to know that their Arrancars are the product of obtaining the power of Hollows and Shinigami at the same time.

Their strength is far above that of the Great Hollows, even surpassing the captain!

And the Ten Espadas are the elite among the elites!

The ten strongest people among all the Great Hollows!

Moreover, among the Ten Espadas, there is also a ladder of strength.

Among the Ten Espadas, only the top four are Vastold-level Great Hollows.

For the top four Espadas, beating the last six Espadas is as easy as cutting melons and vegetables!

However, these Arrancars, who represent the highest level of combat power, are actually entangled with Kurosaki Ichigo at this moment!

What happened in the middle?

"That power... the power of Hollow, I have mastered it?"

In Karakura School,

Ichigo Kurosaki stared at the screen in disbelief.

Before, when he was fighting with Byakuya Kuchiki, he had gone berserk once and his body was controlled by the power of Hollow.

The characteristic was the mask!

But now, in the video, he was able to use the mask to fight with ease, which meant that he had mastered that power!

In the Palace of Night

"This is impossible……"

"How could he possibly have the strength to fight against me?"

Seeing Ichigo Kurosaki's attitude, Ulquiorra also began to panic.

His style of doing things is very arrogant.

In other words, he will not kill a piece of trash.

If the opponent is too weak, he won't even make a move! Because it's not worth it!

But now.

In the video, he is indeed fighting with Ichigo Kurosaki.

And the two seem to be evenly matched.

Could it be that Ichigo Kurosaki has grown from a piece of trash to a strong man of the Ten Espada level in such a short time?

In the picture

"Crescent Moon Sky Strike!"

The black spiritual pressure on Tensa Zangetsu suddenly erupted!

Under Ichigo's slash, it turned into a crescent-shaped sword energy, swiftly tearing through the air, and the slash reached Ulquiorra in the blink of an eye.


Ulquiorra raised his sword to block. But his Zanpakuto was cut into a gap!


Seeing this scene, the entire Xuye Palace was in an uproar!

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