Ding! Ding! Ding!

In the sky, iron walls kept falling down, inserting around Hulk, trapping him inside, forming an airtight metal cage.

Angry roars kept ringing out in the cage, and Hulk kept hitting the steel cage, but the cage was as stable as a mountain, and it didn't move at all!


"Hulk didn't break through the cage?"

S.H.I.E.L.D., the board of directors, all the top executives were shocked.

You know, Hulk is now the number one problem in the country. The last time he appeared in New York, he almost demolished Manhattan!

Missiles and tanks are all useless!

The only thing missing is nuclear weapons!

And now, this Hulk who has troubled everyone is actually being restrained by Iron Man?

It's really shocking!


Hulk can't be trapped so easily.

In the video,

Hulk couldn't break the cage after fighting for a long time, so he took another approach and started digging the soil.

It took him less than a minute to break through the ground under his feet and break out of the ground next to the steel cage!

But at this time,

Iron Man had already...���Waiting for a long time

"Veronica, give me a hand."

Stark gave an order.

The equipment box suspended above the city suddenly launched several huge parts.

Those parts quickly flew to Stark's body, and soon, they were assembled into a larger and stronger giant armor!

Anti-Hulk armor!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned.

【Kakashi: You can wear armor in addition to armor? Can you still play like this?】

【Kabuda: This operation is similar to Kabuda Giant!】

【Shark Chili: That's right! Isn't this our super robot? Was it an idea stolen from us?】

【Captain America: This suit of armor seems to be specially designed to deal with Hulk. The supply box next to it is always hovering. It is estimated that once a part is destroyed, it can be replenished immediately.】

【Black Widow: She is so strong that she can fight against Hulk!】

【Sakata Gintoki: That's right! This Hulk is even more capable of destroying a house than a husky! 】

In the video,

Stark, wearing the anti-Hulk armor, seemed to be assisted by God!

He immediately started to fight with Hulk!


The two fists collided, and a shock wave was visible to the naked eye!

All the surrounding vehicles and pedestrians were overturned.

The windows of the shops on the street were also shattered.


"Can actually fight with Hulk!"

Everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D. stood up in shock!

Even the Hydra spies all opened their eyes wide, shocked!

But this is not over yet!

Stark held Hulk with his right hand, and the armor unfolded, locking him to the ground.

His left hand switched to attack mode, and began to beat Hulk's big green face continuously!

Da da da da da da da da!

The anti-Hulk armor was like eating Xuanmai, and it couldn't stop at all!

Hulk was beaten so hard that he couldn't fight back for a while!

Then, the two started fighting again!

From the street to the building, from the building to the elevator.

In the end, they even hit a construction site.

Tony Stark bought the entire building in an instant, and beat Hulk from the top floor of more than 40 floors to the underground parking lot!

The violent Hulk finally showed a trace of fatigue!

He seemed to be dying and fainted!

Seeing this.

How could the senior executives of the board of directors sit still?

"Chief Fury!"

"You get Tony Stark here for me right now."

"Let him develop that anti-Hulk armor immediately!"

The people in the council are not fools.

It is only a hypothesis that Tony Stark is a threat.

But the threat of the Hulk is real!

The entire S.H.I.E.L.D., and even the entire Beacon Country, have no way to deal with this monster.

But Iron Man can!

If not now, when?

Nick Fury smiled contemptuously:"Didn't you just say that Stark is a threat?"

"He is indeed a threat, but in the face of greater threats, we need his weapons!"

"Being able to subdue Hulk, he has extremely high strategic value. I don't need to explain this, right?"

Nick Fury snorted coldly.

These old foxes are really pathetic and ridiculous.

In the picture, as Hulk was knocked unconscious by Iron Man, the video ended.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room was still discussing it.

Everyone was talking about Iron Man's armor.

But there was only one group of people.

Temple No. 2.

Ebony Maw looked serious.

"Your Majesty, Tony Stark's technology has exceeded my expectations."

"I think it is necessary to take a step ahead and eliminate this uncertainty.……"

Thanos' expression was not as calm as before.

To be honest.

Although he thought that Iron Man's armor was useless before, and might not even be able to withstand one of his swords.

But now.

He has changed his mind. He can create more than 30 iron armors with different shapes and abilities, and even has a way to subdue the monster Hulk, whose combat power is comparable to that of the gods.

This Tony Stark is probably really a genius!

However... concerns are concerns.

At the moment, Thanos dare not attack the earth directly.

Because the earth is guarded by the Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One, Thanos is no match.

What's more, the jurisdiction of the earth belongs to Odin, the god king of Asgard. If Odin is offended now, there will be more trouble.

After a little thought, Thanos came to a conclusion.

"No problem"

"He is just a human being. No matter how powerful he is, he can never compete with me."

"Tony Stark is only human after all."

"No matter how powerful his armor is, it is limited to Earth level."

"There is nothing to be afraid of."

Thanos's disregard stems from his strength.

Although the other five black generals are also worried, such as Ebony Maw, but since the master has said so, what reason do they, as slaves, have to resist?

However, at this moment, just after Thanos put forward his opinion, the live broadcast room.

The picture started playing again!

At this time, the streets of New York were bustling with people and noisy!

The sound of horns, cries for help, and shouts resounded throughout the streets!

Countless people fled in all directions, as if some kind of disaster had happened here!

As the camera zoomed out, everyone saw.

An extremely huge metal ring spaceship was floating above the city!


The moment they saw this ship, Ebony Maw and the other five Black Orders stood up immediately!

Thanos was also extremely shocked!

Because this donut-like spaceship was his sub-ship of the Temple II!

In other words.

This was Thanos's force!

He attacked the earth himself!

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