
Echizen's amazing performance once again refreshed everyone's three views!

Seigaku Tennis Team.

Sakurano, who was standing by the tennis court, blushed completely at this moment.

She still can't forget Ryoma's attitude towards her that day.

Tomoka on the side said dissatisfiedly:"Why is Ryoma like this, can't he be nicer to people."

Sakurano:"There's no way, Ryoma's personality has always been like this." Horio

:"That's right! Ryoma, this guy, doesn't know how to be gentle with women!"

And in the court, Ryoma Echizen was also being surrounded by his seniors and being preached.

Kikumaru Eiji:"Little guy, there is a big problem with your personality! You must improve it!"

Momoshiro Takeshi:"Yes, you are so shameless to treat Sakurano like this."

Fuji Shusuke:"Echizen, you can't treat girls like this."


In the video,

Sakurano also felt confused and uneasy.

She didn't expect that the cool boy in front of her would blame her so bluntly.

She said anxiously:"Well, then I'll buy you a drink as an apology?"

Then, the scene changed.

The two were already sitting side by side on the grass.

When Echizen Ryoma was about to open the drink, suddenly


An empty beverage bottle flew past Ryoma's face and fell heavily on the concrete floor.

Sakura was shocked and turned around quickly.

The people who hit the can were the high school students on the subway before!

Sasabe also noticed Echizen at this time, and he walked over arrogantly.

"Eh? Isn't this the little ghost from before?"

"How would it appear here?"

"Could it be that he had been defeated and went home in disgrace?"


Several high school students laughed mockingly.

Hearing Sasabe's arrogant remarks, those who knew Echizen Ryoma immediately became excited.

【Fuji Shusuke: Hmm, it's fate. But these people are a little too arrogant. Echizen will definitely not be able to stand it.】

【Kikumaru Eiji: Haha! Echizen hasn't even started showing off yet, but the high school student on the other side is already showing off!】

【Momoshiro Takeshi: Echizen will definitely teach them a lesson, I know his character too well!】

【Inui Sadaharu: According to the data analysis, the probability that Echizen will teach a few people a lesson is 100%.

At this moment, in the high school,

Sasabe and others also felt a little regretful.

"Hey! If I hadn't been so pretentious at the beginning, then there wouldn't have been any of this later!"

"That's right! Why do you want to provoke this cheating brat?"

"Forget the past!"


In the video,

Sasabe walked up to Echizen Ryoma with an arrogant look on his face.

Then, he lifted the brim of Ryoma's hat with his racket and said arrogantly:

"Hehe, I’m the candidate for the championship in the 16-year-old group!"

"Hailed as the player with the greatest chance of winning!"

"Little brat, you actually said I was noisy?"

"Do you dare to say it again now?"

However, facing such an arrogant high school student, Echizen Ryoma did not say a word, but stared at him with his eyes.

This fearless momentum immediately made Sasabe panic.

Even his racket involuntarily retracted a little.

In response, Sasabe immediately shouted in anger

"What are you staring at, you little brat!"

"You want to talk to me about tennis?"

"You damned brat! It's a hundred years too early!"

After saying that, he swung his racket and smashed it hard into Echizen Ryoma's face!


Seeing this, Sakurano screamed immediately and then covered her eyes.

Many people in the live broadcast room immediately became more cautious and a little nervous.

However, the next second, everyone only saw that one centimeter in front of Sasab's racket,

Echizen Ryoma did not move at all, sitting there with a calm face!

Obviously, he didn't care about the other party's action at all.

Moreover, he was still looking at the other party with the eyes that looked at garbage.

The whole expression was full of disdain.

Seeing this scene, the audience was stunned.

【Atobe Keigo: This kid is really brave! Isn't he afraid that he will be destroyed by this attack?】

【Kikumaru Eiji: You little brat is so arrogant! How dare you stare at me!】

【Fuji Shusuke: Uh... I didn't expect that Etsuzen would not react at all to such a violent provocation, and even showed a look of disdain.】

【Genichirō Sanada: From the perspective of a tennis player, this kid named Echizen Ryoma has a decent mental quality.】

【Echizen Nanjiro: My son wasn't brought up to be scared!】

【Nami: Oh, I think Echizen totally looks down on the other person!】

【Shimura Shinpachi: Uh... I think he's even more arrogant than the guy with the tennis racket on the other side.……】

【Momoshiro Takeshi: Haha! This is Echizen! He is not afraid of anyone, even if the person in front of him is a high school student.】

【Horio: See, Echizen is starting to show off!】


Seeing that Echizen only gave a look, he put on a show of force, and everyone immediately started talking about it. In the video, Sasabe also sighed in dissatisfaction when he saw that he could not intimidate the other party.

His companion said

"Let's go, it's really boring."

However, just as the three of them turned to leave, Echizen Ryoma said lazily

"Hey, did you remember the grip I told you before?"

Hearing this provocation,

Sasabe immediately turned around.

"What did you say?"

Echizen said sarcastically with a calm face.

"If you can't remember, I'll teach you from the beginning!"

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