IDLE Database

Chapter 114 - Throwing The Bait

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[The minimap has been updated]


Aldrin remarked after seeing the foggy map provided by the mysterious program cleared up before his eyes

Starting from the bottom where the Plainsteed Base Camp was located, the brightened area extended in all directions, clearing away the fog and revealing the terrain surrounding the camp.

That process took only a few seconds. However, after seeing what it amounted to, Aldrin's face crumpled into an unsatisfied frown.

"From how much the soldiers and Energy Refiner regulars here brag about their years of exploration, I was expecting at least half of the Dimension to be mapped. That's not even twenty percent of this Dimension…"

On the minimap at the top right of his Metadome's holographic interface, unless he zoomed in, Aldrin could only see a small circle or square which was the surface area of the Plainsteed Base Camp.

Then to the five different directions, about twenty to thirty kilometers away from the Base Camp, stood smaller Relief Bases. They're highlighted thanks to the IDLE Database also copying the landmarks and notes on the map provided to them. Apparently, it's the latest issue, even marking what kind of Dimensional Creatures to expect on certain places as well as categorizing them based on how dangerous an area is.

Relief Bases are just like its name. It's more of a rest area where Energy Refiners who ventured off to the explored and unexplored areas alike take a breather and rest. It's built like a fortress. However, its construction was perpetually underway or rather, perpetually under repair. That's because of how many times in a year it was being sieged by Rift Monsters or Dimensional Creatures. From what he heard, even if they regularly cleared the area, there would always be a refill of Dimensional Creatures in a matter of one week.

It's considered a mystery where they're coming from. Some theorized that the Dimension itself were creating them while some just think that they're from the unexplored regions.

Some Energy Refiners tried camping near their spawn point to verify it but as if it's fated to be that way, they still couldn't figure out whether they're appearing out of nowhere or there's a place where they're coming from.

Either way, with that kind of setting, most Energy Refiners that were afraid of venturing further mostly stayed in Relief Bases. And instead of fighting the Dimensional Creatures using their Metadomes, they're going on foot. That way they could get an intact corpse that would fetch a higher price than the ones chopped and blasted by Metadome cannons or stronger attacks.

Apart from the five Relief Bases, there were other smaller dots. Those were unofficial camps. Some were built by previous trainees while some were built by different groups of Energy Refiners setting camp in that place to hunt specific Dimensional Creatures.

That explained why the exploration of the Dimension stagnated a lot. As time passed, fewer Energy Refiners would set out to unexplored areas. The danger most definitely far outweighs the rewards. They'd rather risk it on explored places than go in blindly in the off chance that they could earn more. Only those adventurous ones would set off to unexplored areas, contributing their progress, if there were any.

"Well, this is better than none. I can now summon my Dimensional Clones."

It has been thirty minutes since that duel. Aldrin and the trainees from the three cities reclaimed their Metadomes and once again separated from one another.

They were given the location where they're going to build their Base Camp. To prevent the same conflict from happening, or it's just what's truly planned, Lonewind City would leave from the Western Gate, Paleheart City would leave from the Eastern Gate and lastly, Inkdragon City would leave from the Northern Gate.

At the moment, along with the more than 50 trainees of the Lonewind Training Camp left the confines of the Plainsteed Base Camp. Each one of them carrying construction materials that they're going to use to build their own Base Camp a few kilometers away.

Most of the Instructors and guest Energy Refiners already went ahead to scout the place, clearing obstacles and Dimensional Creatures that might block their way. That's the only time the stronger Instructors and guest Energy Refiners were going to help them since all of the trainees were carrying heavy loads. 

Those who remained with the trainees were like escorts who would protect them from any unforeseen danger.

Aldrin was elected as the leader for Base Building. He tried declining but after what they witnessed, even though it's a different skill than 'leadership', they insisted for him to take that. Helpless, he accepted but the first order he sent down was to appoint five assistants, lightening the load off his shoulders.

A while later, the IDLE Database that was now integrated to the Metadome's operating system brought up a small frame which showed him that his Dimensional Clones arrived at the location he selected. Naturally, they're made from his hair. Fortunately, as he progressed as an Energy Refiner, the number of hair strands needed gradually lessened, sparing him from his fear of turning bald.

Following that, Aldrin activated the Tier 2 of the multipliers while holding off on also applying it to himself.

Compared to when Aldrin's physical body and the Dimensional Clones were in different dimensions, he could now feel the connection he had with them. However, sharing the senses or sending his consciousness in one of them became impossible.

After commanding the Dimensional Clones to hunt for IDLE Points first while slowly moving to a designated spot, he turned his focus back to what's in front of him.

They're still traveling at a relative pace. To his left and right, There's Janet and… the target of his challenge, the middle-aged man Carlos.

With their communication channel opened, Aldrin joined the somewhat excited discussion of his group.

"Even though we'll probably still compete with each other for contribution points, I hope you all protect yourselves. When the same disaster strikes our city, it will be our turn to protect those who have no means to fight. Honestly, I awakened that day and even though I became an Energy Refiner, I was hopeless against the tide of Rift Monsters. Even more so, when I found out that it's not your normal instance-type Dimensional Rift." Aldrin solemnly said. Mentioning about the disaster and his experience with it was naturally intentional.

He dropped three hints for Carlos.

His presence in the Southern District Disaster.

The fact that he awakened that very same day.

And lastly, that it's not a normal Rift.

The trainees who were somewhat moved by his words all expressed their agreement with him. Then there were some who got curious with his last sentence.

Aldrin maintained his silence for a while, acting as if he's waiting until their voices died down before answering.

But in truth, he's naturally waiting for the fish he's trying to bait to bite at it.

Because Carlos deemed his target to be not present among the trainees, he was trying to act normally without drawing any suspicion to himself. That way, he could escape without being caught once the camp ended.

And by dropping those hints, Aldrin will also use it as another proof for his claim that the man infiltrated the camp to silence him.

Perhaps Janet and those she asked for support were also listening at the moment.

"Trainee, what do you mean by not your normal instance-type? Did you see anything that day?"

And as he expected, it only took a minute before Carlos who was silent throughout the whole conversation took the bait and asked his confirming questions.

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