IDLE Database

Chapter 16 - Class Reunion (1)

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The Lonewind City is divided into ten districts and for the residents to easily remember it, each district was named based on which direction it was located.

For example, there's the Northwestern District where Aldrin was living at the moment.

His family's home was at the exact opposite of it, the Southeastern District. He was afraid to see the disappointed face of his parents and sister so he chose to live far away from them.

Bert's restaurant was located in the Southern District.

He had already opened branches in other districts. However, since that one was the closest to most of their classmates in high school and it was his main branch that was already renovated to become a three-story restaurant, that's always the place they're using to gather everyone for a reunion.

To go there, Aldrin needed to ride public transportation called the Plasma Train.

It's a high-speed train that can shorten the travel time from district to district. It only has 10 stations and each district has one.

In just 30 minutes after boarding the Plasma Train, Aldrin arrived at the Southern District Station.

As he had expected, the train station would be filled with people. Nonetheless, the security and organization of the City Hall's department managing the Plasma Train Stations were impeccable.

After following the guides towards the exit, Aldrin was once again presented with the familiar scenery of the Southern District.

Without reminiscing about his memories here, Aldrin's feet began moving.

And while doing so, his phone never left his hand. Once in a while, he would check the progress of his two Dimensional Clones that were teaming up to hunt down prey.

Before Aldrin knew it, the two already fitted into the role that he'd given them.

Striker also became the scout who would stalk a group of Worker Ants, a Caterpillar or a patrolling Soldier Ants.

When the two finally determined that it was the time to strike, Tank, who was wielding a Level 2 Shield on its right and Level 1 Club on its left, would draw their aggro.

Apart from choosing the secondary weapon whether to make it a Shield or a Bow, it was also possible to choose what kind of weapon they would wield.

In short, Aldrin's Dimensional Clone could become anyone. And when he observed how they moved, they're slowly evolving and learning. Moreover, the greatest growth the Dimensional Clone showed was after he manually controlled it. It was as if what he did as the controller of the Dimensional Clone was being recorded by the IDLE Database and was then being adapted by his Dimensional Clones.

To check if that idea was true, Aldrin was already preparing himself mentally to dive inside the game again.



When he arrived at Bert's boasted restaurant called Paradise Hall, Aldrin couldn't help but shake his head as he marveled at his friend's accomplishments.

True. The capital for his business came from his well-off family but he strove to make it this big through his own efforts. Compared to Aldrin, there's truly nothing to be envious of about Bert.

The appearance of the restaurant is sophisticated and clearly something Bert put his all effort into making. It has three entrances that are guarded by six women in colorful one-piece dresses. Their necklines are only below their collarbones, giving only a slight view of the three women's cleavages.

Moreover, even if they appeared delicate and beautiful on the outside, the six women were professional fighters or they had undergone training to be one. Moreover, they possess licenses to do security jobs.

As soon as Aldrin approached one of the entrances, one of the lady guards in one-piece dress smiled beautifully at him before she sexily gestured towards the interior of the restaurant, "Sir Aldrin, this way please."

He expected that as this wasn't the first time he went here.

Although he only went to the previous reunions once, he was already like a regular face in this place whenever he would visit Bert.

Perhaps in exchange for not hiring him, that guy ended up putting him on a VIP list. Every time, he would be directly sent to his friend's office for a chat and a free premium meal.

That was a good time. Especially when he was struggling over his failed exams. That guy cheered him up. To have someone as a friend like Bert despite the insecurities he had shown before, Aldrin was truly thankful to him.

Of course, that guy tried introducing Aldrin to his beautiful workers. And that was in hopes that he would be able to find someone who would be able to comfort him better.

However, although he tried following his advice, Aldrin failed to land on one. The best he could get before was to be on speaking terms with them. Moreover, since he's only occasionally visiting Bert, that connection he managed to make would be disconnected. That's why he decided not to try anymore.

"Here is your room, Sir Aldrin. Enjoy your time."

The lady guard brought him to the third floor of the establishment and towards the front of a room that had a designation on top, VIP Room.

The woman then bowed slightly towards him, while making sure to show him a glimpse of the ravine beneath her dress.

It didn't have any meaning. It's just how Bert instructed his staff. That way, he was able to get a line of loyal patrons at every branch he opened.

"Thank you."

After returning the courtesy, Aldrin pushed open the door and was met with the people already waiting inside.

"Oh? If it isn't Aldrin… You finally have the guts to show your face here again." A man in a leather jacket and possessing a quite handsome face as well as a totally confident attitude called out to him.

Upon hearing that, Aldrin turned his head to the speaker. "Oliver. It's a rare chance to see an Energy Refiner. I can't miss it."

Although the tone of the man's voice was somewhat unkind, Aldrin answered normally.

The man was another descendant from a family with an Energy Refiner. He's like Bert but compared to that friend of his, this man was only reliant on his family's wealth and power.

And that's because it was his older brother who was a full-fledged Energy Refiner who awakened years ago. By now, his brother was already a known name among the City Hall Guards.

"Ah. Right. It is impossible for someone like you to meet one. It's your lucky day then. Come and sit with us."

After saying that with a condescending tone, he hollered at him as if his attitude didn't have any problem.

There were two other individuals beside him, one man and one woman. The man was his best friend or best lackey, Jacob and the woman was his long-time girlfriend since their high school days, Emily.

Apart from the three, Bert or any of their other classmates hadn't arrived yet, especially the star of the day, Renissa.

"I guess I have to decline, I have an important matter to look at. Maybe later?" Aldrin politely rejected while lifting his phone as he began moving to the seats near the corner of the room.

The Idle Adventure mode was still the most important for Aldrin. Besides, he came here to see Renissa and Bert, not this somewhat self-important guy.

He didn't have anything against him but he's also not comfortable hanging out with the guy. He thought that it was better for him to use his time wisely.

Fortunately, none of them noticed the small bald spot on top of Aldrin's head, otherwise, that would be another topic to mock him for.

"Playing a mobile game at this age? Grow up, dude." With a slightly annoyed tone because of his rejection, Oliver loudly said that before the two with him laughed as if it was amusing for them.

In any case, instead of continuing to be entangled with useless banter with them, Aldrin focused his entire attention on what's happening on his phone screen while waiting for the others to arrive.

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