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Chapter 55 - Iron Bulls

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As the rumbling sounds of hooves stomping the ground reached Aldrin's ears, he saw how five Metadomes bearing the emblem of the City Hall Guards swiftly broke off from the formation to deal with the incoming horde. The rest of the Metadomes from the other organizations spread out, filling the space left behind by the five.

In less than the time the Iron Bulls needed to traverse 50 meters of distance, they had already erected a wall blocking their charge using the Metadomes' tall black metallic frames.

Recalling some of what he read about these mechanical constructs, Metadomes were unlike Battlesuits that directly amplify an Energy Refiner's overall ability. They were considered armored fighting vehicles like tanks that could be compromised if they received sufficient damage no matter how tough the metal alloy used to manufacture it.

Because Rifts always spewed out numerous Rift Monsters, using something that could dish out heavy firepower was the most efficient.

Most soldiers used basic Metadome model frames and more often than not, offensive and defensive modules were pre-installed to them. If the operator, be it a soldier or an Energy Refiner, wanted an upgrade, they would either have to earn it with accomplishments, getting into the good graces of their superior or spending their own money.

Although the Battalion of Metadomes protecting them was mostly operated by Energy Refiners, they're all basic models. The same as the cheapest kind in the Metadome Section in Idle Shopping as well as what's included in Aldrin's contract signing benefits from the Association.

Nonetheless, he wouldn't dare underestimate their prowess. His eyes remained open as he prepared to carefully watch what's about to happen.

"That coordination… They're veterans." Aldrin sighed in amazement.

This should be the second time he's watching Metadomes in close proximity. However, back then, his view was blocked by the ruined structures of the Southern District.

As the five Metadomes domineeringly stood before the incoming Rift Monsters, the transport vehicles, as well as the rest of Metadome escorts, continued rolling in the same direction, creating some distance away from the expected battlefield.

A few seconds later, the battle began.

Using the attached shoulder-mounted rocket launcher modules as well as the big barreled guns, charged by Dimensional Energy, befitting of the Metadomes' size, the five City Hall Guards-affiliated Metadomes open-fired towards the stampeding and rampaging Rift Monsters as soon as they reached their firing range.


Deafening explosions instantly thundered in Aldrin's ears followed by the bright flashes of light as the leading Iron Bulls' horrified screams echoed in the surroundings.

When the smoke and dust from the Metadomes' attacks cleared up, most of the Iron Bulls directly hit by their attacks died while those in the vicinity tumbled over, injured.

However, with the momentum of the Iron Bulls' charging still existing from those behind the forerunners, the next rows of Iron Bulls continued charging forward, stomping down the injured and dead Iron Bulls before them.

The five Metadomes finished reloading and both the rocket launchers and their guns and sent another barrage of attacks against them.

While that was happening, on the young Energy Refiner's side inside the transport vehicles, upon witnessing that initial contact, the ones beside Aldrin, who were just shouting in a panic earlier, exhaled sighs of admiration.

And the same thing was happening at the other transport vehicles.

They're all young Energy Refiners who didn't have any shred of experience. The kind of reaction was expected from them.

Most, if not all, were leaving the city for the first time so showing them how harsh it would be was a given. And then there would be Janet who would offer harsh words to draw out the courage inside them.

By the time they reached the Fortress, their minds were expected to be geared toward bettering themselves. At least, that was the aim for traveling by land instead of using an aircraft to send them to the Fortress without any mishaps.

"Did they get them?"

"How will it be that easy? There's a lot of them!"

"But at least they should've slowed them down, right?"

After the smoke and dust settled once more, although the rockets didn't do much damage as it was only meant to block the Rift Monsters' sight, stall them and perhaps injure them a bit, the Dimensional Energy-powered big barreled guns punched a hole through most of the bulls hit by it. The same as the first volley.

Because there were Energy Refiners operating those five Metadomes, their refined energy further enhanced the metal constructs. Some of them even channeled their Concepts to strengthen their attacks.

After another sigh of admiration from the young Energy Refiners, their hearts clenched once more as they witnessed how more Iron Bulls continued charging.

It's a stampede. Even if some of those bulls finally noticed that they're charging to their deaths, they would just get pushed from behind if they stopped.

In any case, disorder had started to disrupt the rampaging Rift Monsters.

Some of those bulls tried halting in their steps or switched directions, scared for their fates because at any moment the five Metadomes could fire again.

Unfortunately, those further at the back prevented them from easily breaking off their line. They continued and eventually pushed those at the front, resulting in some of them stumbling forward.

And with disorder, comes great chances.

Following that line, the five City Hall-affiliated Metadomes launched another barrage of the same attacks, further causing chaos among the Iron Bulls.

After that third barrage of attacks, the bulls began to scatter from different directions while some continued charging towards the wall made by the five Metadomes. There were even some who charged towards the transport vehicles' direction.

However, with the Metadomes also capable of close combat, they were hardly a threat.

Although some of the Iron Bulls hit the legs of the Metadomes, most of them could only make a dent and the momentum they created for that charge dispersed into nothingness.

By then, they only had two choices left, be killed or run away.

'That's the power of a Metadome, huh? I only saw it briefly during the disaster. But it's definitely amazing. With just the five of them, they managed to settle a stampede of Rift Monsters in just three barrages of attacks.." Aldrin praised as he alternated his gaze towards the five towering Metadomes and the remaining Iron Bulls that were beginning to turn around, going back to where they came from.

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