Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1186 Action Tonight

It was noon when the plane landed. Jiuke was much more polite than the British, and arranged a hotel and dinner for Li Chengxi.

But forget about the hotel. After the dinner, Li Chengxi asked when would you take me home?

This was easy to deal with, Jiuke immediately arranged a car.

The guy who drove Li Chengxi was very talkative along the way. I don’t know if he was from Tianjin. Li Chengxi felt like he was listening to stand-up comedy all the way.

Because this was an emergency, unlike the previous situation of discussing rewards before working, Jiuke is still sorting out all the information of the whole thing, and the part of rewarding has to be postponed.

Li Chengxi didn’t care about this. He helped purely because he had a good relationship with Qian Sen. Jiuke liked to settle accounts with brothers. This was a good habit, so as to avoid any unclear troubles with the helpers from the public. Li Chengxi also expressed his understanding.

Because Li Chengxi was in a small city that was barely considered a third-tier city, he drove for several hours before getting home, and it was already evening when he got home.

Throwing the specialties bought from the airport on the sofa, Li Chengxi immediately opened his notebook to check the situation first.

Viola is still very worry-free. It's no big deal if I don't pay attention to her for a few days. It's just a march anyway. The army of the Tandron Demon Kingdom surrenders at a speed comparable to that of France, and there will be almost no hard battles.

Yang Yiyi is still traveling on a camel, but she doesn't look very energetic. However, after Li Chengxi chatted with her for a few words, the girl immediately regained her vitality.

It is said that it seems to be approaching the hometown of the Sirius Cult, so we need to pay attention to this matter.

There are also big things happening on Alyssa's side. Fang Lanyin said that the Rotating Water Federation seems to be preparing a large-scale counterattack, and it will be in the next two days.

The cosmic war cannot be missed, and Li Chengxi expressed his understanding.

After confirming the situation, Li Chengxi casually ate a piece of bread and hurried upstairs to catch up on sleep.

After staying up all night in the hospital with Gan Xiaoyan, and riding a military plane back and not being able to sleep at all, Li Chengxi felt that his brain was about to explode.

That’s why he didn’t lie down in the space capsule as usual after he got home. He would have fallen asleep if he had.


For true gods, sleep is unnecessary, and it can even be said that sleep is a burden.

This is because even after a god falls asleep, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not dream, which will reveal some of his deeper thoughts.

And these thoughts will seriously affect the normal operation of the divine domain, and even cause earth-shaking changes, or even give believers unthought-out oracles in their dreams, which are not serious and will have serious consequences.

So under normal circumstances, true gods never sleep. Basically, once a god falls into a sleeping state, there must be something wrong, just like the psychic god Opan.

But Li Chengxi’s situation is different. He is now a divine human body. As long as he wants to keep his mortal body, he must eat, drink, poop, and sleep.

After two consecutive days, he didn’t close his eyes for more than 48 hours. This is of course a considerable burden on the human body. Li Chengxi fell asleep almost the moment his head touched the pillow.

When he woke up again, he felt like his throat was like a desert, and he was so thirsty.

Reluctantly opening his eyes, Li Chengxi picked up the phone on the bedside table and took a look. It was only ten o'clock in the evening.

He arrived home in the evening and had only slept for a few hours.

But when he looked closely, Li Chengxi saw that the date seemed to be wrong, and then he noticed that he had actually slept for a whole day...

His stomach protested seriously, so Li Chengxi had to get up and wash up, and solve his physiological needs by the way.

It would be okay in a big city, but here in Li Chengxi's place, there was no takeout to eat after ten o'clock in the evening, so he had to cook instant noodles to deal with it.

It might take a few days to adjust the time difference. Li Chengxi ate and drank enough, lay down in the space capsule, and see if anything big happened on the day he slept.

Everything else is easy to say, but the main thing is that Yang Yiyi must be kept a close eye on.

Sure enough, when the monitor lit up, Yang Yiyi had already ridden a camel to a large sea buckthorn forest, and it seemed that they all jumped off the camel.

This is definitely not camping. Yang Yiyi and her friends usually find a place to camp before dark. It was past ten o'clock on Li Chengxi's side, and past six o'clock on Yang Yiyi's side, so it was long past the time to camp.

"What's going on? Have you arrived?"

"Brother Li, you're finally here."

These days, Li Chengxi always comes online and says a few words before going offline. Yang Yiyi said she was not used to it.

"I had something to stay up late a few days ago and slept all day."

Li Chengxi said, raising the perspective a little. In the raised perspective, a group of people holding torches appeared on the other side, and they seemed to be approaching on camels.

Talked to Yang Yiyi, who said:

"Palace Master Shen said that they were other teams that entered the Western Regions together, and they should be rushing to join them."

It was not just the team of less than 500 people that Yang Yiyi was in that entered the Western Regions to cause trouble for the Tianlang Sect. There were a total of four teams that took different routes to approach the hometown of the Tianlang Sect, with a total of less than 2,000 people.

This is to gather the best people in the Central Plains martial arts world together, which is equivalent to taking out all the family assets. If something goes wrong, the Central Plains martial arts world will be in a slump for a long time.

Zooming out a little, Shen Qingluo is not found nearby.

"Did Shen Qingluo say when to start the action?"

"He said he would start when everyone is here, so it should be tonight."

It seems that Li Chengxi woke up at the right time.

It took four days to go to Europe and back. Li Chengxi slept for another whole day, just in time for Yang Yiyi and the others to start the action.

The group of people approaching happened to be led by Ning Xianer, but Ning Xianer's expression seemed not very good.

Yang Yiyi leaned over to listen to the conversation between Ning Xianer and Shen Qingluo. It was said that they suffered heavy losses on the way here.

On the one hand, the harassment of the Tianlang Sect was very annoying, and on the other hand, the remaining three of the four kings of the Tianlang Sect were all dispatched.

Yang Yiyi had Li Chengxi to help her, and Shen Qingluo to hold the fort. The guy who called himself the Flying Tiger King did not dare to come after appearing once.

But the other three teams did not have it, and they were beaten hard in the past few days.

Excluding some people who were seriously injured and could not continue to act, and those who stayed to take care of the wounded and had to return to the Central Plains, a total of about a thousand people rushed to the rendezvous point, which was much less than the number of people in the original plan.

It is not a small risk for these people to kill the Sirius Cult, but the arrow is already on the string and has to be shot. It is impossible to retreat now.

As for the chance of winning, there is still some.

The Old Man Mountain where the Sirius Cult is located is not very big. It looks like the top of the mountain is covered with snow, as if it is very high, but in fact it is not very high.

The Western Regions are very wary of the Sirius Cult. In order not to provoke the Western Regions, the Sirius Cult dare not build a fortress on the mountain in its hometown. After all, if you do this, even if you don’t want to rebel, you will be regarded as a rebel.

The Sirius Cult is said to have hundreds of millions of followers, but in fact, if you think about it carefully, it is impossible for all of them to stay in their hometown. The number of people that this mountain can accommodate is very limited.

Take advantage of the night to kill and take the head of the Sirius Cult leader, run away after the fight, and get in and out quickly.

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